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I'm gonna release this in couple of days, still isn't finished, polishing up the details. Here is a sneak preview...4 points
I thought it might be something like that. Any particular reason the autoloader couldn't be responsible for this? Anyhow, to return to the original subject - I've mostly built out a module (yay, my first!) that lets you add a colorful badge and/or an icon to a template, which will display on the page list. Here's a screenshot: The repository lives here: https://github.com/mindplay-dk/TemplateBadges Two known issues: I realized too late that ProcessWire uses an older version of jQuery - to test this module, you will need to replace the bundled jQuery with a newer version. I posted the issue here. ProcessTemplate::buildEditForm is not hookable - I haven't posted an issue for this, since Ryan said he will adds hooks as needed. With those two fixes in place, you should be able to test it out. Since this is my first, I would appreciate a code review and feedback from any experienced module developers!3 points
These are really awesome Soma! I also think it's priceless that the Swiss guy here is making watches… in javascript.3 points
Adde pull request for modified ProcessTemplate translation file. Also translated a new file "ThrottleLogin" module, json file attached. wire--modules--sessionloginthrottle-module.json.zip2 points
2 points
Most likely Apache is running as the same user for everybody on the server, probably with a name like "nobody". So it's not going to be able to write to a directory that is only writable to you (755)... it'll only be able to read from it. If the accounts a truly jailed from one another, and one account can't manipulate the files of another (by way of Apache) then 777 should be no problem. Likewise if it's a dedicated or VPS without untrusted accounts on it, then it should be fine. It sounds like that's the only way it'll run right now, so I would set it to that and then check with the web host what they recommend for Apache-writable directory permissions, and do what they suggest. You might also inquire if you can get an suPHP environment, where Apache/PHP would run as your account--in that case, you would only need rwx to yourself (700) or writable to you and rx to others (755).2 points
Provides ability to send an email, ping a URL or save a log entry when a login occurs to ProcessWire. Works with all logins. So if you've made your own login form on the front end of your site, this will still work with it. Download at: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/LoginNotifier After you click the install button in Admin > Modules, you will get a configuration screen that looks like the following (attached).1 point
Hey, I am quite new to Processwire and to this forum ,as you can see. Although I am really starting to become a fan of processwire. But the amount of topics on the forums is somewhat limited. Doesn't matter but I can't really find the answer to my question. I do want to retrieve all the fields (type's and values) from a page, and display them. I do got this: <?php $u = new nubUsers(); if($u->is_manager()){ $id = $input->get('id'); $p = new NubPages(); $r = $p->edit_page($id); $f = $fields->find("page=$r->id");//get all the fields ?> <h1>Edit page <?php echo $r->title; ?></h1> <?php }else{ throw new Wire404Exception; } ?> With edit_page would be: public function edit_page($id){ $p = wire('pages')->get("id=$id"); return $p; } How could I get this done? Sorry if this is already answered, explained somewhere else or anything like that, but if so i couldn't really find it :\ Kind regards, Harmster.1 point
Share your experiments. I thought I'd share something I've done a little while ago experimenting and trying out things you can do with js and SVG. So vector graphics for the web even older browsers can (IE had VML). 1. One is the famous Chromachron watch, I've created an accurate browser version (with a little twist in the center, which is not on the real clock). Done using the amazing javascript SVG library RaphaëlJS. http://soma.urlich.ch/chromachron/ 2. A fun experiment with RaphaëlJS for drawing and toxiclibjs (from java), a great physics library for the physics. You can click to fix the tail of the spring. (better have a fast browser) http://soma.urlich.ch/toxictale/ Have fun.1 point
Yes true I certainly don't need to do that, I'd just assumed the best way to let my editors edit their sites was to give them a link on the site itself. But of course I don't need to (stupid me) I can just give them alone the URL by email. Thanks Soma for pointing out to me Thanks arjen and SiNNuT for the points and info, good to know that as usual PW has great sense and care and so uses these search engine bot rejections in the head. I will get rid of the login link1 point
Wordpress - he's been using Wordpress behind our backs! Shun the unbeliever! I jest, of course.1 point
You do this in between saving in fear of losing your work? There are browser extensions for that, such as https://addons.mozil...-form-recovery/ I'm not sure i would want PW to have this kind of facilities in the core. For example WordPress has auto save and page revisions but i generally dislike how they work. Revisions or page versioning can be useful but imo only on a small percentage of sites.1 point
Harmster, have you already seen the cheatsheet? It's really helpful for figuring out stuff like this. For example $page->fields is in there. Clicking on the items give a small description of what it is. Also, if your doing some 'custom' user stuff it might be worth noting that you can edit the user template just like other templates. You can add your own fields. A user is a page object, see Admin->Access->Users.1 point
I'm not sure I understand the example. What is NubUsers and NubPages? Also something like $fields->find("page=$r->id"); is completely unfamiliar to me. It seems like there are some parts ProcessWire and some parts something else? Here's a simple example that does exactly that: foreach($page->fields as $field) { echo "<p>"; echo "Field: {$field->name}<br />"; echo "Type: {$field->type}<br />"; echo "Value: " . $page->get($field->name); echo "</p>"; }1 point
1 point
Thank you! It returned "", so I knew that it had to be my fault. And the problem was that I tried to get "de" instance of "default". So no language was defined1 point
It's been a while since I have been here. It's nice to be back! Built a couple sites with PW on my server but got distracted with other CMS sites requiring attention for clients... I have a couple questions; I downloaded PW 2.2(latest version) and found certain includes requiring a password so I bypassed to get the bulk of content download on my computer. How do I get the extras? Whom do I chat with about password for extras, or are they even required? Maybe this is dealt with in another area of forum to clarify. Secondly, what is the cost of the form builder Ryan? It look amazingly versatile and a highly valuable addition! By the way, if I remember correctly from last year, you and I share the same birthday Oct.16th! PW has come a long way over the past year. I'm back to stay!!!1 point
This capability will be included in the first version, as I've now got it working. Here's a screenshot of a form configured to cross-post to Salesforce. When a form is submitted, it saves locally, emails to me, and then posts to Salesforce. Like many other services, Salesforce requires some extra variables in the request like "oid" (some sort of customer ID they use). They also use some of their own variable names, which you find when exporting a web-to-lead form there. In the screenshot you'll also see how to do these variable replacements. This same method can easily be used with other services like Campaign Monitor, Mail Chimp, etc. So we'll have this capability right from the beginning.1 point
Don't know what they should be, but just looking at a couple of live sites they are 644 on config.php and 755 on /site/assets/.1 point
was just playing with this module last night (very useful thanks!) - to add the users IP, copy this line into the email body or email subject field IP: {REMOTE_ADDR} you can find a list of all the other PHP server variables which can be used here : http://php.net/manua...bles.server.php1 point