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  2. Hi, this is the first time i'm encountering the issue on any site i built with processwire and i'm running out of ideas -- so maybe someone had the same issue, i also added a short recording: The issue is that when using CKE Editors "Image" functionality in a field it creates the HTML but doesnt add the URL of the Image to the src attribute, so i more or less have a broken image tag in the code which my content manager cant see. I already tried removing all modules (like fluency) and reset all settings that could interfere on this "body" field like customstyles and functionality. This also doesnt happen because it interfers with pro fields matrix or something else It's on live and localhost It doesnt throw any error or warning in console Edit: It happens accross Firefox & Chrome I'm out of ideas on how to debug, so any suggestion is highly welcome! screen-recording-2024-05-13-18_06.webm
  3. Yeah, the subresource key is a hash of the file contents so that will break at some point on @latest. Alternatively, I don't want to introduce external resource versioning since it would mean the module has to be updated to keep up with HTMX. Biggest deal for me is that, as an online privacy advocate, I can't recommend something that I wouldn't use myself. Agreed! Great way to add SPA features without fundamentally changing ProcessWire rendering. I'd argue that it's the way that interactive UI should be built to begin with.
  4. I decided to go with one inputfield checkboxes per folder, so that we can use shift-click to toggle all checkboxes of that field at once. If it were multiple nested fields we would have to check/uncheck every single checkbox. Great, thx! ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Yes, please keep them separate for the reasons you mentioned. I will also provide some features/tweaks inspired by AdminOnSteroids. I would love to see the folder structure replicated as grouped collapsibles in the RockTweaks config.
  6. Version 1.3.8 is out and contains improvements and addons according to the discussion in the forum before You will find all relevant information inside the changelog.md. Happy testing Jรผrgen
  7. Will definitely try this module ๐Ÿ˜Š
  8. Hi @netcarver thx for clarifying. I wouldn't call such a collection "bloat". By bloat in AOS I meant that all features are not well organised. They are all put into the same files leading to large files with lots of hooks etc.; If one feature makes troubles it's hard to find all related lines of codes. Or if you want to remove it you risk to break something else. In RockAdminTweaks all tweaks are isolated and well organised, so that's not a problem at all. Also tweaks are only loaded if they are activated so it shouldn't be a problem to have many tweaks in the module performance wise. PS: I changed the place for tweaks from assets to templates, because multilang features don't work in assets!
  9. Please have a look at RockAdminTweaks: Both things you mention have a tweak to solve it. You could also open an issue in the PW issues repository!
  10. Hi @d'Hinnisdaรซl, Just wanted to say (again) how awesomissimo is your module. Itโ€™s a real asset in the scale when trying to convince a client to switch from WP to PW. They often fear to be lost with a new admin interface. But thanks to Dashboard, I can demonstrate how easier it is. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  11. Hi guys, I was wondering if the action buttons for each page in page tree could be : All always visible (always immediately see Hide, Unpublish, Trash... when hovering over page link) Hidden selectively even if the action is possible (like always hide the Lock button) About the Add new button, I noticed something that is a bit weird : Let say I have a P template that may have children based on template C1 and C2. C1 and C2 can only have P as parent. So these conditions are enough to get a link with the "Add new" button, and it works perfectly. Now, letโ€™s imagine I have two roles defined : chief-editor and contributor. Chief-editor can create pages based on C1 and C2 and can see both "Add new" links. Contributor may only create pages based on C2. They should only see "Add new C2" link. But they actually can see both links, and when they try to create a C1 page, they get an error saying "ProcessWire: ProcessPageAdd: Template page-post is not allowed here (/p-page-url/)". Which is absolutely right, as they are not allowed to create C1 pages. But itโ€™s confusing for the user. Did I misconfigure something here? Or is it something that should be fixed?
  12. Hello @bernhard Ok, it actually isn't a module, it's a collection of tweaks. From my point of view, I'd rather just install the exact tweaks I'm going to use in to the assets/RockAdminTweaks/tweaks folder. If every possible tweak is accumulated in the RockAdminTweaks repo, wouldn't all of them will be copied in to the site when the module is installed or updated? In that case, RockAdminTweaks is likely to become somewhat bloated over time, and bloat is something you seemed to be moving away from when I read the original RockAdminTweaks documentation... The repo I started doesn't have to be the only pool. I started it to learn how how to write tweaks, and to experiment with how a pool could be accomplished. If the tweak pool idea survives, I'd actually much rather have a the pool under the baumrock/ namespace. There are probably other ways of dealing with avoiding bloat + provide a library of tweaks as well, but it seems to me that to avoid bloat the tweaks need to live somewhere outside the module, or there needs to be some mechanism (other than manually deleting unwanted tweaks from the server) that allows the install of the exact tweaks required. Yes, having those in separate files would be much better than inlining them in the addStyles() method. That makes sense.
  13. You could do a check for existance of window.htmx and then conditionally include it from CDN. Sth along these lines if (typeof window.htmx === 'undefined') { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = "https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@latest"; script.integrity = "sha384-ujb1lZYygJmzgSwoxRggbCHcjc0rB2XoQrxeTUQyRjrOnlCoYta87iKBWq3EsdM2"; // Not sure if this works reliably with @latest script.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; document.head.appendChild(script); script.onload = function() { console.log("htmx loaded successfully!"); }; script.onerror = function() { console.error("Failed to load htmx!"); }; } else { console.log("htmx is already loaded."); }
  14. Thanks for the module! htmx is awesome and absolutely the right tool for such things.
  15. I think we have all been there - don't worry ๐Ÿ™‚ I tend to put myself under pressure quite often. Only to realize afterwards that it was totally unnecessary. Maybe related to my zodiac sign? It sometimes would be a healthier decision to just take the time I needed and also communicate that.
  16. Yesterday
  17. What is your intention with this module? I think it would make more sense to add the tweaks directly to RockAdminTweaks, no? https://github.com/netcarver/RockAdminTweaksPool/blob/697240eb651dd873585b7f2630a81f2d905192ca/assets/RockAdminTweaks/AdminOnSteroids/BypassTrash.php#L28 --> this is not needed any more, because tweaks are only loaded in the backend, so it will always be template == 'admin' Regarding styles and scripts: I've added a "loadJS()" method on the Tweak base class. This will automatically load the corresponding js file from the tweak. See docs here: https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks/tree/main/docs/assets Personally I'd prefer to have all the JS in dedicated JS files. It's a lot easier to write, a lot easier to read (no escaping, working color highlighting etc) and it's also easier to develop and debug (as you can set breakpoints, for example). I think the same concept makes sense for CSS files as well, what do you think? I'm just not sure from a performance perspective. Does it matter if we load multiple scripts with just a few lines of code? Would it be better to inline them into the HTML? But I don't like this ugly script and style injections via str_replace... So I've just added loadCSS() method as well! Regarding the AdminOnSteroids folder: I think it's nice to mention tpr's module, but I'd like to group tweaks based on what they do or where they add magic. For example I've added a "PageList" folder for tweaks that relate to the pagelist/pagetree and a "Forms" folder that relates to all kinds of forms or inputfields (page edit etc). If you have suggestions for other folders please let me know. The folder "AdminOnSteroids" makes no sense in my opinion.
  18. Great, thanks @bernhard. I have a small number of tweaks (some from AdminOnSteroids) in my public tweak pool already - looks like they will be compatible with this version of your module if the namespace is unchanged.
  19. @Robin S Not yet but at least for now, the files existing there serve as a visual reminder.
  20. Hey guys, please check out the new version of RockAdminTweaks which now even has a forum thread ๐Ÿ˜„ Would be great to get some PRs with tweaks! @netcarver I decided to rewrite the module because I didn't like some aspects of the old one. @Ivan Gretsky I've just added those tweaks to RM because I was lazy and I did not get a single feedback on that RockAdminTweaks at all. But I agree that tweaks have nothing to do with RM, so I'm fine with moving them away from RM into a dedicated module. Do you have time to help with that?
  21. Hey ProcessWire RockStars! ๐ŸŽธ Ever felt like your ProcessWire backend could use a bit more... pizzazz? Or functionality? Well, it's time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the world of RockAdminTweaks! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Creating tweaks is as easy as smashing a power chord on your guitar! If you've got cool features from AOS you'd love to see, why not port them over? We even have a GUI for creating new Tweaks! Let's make the backend rock even harder! Github: https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks Modules Directory: https://processwire.com/modules/rock-admin-tweaks/ Docs: https://www.baumrock.com/processwire/module/rockadmintweaks/
  22. Very old indeed, but still useful... and still working ๐Ÿ˜„ Who said plugins needed to be updated every week ? Oups... wrong forum... ๐Ÿ˜ Iโ€™ll open an issue on Github.
  23. @Robin S I was thinking that since a JS callback is necessary to make it do anything, it was simplest just to keep it all JS, contained to one definition. At least for the case that prompted adding this feature (PageEditChildren module). But for cases like what you are describing, what you say makes a lot of sense. I will add an $inputfield->addHeaderAction([ ... ]); that does the same thing, maybe like these examples? // click action $inputfield->addHeaderAction([ 'icon' => 'hand-stop-o', 'overIcon' => 'hand-peace-o', 'tooltip' => 'Hello world', 'event' => 'myEvent' ]); // toggle action $inputfield->addHeaderAction([ 'onIcon' => 'toggle-on', 'onEvent' => 'MyOnEvent', 'onTooltip' => 'Click to toggle off', 'offIcon' => 'toggle-off', 'offEvent' => 'MyOffEvent', 'offTooltip' => 'Click to toggle on', ]); // link action $inputfield->addHeaderAction([ 'icon' => 'fa-link', 'href' => 'https://processwire.com/api/ref/', 'tooltip' => 'API reference', 'target' => '_blank', // or 'modal' or omit for '_self' ]);
  24. Hello @TomPich I'd be delighted to receive a PR against the module - or just open an issue to discuss your modifications. This is a very old module now, so it probably could do with a fresh update.
  25. I'm currently working on a project and I'm using Form Builder PW to manage form submissions in career form. I'm seeking guidance on how to efficiently browse entries based on specific fields such as job desired, address, or university field. Could someone please advise me on the best approach to achieve this within Form Builder PW?
  26. Hey there, I had the same need (hide page tree for certain roles). Used https://processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-page-tree/ module. Worked like a charm, except that I had the same problem than @DL7, i.e. the bread crumbs provide links to the page tree. The page tree is not displayed, but a page saying "Login" with an "Edit profile" button is shown. That may be a bit confusing for users. So I add a few lines to the module, in order to optionnaly skip the bredcrumbs rendering (a hook, and a checkbox to choose whether you want to display the page tree for restricted users). It works well with AdminThemeUikit (I didnโ€™t test it with the default admin theme). I thought this might be useful to other users. @Wanze, @netcarver if you want to have a look at it, maybe for module update? It would be my first contribution to a PW module... ๐Ÿ˜Š
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