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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2024 in all areas

  1. This week a need came up in a client project. The client's team wanted to be able to navigate to their tours (pages) in the admin page-list by different criteria (operator, brand, boat, etc.). You can do this in Lister already (filtering by page references), but the client was looking for some predefined navigation paths in the main page list, as they thought this would be a helpful and time saving optimization, as they spend a lot of time in ProcessWire. They don't always know the exact tour at first, so starting from an operator, brand or boat helps them get to where they want to go more quickly. Once implemented, I thought it was actually quite useful for a lot of situations so decided to develop it into a module on my own time, and that's now available for download in the modules directory. I've published a new blog post that describes it more and covers all the details— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/page-list-custom-children-module/
    9 points
  2. All of this week’s dev branch core commits are from today, though some were worked on throughout the week. There's a mix of issue fixes and worthwhile new features. The InputfieldTextTags now can handle a couple more situations than it could before, such as single-Page selection mode and numeric-only tags, when used as an input type for Page fields. Another worthwhile addition is that ProcessWire now compares the PHP time to the database time once per superuser session and alerts you when they differ. It also provides some instruction on how to fix that situation. This prevents you from getting strange page modification times like "3 hours from now" when you just saved, and similar cases, for when the DB time happens to differ from the PHP time. (Thanks to @bernhard for the suggestion). This week's update is a day early because I've got to pick up my daughter from camp tomorrow and it's a couple of states away, so I'll be on the road tomorrow rather than at the computer. I hope you have a great weekend!
    1 point
  3. This is masterful. I can see using this on just about every site. Thanks Ryan!
    1 point
  4. That’s great @ryan. You may call it a “simple” module, but it think it will be an important addition to ProcessWire’s capabilities.
    1 point
  5. I’ve not touched this module in years. I’m not surprised that the GUI is a little wonky. It was never tested on the UIKit admin theme, let alone recent jQuery versions ? That being said, thanks for testing and identifying the issue, looks like an easy fix. As for alternatives, there are of course third party tools (at least for public content), and there’s also Verify Links from Robin: I can’t say for sure how much time and effort I’ll be able to put into this module, so I’d suggest checking Robin’s module out ?
    1 point
  6. thank you for your time and explanation @bernhard! gonna get another solution. all the best
    1 point
  7. Hi @Juergen, thank you for this very fast reply ! I have access to phpmyadmin and already checked it but can't seem to find any remaining "fl_registerpage" after clearing the project from all related files from the backend and by checking around. However, I have tried to restart a fresh project and didn't face any error, I guess that I will simply spare you the trouble and start again from this version !
    1 point
  8. Hello @dotnetic First of all, thanks for the detailled report and your suggestions. I am very busy at the moment, so please be patient, I will check all things that you have reported. Timeout issue: This could be possible solution. As I can rememeber, Ryan has also implemented queries for very large amounts of pages (like findMany) to prevent timeouts, but I have to dig into it a little bit more. Placeholder issue: From the first view it seems that everything is ok, but I will test it on my local installation. A few time ago, I have helped another user by a form using placeholders and it has worked as expected. (Take a look here). So for the moment I have not find a reason why it should not work, but I have to dive in a little bit deeper. File size issue: You can always disable the php ini file-size validator by setting $field->removeRule('phpIniFilesize') This removes the php.ini file-size validation, but this does not solve the wrong conversion of 10M to 100kb. I guess there is only a simple calculations issue responsible for this mistake. I will check out the function which is responsible for the conversion and I guess I can solve this problem very soon.? Only to mention: It is going very busy at the moment, so I have not the time to react within a short time and offer a solution promptly, but I will try to solve all these issues until the end of this week and give you an info here. Best regards and thanks for reporting this issues!! Jürgen
    1 point
  9. @ryanwill the updated jQuery and jQuery UI versions become standard in the next master? In a customer's pentest, only the outdated jQuery Ui library was criticized, but I'd rather not not enable $config->debug = 'dev' on the live site. Especially since this would not help in this case either, as the old Jquery UI version is loaded on the login page despite debug = 'dev'.
    1 point
  10. Hello @Juergen. First of all I want to thank you for releasing this module for free. I can tell from the code, that A LOT of work went into it. I want to make some suggestions for improvement, as I stumbled across some errors or hickups that occured in my setup. I am using FrontendForms 2.2.2 and ProcessWire 3.0.235. Module settings timeout with many pages After the first install of the module and trying to go to the modules settings, the page loaded forever and then timed out. I figured, that the timeout results while trying to get the selectable pages for the data privacy page: https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms/blob/main/FrontendForms.module#L1831-L1840 As I have some tens of thousands of pages it takes too long to process. So I changed the code to use a PageListSelect (treemenu) instead, which I think is much better. // Select the data privacy page $dataPrivacySelect = $this->wire('modules')->get('InputfieldPageListSelect'); $dataPrivacySelect->attr('name', 'input_privacy'); $dataPrivacySelect->label = $this->_('Privacy policy page'); $dataPrivacySelect->description = $this->_('Select the page which contains your privacy policy.'); $dataPrivacySelect->notes = $this->_('The link to this page will be used inside the Privacy class for generating the "Accept the privacy policy" checkbox.'); $dataPrivacySelect->parent_id = 1; // Set this to the ID of the parent page you want to start the tree from What you think of that? Placeholders in email don't work Then I tried to use the placeholder functionality for the emails, but the placeholders don't get replaced. I attached my form to this post, so you can replicate it. Is there anything else I need to setup, to get them replaced? Did I miss some instructions? I took the example from https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms/blob/main/Examples/contactformWithWireMailSMTPModule.php and this is the result: File Upload Size does not work correctly I have a file upload in my form, and want to set a custom max filesize. So I used the rule $fileUpload->setRule('allowedFileSize', 2028); and get the output "Custom Filesize Please do not upload files larger than 2,0 kB" which is correct. Now I want to set this to 10 megabytes which would be 10 * 1024 * 1024. As soon as I try to set this as the rule, it is falling back to an incorrect read upload_max_filesize from the php.ini. The value set in my php.ini is 100M (megabytes) So after setting the rule to $fileUpload->setRule('allowedFileSize', 10 * 1024 * 1024); I get the notice under the file upload field "Please do not upload files larger than 100,0 kB" which is wrong. It should either be the 10MB that I set in my rule, or the 100M that is set in the php.ini file. Thank you in advance for your answer. If you like to discuss personally, we can schedule a call. I would be happy to get to know you. Another thing: I made my own TailwindCSS adapter which was very easy, with the json files for the other frameworks as a base. contact.php
    1 point
  11. The core dev branch version has been bumped up to 3.0.240 this week. As always, see @teppo's excellent ProcessWire Weekly for details on what has been added recently. More can also be found in the commit log. This week adds the ability to hook into ProcessWire's admin live search to add your own custom results. This is useful for modules or for your own hooks placed in /site/templates/admin.php. Previously, only modules implementing the SearchableModule interface could manipulate the admin search engine results. Now there's another even simpler way to do it. We'll focus on examples placed in /site/templates/admin.php, but they could also go in /site/ready.php, /site/init.php or in an autoload module's init() or ready() method. The following is a simple example for when one types "today" into the search engine, it returns search results of pages that were modified today. $wire->addHook('ProcessPageSearchLive::findCustom', function(HookEvent $event) { $data = $event->arguments(0); // array $search = $event->object; // ProcesPageSearchLive $group = 'Pages modified today'; // description of this type of search if($data['q'] === 'today') { $items = $event->wire()->pages->find("modified>=today, include=unpublished"); foreach($items as $item) { $search->addResult($group, $item->title, $item->editUrl); } } }); The point of that example is just to demonstrate something simple. In reality, that example isn't that useful because you can already type "modified>=today" to get the same results in the search engine. So let's look at a potentially more useful example. There have recently been requests for better "id" search support in the search engine. In this next example, we add support for "id=123" searches, where it will match templates, fields or pages having id "123" (or whatever ID you specify). Further, it will also support it if you just type "123" on its own. Here's how we might accomplish that below. We'll limit this particular type of search to the superuser since this hook doesn't have any access control checking. if($user->isSuperuser()) { $wire->addHook('ProcessPageSearchLive::findCustom', function(HookEvent $e) { $search = $e->object; /** @var ProcessPageSearchLive $search */ $data = $e->arguments(0); /** @var array $data Search data */ $type = $data['type']; // what to search $q = $data['q']; // search query text // support search of "id=123" or just "123" // skip search if not an "id" search, or query is not a number if(($type != 'id' && !empty($type)) || !ctype_digit($q)) return; // reduce default search operator "%=" to just "=" (if used) $operator = trim($data['operator'], '%'); // search for id in templates, fields and pages foreach(['templates', 'fields', 'pages' ] as $apiVarName) { $apiVar = $e->wire($apiVarName); // get API var $selector = "id$operator$q"; // selector i.e. id=123 or id<10, etc. // some additional considerations for page ID searches if($apiVarName === 'pages') { // PW already handles "id=123" for pages, so skip that kind if($type === 'id' && $operator === '=') continue; // add more to selector for page searches $selector .= ", include=all, limit=$data[limit], start=$data[start]"; } // find by selector $items = $apiVar->find($selector); // tell ProcessPageSearch which results we found foreach($items as $item) { $title = $item->get('title|label|name'); $url = $item->editUrl(); $search->addResult($apiVarName, $title, $url); } // optionally return false to tell it to stop searching after this hook // which would prevent the default behavior of the search engine // $e->return = false; } }); } As you may (or not) know, the search engine displays help if you type the word "help". Help for the search engine usually consists of example searches and descriptions of what those examples do. If we want to add some help for our example above, we could add this to to the top of our hook above, perhaps right after the $data = $e->arguments(0); line: if(!empty($data['help'])) { return $search->addHelp('ID Search Help', [ 'id=1234' => 'Find templates, fields, pages with id 1234', '1234' => 'Same as above but “id=” is optional', ]); } That's the gist of it. These are fairly basic examples but hopefully communicate enough to show that you can add any kind of results you want into the search engine. Right now it's pretty simple and enables anyone with a ProcessWire site to add custom results into the admin live search. But if you find your needs go beyond this, the SearchableModule interface does support more options too. It's also worth using TracyDebugger to examine the $data array that the hook receives, as there are several other things in there you may find useful as well. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  12. I tested the following and works, but I never used it in production: If you render your form in the template using the Custom Embed method (Option C), you can pass the page information as an array to the same form using the render method (https://processwire.com/api/ref/form-builder/render/) to pre-populated the values (field names and array names must match). When the form is submitted, you update the page related. For this, you need to implement a mechanism to know when the form is in ADD mode or EDIT mode, maybe using urlSegments, or a hidden field in the form, or different template for each action.
    1 point
  13. There's a setting for this in Process Users module (Admin > Modules > Users.) It allows you to choose exactly which fields you want to show in users list.
    1 point
  14. Interim status: About almost 2 weeks in on Manjaro... in a VM (on the main machine but as a daily, beside e-mails, yes performance is not an issue) and on real hardware... outside of home on a Thinkpad X260 (still no performance issues, maybe even better). NOPE. Not for me. Don't like it. Doesn't feel right. It's off. A bit. Don't know if it's Manjaro, as I had troubles with it in the past, or the fact that I had to download about 2GB of updates since installing it already or the keyring issue I had (probably from AUR package - didn't look deeper into it). Nothing I have seen or had issues with on Ubuntu 23.10 since installing. There was a reason I moved to Debian Stable quite a whille ago just to have less updates just because my internet speed here was about 0.5 Mbit in total (DON'T LAUGH! I live in Germany. That's fast internet on the countryside here ?). It's faster now, still... downloading such big updates feels weird to me. Especially in that time period and there was no major Manjaro release since then. I will try it for another two weeks just to ... either feel more at home and give Manjaro a bigger chance to convince me. remove my bias towards Manjaro don't give up too fast (again on a distro) But to be honest, even though everything works, I don't feel at home. Even less at home than on Fedora, which feels like walking on raw eggs for some kind. I have my i3 and Gnome, my keyboard shortcuts from sxhkd, my overall settings from my dotfiles, but still... Did you guys ever felt NOT AT HOME on a distro and if so WHY?
    0 points
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