I was glad to see there was interest in the new URL hooks added last week, thanks! There were still a few details to work out, so thought I'd take care of those this week before moving on to other updates, and they are now in 3.0.174. Today I've also updated last week's blog post with the additional info, so that it's all in one place. This will likely be converted over to a dedicated documentation page, but for now, here is what's been added:
The post last week introduced you to using named arguments. This week another kind was added, called simple named arguments (click the link for details). The idea is based off an example from another post in these forums by BitPoet.
The handling of trailing slashes vs non-trailing slashes was undefined last week. This week it has been defined and is now enforced by ProcessWire. All of the details are here.
Pagination was another grey area last week, but no longer. Here are all of the details on how you can utilize pagination in URL/path hooks.
In addition, in 3.0.174 URL/path hooks can now have control even after a Page (template file) throws its own 404, whether by wire404() or throw new Wire404Exception(). I found this was necessary because it is possible to enable URL segments for your homepage template. And, depending on your homepage template settings, that means it is possible for the homepage to be the recipient of all URLs that don't match pages. This would leave no opportunity for URL/path hooks to execute. So now ProcessWire gives URL/path hooks another opportunity to run if it matches the URL, even after a 404 is thrown from a Page template file.
Beyond the above, there's been a lot of additional optimization and improvement to the hooks system that handles the path/URL hooks, but nothing further that affects its API... just internal improvements.
ProcessWire 3.0.174 also adds a feature requested by Adrian, which was to add object return value support for the recently added $pages->findRaw() method. The method by default returns arrays for everything, which can be helpful in making clear you are working with raw data, in cases where it matters. (As opposed to formatted or prepared page data). But if you specify objects=1 in your selector to the method, it will instead return StdClass objects where it previously returned arrays. This makes working with the data more consistent with how you might work with Page object data, even if it is still raw data.
Should you be using any findRaw() data for output purposes, you can now also specify entities=1 in your selector to have it automatically entity-encode all string values, or entities=field, replacing "field" with pipe-separated field names you want entity encoded. The following example summarizes all of the recent additions to findRaw, as pretty much everything here was not possible on the first implementation:
$items = $pages->findRaw("parent=/blog/posts, fields=title|url, entities=title, objects=1");
foreach($items as $item) {
echo "<li><a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a></li>";
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!