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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2012 in all areas

  1. No need to really learn OOP to make PW modules. What knowledge do you think you lack? As with everything, start simple learn from the big ones. Look at how modules in core or third party are done, look at HelloWorld.module. Basic modules mostly only require 1 file and it's more about what type it should be and how it's done in PW. Learning OOP will help you only understanding the backgrounds. Not saying it's not good, but maybe just start and see where you get stuck, then come here and ask. You might even figure it out on yourself, but count on the community to guide you. I mentioned I always have had problems understanding OOP and read about it for years (java, actionscript, js etc), I'm still bad in wrapping my mind around it and build something from scratch (even still now), but just starting to do something always helped me a lot. And not surprisingly PW lead me to understand even more as before while doing some fairly advanced modules I did not think was possible. The wonderful thing is learning PW will help you elsewhere too. The year using PW I learned more than the previous 5 years!
    3 points
  2. Thanks Martijn! Yes there's many high quality modules as also exists in other frameworks or CMS' and I also think it depends a lot on the system and community. Yeah the simplicity and flexibility in PW is astounding and almost cries out "EXTEND ME!". The fact that it is a framework that is so well designed and using that foundation, the CMS as such is built using it makes it very versatile and logik. But the best part is that it is built modular using different types of modules and mini systems (process, fieldtypes, inputfields, js modules ...) and in the exact same way you can extend it and build modules that work exactly the same! You can take almost any module out from the wire/modules/ and move it to the site/modules/ folder modify it to your needs and install it. To go even further it uses same API as you use (or can use) in templates, the transition is almost seamless. So you can also look at core code and modules as reference and example. I'm not the very advanced php programmer and always got my problems with OOP, but after digging into PW after seeing how modules are done it took me no time to get into it and already built 15 modules in 1 year, AND IT WAS FUN! I'm the guy in love of least resistance and having fun . After using MODX 1-2 years, all I got was a half backed test module that had no purpose but was damn hard to setup, but also didn't attract me as much as PW did. Same goes for other systems that seem like having extra hard layer that's designed for modules, but too complicated to be fun, or like another system inside a system. So even if may not perfect in all regards PW is a great foundation that will show and have impact on other systems. MODX already is announcing a light weight distribution with 3.0, and I'm proud modern systems like PW played a role in it.
    3 points
  3. Not the first time I took a look again at how this could be done the most simple way, since page list tree is done using ajax php/js it's not really possible to hook or change it so it adds a class with the template name to the list item. If Ryan is willing to change two lines of code so a extra css class would be added, it would be easy from there to implement icons for different types of templates. Adding 1 more option here https://github.com/r...ist.module#L398 "template" => $page->template->name, Adding the class to the item here: https://github.com/r...ageList.js#L418 // change it to var $li = $("<div></div>").data('pageId', child.id).addClass('PageListItem ' + child.template); Voila, all items have the template name as class. Now one could create a module that adds a css file and some configuration on per template.
    2 points
  4. Chris - your English is far better than my German and reads well so don't worry about that - I always feel bad when people whose first language isn't English come to forums and apologise for their English when I can't speak much of their language "Wilkommen bei ProcessWire" is about my limit this morning I agree with diogo's points above. I'm sure someone made a module that allows for good blog-like tagging of pages (a specific tag fieldtype that was a bit like Wordpress) but can't seem to find the link - does anyone else know where this is? I have a feeling it might have been one of Nico's modules. As a long-time MODx user ProcessWire is now my main choice (and only choice) of CMS. It's the most flexible CMS I've ever worked with and every other system you use will feel too restrictive in comparison. There's nothing I could do in MODx that I couldn't do in ProcessWire - often it was a LOT easier in ProcessWire too! As an example, see this site: http://www.strategycore.co.uk/ - that all used to be MODx and now it's ProcssWire using a lot less lines of code than I had before. It does require that you learn a little bit of programming, but with a few examples you should get along just fine. I'd recomment the walktrhough tutorial here: followed by other tutorials in this forum: http://processwire.com/talk/forum/13-tutorials/ but often it's simple enough just to start building something and ask questions - we're happy to help. The Skyscrapers demo site is based on an older version so I don't think ryan has that available to download because a few things have changed, but the tutorials above will probably give you a better (gentler) place to start from anyway. Hope that helps
    2 points
  5. Welcome to PW and the forums! You came to the right place to learn PHP 1. This is possible, and not difficult at all. Have a look at this module http://modules.proce...es/ajax-search/ 2. Yes, see here how you can build a tags system http://processwire.c.../page__hl__tags 3. It's possible without any "core hacking", But it will imply some "module hacking" we are here to help though. 4. There are ways to convert csv files into php arrays. From there, everything is possible. You will have to configure your server to pipe the emails to PHP https://www.google.c...iw=1364&bih=679 5. The skyscrapers profile was not updated to the last version of PW. But I'm sure Ryan can send it to you if you want a lot 6. I did a very basic newsletter system that is explained here http://processwire.c..._hl__newsletter. For something more complex, you should try Mailchimp or something similar. This forum is integrated in PW, but i think sharing logins could be tricky.
    2 points
  6. It would be nice to have integrated file manager where we could quickly browse images and other media. For instance, if we have images field in admin, currently we have only option to browse for images from local disk. It would be nice to have another button next to browse button that would call file manager and allow us to select images (or files) located already on the server. I used elFinder file manager found at http://elrte.org/elfinder before and I think it would be nice if we can see that option integrated in the future. This is a different approach from what we currently have in choosing image insertation through TinyMCE...
    1 point
  7. hi everyone:) i stumpled across ProcessWire on my way to learn ModX. It draws my attention because of it's fast backend, and the chance for me to connect it with my big wish to learn php (atm i know just very basic stuff :- ). PW seems to enable me to use some php-funktions with an easier layer on top of it. so, i can be productive at the beginning here are some questions, that i came up with at my exploration of the PW-wonderland in the last days: search: afaik there is the possibility to integrate a search function to the website. is it possible to combine a searchfield with checkbox filters to search and filter pages in a specific branche of the page tree? blogging: it's possible to build a tag-cloud for a blogging sections with PW. this hole filter possiblities-thing is somewhat unclear for me atm comments-module: the comments containing a name and an e-mail field, but i like to extend it with a "twitter" and "your website" field. is this possible without a lot of complicated "core hacking" ? forms: from what i have understand, it's possible to create a front-end form that collects data for the content of a page. are ther possibilities to get form entries per mail with csv-file attached or csv-styled text inside? demo page: maybe i've just overlooked it, but i was not able to find the skyscraper siteprofil on the download page. i realy like to have a look at it, to learn from the api usage there. does someone have experience with forums and newslettersystems, that go well along with PW ?(same userbase/passwords) (i hope my english was understandable, since i normaly don't write a lot in english myself. but i'm able to perfectly read and understand it). greetings, chris EDIT: a questions to the modx users in this his forum: is PW now your primary cms and modx a fallback for some special usecases? - PW made me desinterested to learn modx, but maybe i miss something
    1 point
  8. Please read the following before looking on the big picture ) Here's an idea i got, while experimenting with PW: A lot of cool icon fonts are avaible, on the other hand the page system of pw can be used verry flexible. why not bring these together to improve customized backend usabillity, version a (more complicated to build, i guess): when creating a template you choose the icon of your choice for this kind of content. in the page tree, based on the template that you've choosen for every page, the pages uses an little icon. version b (i guess, maybe simpler): based on the choosen template, the page <a> get's a css class with the name of the template. so you need to attache an custom css in the backend that styles your page list with icons using the :before/:after css-technics, i've seen that each page list item already get's a unique class, but it doesn't look like every page list item gets an class/id based on the used template. i think version b of my idea is nicer, and would bring up more flexibilty so style the page tree, additionaly to the icon solution. however, i did a dirty mockup of version a for better illustration. what do you guys think about the draft? writing something like this myself with php would be a realy big and scary task at the moment, since i'm a young padawan, but maybe some of the jeddai masters like it? <- i did an mistake..on the mockup i mean with "<-*click* a click on the picture symbol, not the pencil >.< EDIT: another "sourcecode mockup" to illustrate what would be cool the get with version b of the draft, so page list items get automatic an template name based icon , styleable with div.basic-page:before { content: "a"; } div.sitemap-template:before { content: "k"; } link with more infos about the css part etc,
    1 point
  9. Looks like a nice idea for a module. I agree that in some sites it can make the tree more readable to some clients. Not the same thing, but there is a module from Soma that you might like http://modules.proce...st-image-label/ The backend doesn't work exactly the same way as the frontend, particularly the processes, but can still use the API functions.This is possible for sure. edit: Soma, sorry for the double answer I still don't understand why sometimes the system doesn't alert that there is a new answer...
    1 point
  10. There's been various mentions or requests already for something like page tree icons. Just to mention, there's also option to define the label rendered in the page tree using custom fields. You'll find this under tab advanced. Using this if you add an image field it will output the image name as label. Using this I did some hacking. After that I also created a module to add Image thumbnails to pages in the tree, http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-list-image-label/, little different from the template icon, but it's in the similar direction. The process module responsible for creating the page tree list is https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageList/ProcessPageList.module Not sure what could or should be the way to implement such a feature, but thinking outputting the template name as class added to the pages could make it simple using css as you mention. The backend and everything in PW is using same API as you use (or can use) in templates, though using $this->pages or wire("pages") syntax instead of $pages, which makes it easy to get things done without the need to learn new things just because you're working on the backend. (although I seem to be repeating myself over and over, it can't be mentioned enough )
    1 point
  11. Since you mentioned oauth in your first post, have you seen this module? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/social-twitter-update/ Looking over the code you can see that it is not even that hard to do nice stuff like this. Not that i am capable yet to do it myself but it does make sense when reading it. You can learn a lot this way, as Soma already mentioned.
    1 point
  12. I never actually used MODx in production, but I don't think I'll ever use it. So far, PW has worked extremely well in 3 or 4 projects, the community has been extremely helpful and nice, and I have yet to see development take a direction I didn't like (and I doubt it ever will).
    1 point
  13. oop easier than no.oop. how abowt real objet likes coffey maker. $m=new coffeymaker(): $m->fillcoffey('frenchyroast'); $m->fillwater('750ml'); $coffey=$m->brew(); $me=new WillyC(); $me->drink($coffey); $t=new toilet(); $me->pee($t); and that.all there,^b^b^b oops $t->flush(); and thatall there is now.youknow oop(ee)
    1 point
  14. Soma, an alternative to libcurl is to just use copy(). At least, that's how ProcessWire does it with images that you add() from remote URLs. It's true that it requires PHP to have allow_url_fopen setting enabled. But then again so does file_get_contents(), which you are already using with a remote URL. copy("http://remote file", "local file"); I'll be happy to help, though I think you've already got as much "advanced stuff experience" as anyone here. I don't want to take over, just want to collaborate and work towards getting it in the core (if you are open to it), but you stay in charge of it. (I already got too much to keep track of). This will be one of the best and most important core additions to date. It literally eliminates the need to add future optional core modules. For instance, there would no longer need to be core-but-uninstalled modules like LanguageSupport, FieldtypeRepeater, etc., since they could be installed just as easily via the Modules Manager. I am wondering how we should integrate this into the existing Modules page in the PW admin? I'm thinking this should probably replace the current Modules list in PW, but there would need to be a clear differentiation between what's installed and what's installable (maybe each as a tab on the modules screen). The "what's installable" screen should probably start out with a category selection, since I'm anticipating the installable modules to get into the hundreds and eventually thousands, so needs to be more scalable than a long linear list. Just initial thinking and ideas. You may have already put a lot more thought on this stuff than I have.
    1 point
  15. Adam, is there anything new on this? Just referenced this thread on the other module page (no URL because it still has to be approved by Ryan) http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-image-tags/
    1 point
  16. Hello, When I see such a great detailed answer and no simple 'thank you'... I just feel like saying 'thanks' to Ryan ;-) Celfred.
    1 point
  17. I actually did. Why? First of all, I prefer working with larger amounts of text or code in my favourite text editor over working in a web frontend any time. Second, using search/replace mechanism would've made it much easier to keep the translation consistent. There are quite a number of phrases in the translateable files which are used two or more times. (Which, by the way, is a bit inefficient.) I ended up not using my favourite editor (which can handle .json files) because the language .json files are minified and apparently use some kind of escaping for special characters (like German umlauts). I didn't want to risk losing work over some weird side effects of using an editor.
    1 point
  18. Looks like a great solution, thanks for posting Diogo. A couple of suggestions I'd have would be: 1. For all your $pages->get("title=$email"), I'd suggest making them as specific as possible since they can be initiated by a user. Specifically, I'd make it "title=$email, template=person, parent=/subscribers/". While not technically necessary, it just puts in another layer of security at very little expense. Who knows, maybe you'll use email addresses for titles somewhere else? 2. You may want to consider changing your $page->delete() to a $pages->trash($page), just to give you the opportunity to review who unsubscribed before emptying.
    1 point
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