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herr rilke

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    Münster | Germany

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  1. thank you for your time and explanation @bernhard! gonna get another solution. all the best
  2. i was looking for them by myself, couldn't figure out, where to look for them. currently my base was your example RPB website.
  3. hi @bernhard, i have a new website online using rockpagebuilder 5.5.3 while in edit-mode as administrator everything works nicely. but activation template caching PLUS visiting the page while not logged in i get a server-error 500. in PW exception log it reads variable @global-secondary-background is undefined in file /site/templates/RockPageBuilder/blocks/CallToAction/CallToAction.less in CallToAction.less on line 23, column 14 21| .uk-background-primary { 22| h3 { 23| color: @global-secondary-background !important; 24| } 25| .text { 26| color: white; In /site/modules/Less/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Variable.php line 50 any ideas what went wrong?
  4. thank you! i found some entries in the PW exception log @wbmnfktr, not in apache's error.log! variable @global-secondary-background is undefined in file /site/templates/RockPageBuilder/blocks/CallToAction/CallToAction.less in CallToAction.less on line 23, column 14 21| .uk-background-primary { 22| h3 { 23| color: @global-secondary-background !important; 24| } 25| .text { 26| color: white; In /site/modules/Less/wikimedia/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Variable.php line 50 i am going to fix this. lessons learned: PW exception log was the right place to look for
  5. mod_rewrite is in place but no entries in the log.file
  6. hi there, as soon as i setup caching for a template in PW backend i get error 500 in the frontend. im using ProcessWire 3.0.239 on PHP 8.2 is there anything i need to do before using caching?
  7. [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] [Solved] thank you ?
  8. sound's weired - that came to my mind, too - but i'm not allowed to do so. <feeling completely foolish />
  9. perfect! thank you! btw: where's the [mark as solved] button ??
  10. hi @bernhard as far as i see 5.5.3 is still not evailable. so maybe you just forgot to upload ("after a few minutes") - just a friendly reminder ?
  11. perfect, @bernhard ! thanks a lot, frontend output works fine, just tested it. but now i get while frontend editing: 6× PHP Warning: Undefined variable $k in ...\veraenderung\site\modules\RockFields\RockFields.module.php:342 plus two bullets @ radio fields in the block:
  12. thank you @Stefanowitsch - i pasted that styles in my _main.php but unfortunatly makes no differences. i'm using in the above example the CTA block from @bernhard example block. makes no difference if i call that from the page edit in backend or frontend editing in RPB.
  13. @bernhard ah ok, i see what you mean input is perfect output is not working ?
  14. wow, that is very beautiful! works like a charm - thank you!
  15. hi there, block setting is a fantatstic feature! i'd like to use it to assign severeal additional classes and therefore use several checkboxes in a row. output should be something like: margins: [ ] top [ ] bottom [ ] left a.s.o i tried something like this ( but that doesn't work): $settings->add([ 'name' => 'margin-checkbox', 'label' => 'Marging', 'value' => $field->input('margin-checkbox', 'checkbox', [ '*foo' => 'foo value', 'bar' => 'bar value', 'baz' => 'baz value', ]), ]); is there a way to do that?
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