Hi everyone, I would like to showcase a small micro site of own studio - 7studio.eu
Personally I don't like to design anything for myself (as most projects lands in the trash or on the shelf), but I needed something new and simple quite fast before building a fully fledged portfolio, so I thought to built a small "starting point".
This is more like a work in progress, than a finished site, it contains only basic info, screenshots of some of the latest works and that's it - as for now ?
Technically, on the front end we have a simple custom HTML5/CSS3/JS code, on the back end site uses only core PW features (there is more features already built in on both backend and frontend but not published yet).
Any comments, suggestions are welcome, hope you will like it and have a great weekend everyone!
P.s. Sorry - there is no english translation yet, PW multilingual features will land in the upcomming weeks ?