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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2025 in all areas

  1. I’m happy to report that today the dev branch has been merged to the main/master branch with our latest version: 3.0.244. This is after about a year on the dev branch. Relative to the previous main/master version (3.0.229) there’s a lot to cover. That’s what I’ll be working on this coming week, writing a new blog post outlining all that’s new and all that’s changed. Like with most ProcessWire versions, it should be an easy upgrade, swapping out the old /wire/ directory for the new one. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more details next week!
    6 points
  2. Congrats @ryan and thank you @matjazp for helping with all the github issues! Great achievement and great start into the new year 🚀🥳
    2 points
  3. Croatian language pack (based on PW master version 3.0.229): https://github.com/MoebiusHr/ProcessWire-Croatian-Language-Pack It is not excluded that there are minor clumsiness in the translation due to the specificity of the language and that some words are deliberately untranslated because the original English technical terms are too rooted in Croatian speech and writing. Long live PW ...
    1 point
  4. Hey @FireWire, you made me curious about Plates now. 😅 I may give it a try! Thank you a lot.
    1 point
  5. Thanks @FireWire for taking the time and providing the hint! This PHP version madness creates me a decent amount of headache. Anyway, meanwhile I was lucky to get some additional help from the original module author @ussliberty - the updated code will be available here soon!
    1 point
  6. Hey @snck, I hope I find time in the next days to look deeper into it. Are you really sure that there is no log-file in any hidden place where those 500 errors could be logged in? I do not have much experience in setting up nginx, but it will have a log-directory somewhere for sure. Maybe the errors are not PHP related and are not logged in ProcessWire's logs. The log in your previous post said "x-original-status: 200". When searching for that, there are posts that lead to something nginx-related: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57759419/x-original-for-header-whats-its-purpose Maybe PHP and your api do the right things, but nginx throws the error at the end?
    1 point
  7. @HerTha PHP 8 made working with string functions a little more strict, but a quick fix is possible. Try using a null coalescing operator to tidy things up. <?php // Checks if a non-null value exists for a variable, if it does then it will be passed to trim(), if it doesn't or it has a null value, will fall back to an empty string. trim($someVar ?? ''); // This should work with preg_replace() as well, or any function that expects a string but may not receive one preg_replace('/someregexstuff/', 'Replacement', $someVar ?? ''); Hope that helps out!
    1 point
  8. Hi @benbyf I just wanted to say hello because it's nice to come across a UK person (I'm in Oxford) working with ProcessWire, which I have started using in the last 2 years. Also nice to make a link with you from the Machine Ethics podcast which I've listened to. I'm also ethics focussed; I only work for orgs that I think increase hope, work for environmental/social justice etc. As part of that I spend a lot of my time being a pain to my clients by trying to encourage ethical web design (e.g. accessibility, avoiding dark patterns, open source (free) software and sustainability, avoiding dependency/funding problematic companies/people/systems, challenging AI use...etc.) I like your "written by human" badges on your site - I'm actually working with someone on that concept: badges/info to declare where content is partially or completely AI generated, or AI-free. It would be great to have a chat some day! But I just wanted to wave across to you. Happy 2025! rich (they/them) web: https://artfulrobot.uk email: hello at artfulrobot.uk social (fediverse): https://fosstodon.org/@artfulrobot
    1 point
  9. @wumbo Can you publish this to the modules directory?
    1 point
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