@JerryDi I don't think there's a right answer as to what would be the best structure for your case. It really comes down to your needs, which I don't have enough familiarity with this to give an ideal answer. You'll be able to build your search for championships by club, player, etc., either way, as PW will make that simple. You can have any kind of parent/child relationship for those championships such as…
…and so on. But another route to take (and what I might recommend here) would be to have a /championships/ parent and have all the championships under there, perhaps auto-sorted by year. Each with fields for "year", "club", "players", etc.
And perhaps fields like "club" and "players" on each championship page would be page references to other pages setup in a similar structure:
…and so on. Taking this route (where all championships share a common parent) may not be perfect for any one need, but will likely be a good fit for a diverse range of needs, a solid choice overall. So without knowing the details of your needs that's the route I'd probably take.