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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2022 in all areas

  1. This week my kids are out of school on fall break, meaning I've also been off work this week (in part at least), so it's been a quiet week for development. Nevertheless, an issue report has been resolved (thanks to matjazpotocnik), two feature requests have been added (here and here), and a bunch of minor core code improvements have been added. While there's not much more to report this week, more is on the way next week. Have a great weekend!
    6 points
  2. @nicolant, ProcessWire doesn't allow filenames to include dots, perhaps because Images fields use a dot to separate the variation suffix from the basename and Images and Files fields share some of the same code. If using dots in the filename is essential for some reason and you are willing to use an experimental module you could try this: https://github.com/Toutouwai/FieldtypeFileUnrenamed
    2 points
  3. I have a Page Reference field (ASM Select) and I am utilizing the "Custom Format" for the "Label field". However even the custom format itself is a bit limiting for a particular use case I have. Is it possible to hook into it and modify the output cleanly with PHP? I can't seem to find a proper hook. Somewhat related... it's possible to do this for the Tree page labels via ProcessPageListRender::getPageLabel.
    1 point
  4. @kongondo you're on a roll! Was this coincidental timing!? Haha. Thanks
    1 point
  5. Be sure you selected your resource name from your input config and be sure you saved your input config
    1 point
  6. Hi @alexm, This is now possible in version 006 released today. You can hook into PadloperProcessOrder::getOrderCustomer. Demo code is here including comments in the code and a README. Give us a shout if you need further help with it.
    1 point
  7. Guys, You should try www.findip.net Unlimited free use. Very easy to use. You can thank me later :)
    1 point
  8. A few new additions to this old module, available as of version 1.8.0 (session.txt import) and 1.9.0 (new API methods): There's an option in ProcessLoginHistoryHooks module config to import login history from session.txt. This can be useful when adding this module to a site with existing history, since ProcessWire (by default) collects data about successful/unsuccessful login attempts to said log file. This option is intentionally hidden under collapsed "advanced" fieldset. It's not super well tested yet, could result in a very slow request in case there's a lot of data to import, and in case disk timezone is different than the one in database duplicate records may be created on first run. $this->modules->get('ProcessLoginHistoryHooks')->getUserLoginHistory($user, $start, $limit, $login_was_successful) returns login history data for provided ProcessWire User object. Default values are 0 for "start", 2 for "limit", and 1 for "login_was_successful", which means that by default this method will return latest successful login and the one before that. Return value is always an array; in case there are no results, an empty array is returned. $user->getLoginHistory($start, $limit, $login_was_successful) does the same as previous command for a specific User object. All arguments are optional. This method returns a single timestamp (when limit is 1, or an integer value is provided for the "start" argument and "limit" argument is omitted), an array of login history, or null in case there are no results. By default timestamps for last two successful logins are returned.
    1 point
  9. Look at this example. Its made with the old version of RestAPI first made by @thomasaull years ago. To get the context, you can navigate to https://kingspark.fr and https://valideur.mykingspark.fr . I am speaking about a system which give the possibility to some of our client use their mobile or a barcode scanner device to give "free of charge parking" of their customer. Its composed with custom hardware, software and devices or mobile apps (you see it on GooglePlay). Image #1: List of Parkings // Image #2: The custom made SAGAS Terminal // Image 3: A configured User / Device available for registration and use. On the first picture, you can see a list of "Parkings", and some can have the "Valideur" functionality. We can configure attached devices and some users with specific role to get access for registration. And then, imagine the following. A customer land on the parking, grab a ticket and go to their rendezvous At the end, the guy in the office use his "Barcode Scanner" to "validate" the ticket of the customer; This mean that the customer will not pay anything when landing on the terminal to exit the parking, and when he will present the ticket on the barcode-reader installed on the terminal (the "black hole" you can see on the center in the picture), it will be recognized by another software and thought a call on ProcessWire Rest API backend. I made you two screencasts, the first is the software which once installed and registered, get the quota (number of validation available) from the user assigned to the license-code, and the second is my mobile which get notification sent from ProcessWire (by this module) from a monitoring system to get real-time information on registration. If you have any question, do not hesitate. There a more example, but you should get the whole idea ?
    1 point
  10. Labels are generated inside InputfieldPage::getPageLabel method (\wire\modules\Inputfield\InputfieldPage\InputfieldPage.module), but unfortunately it's not hookable. You can prefix the method with 3 underscores ___ to enable hooking (it works that way) but when you update the core it will be overwritten with unhookable version. Feel free to make a feature request on Github. // /site/ready.php wire()->addHookAfter('InputfieldPage::getPageLabel', function (HookEvent $e) { $field = $e->object; if($field->name !== 'myPageField') return; $page = $e->arguments(0); $e->return = "$page->title @ {$page->parent->title}"; });
    1 point
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