@kongondo on multilang installs, when the title field is set to TextLanguage, MM pages that are creted for each image under Admin->Media Manager->Media Manager: image are published in the default language only. Other languages are disabled.
This poses a problem with $pages->find operations, e.g.
$this->wire->pages->findIDs("template=media-manager-image, image_gallery=1, products.id={$this->id}");
this return 0 pages for non-default languages. I had to change the selector to
$this->wire->pages->findIDs("template=media-manager-image, image_gallery=1, products.id={$this->id}, include=all, status!=" . Page::statusUnpublished . ', status<' . Page::statusTrash);
in order to get results.
It might be good to have these pages published in all languages by default.