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New ProcessWire admin theme on dev branch


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Just for interest, how would one add a colour scheme, as opposed to modifying one of the existing ones?

I noticed the selector, but did not see how that relates to the css files (not that I looked that closely).

It would be also interesting if that could link to a dedicated main.js for each colour scheme, which just allows a bit of fine tuning.

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Working fine on Win7, Chrome. Just installed with the 'Futura' color scheme. This was actually the first time i bothered with changing the default admin theme, but i like it.

Biggest shocker though is that the installation screens have also been updated; gone are the 'vintage' screens i've looked at so many times :) (but it's a good change)

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Tested and works superb (Win7 FF26) :)

Only one thing is annoying with images-fields: when it is switched to grid-display for easier sorting in larger lists, it always opens the original image after dropping a thumbnail. But I don't want view the originals, I want to arrange the images.

Any chance to avoid opening when in sorting- / grid- mode?

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Horst, thanks for that list of timezones–that's what I needed to get this going. 

Setting the time zone is now in the installer. 

Manfred62: the translation ability of the admin theme is now ready. It now pulls its translations from /wire/templates-admin/default.php (the old admin theme file) so that's the only file that needs to be translated. Meaning, existing translations should work, for the most part. 

The old admin theme has also been updated to better support the new jQuery UI version we've got in place. So those wanting to use the old admin theme with the new ProcessWire can continue doing so (like if you need IE8 support or something). The /wire/templates-admin/ directory and files are going to stick around as a place for shared admin theme assets for the purpose of translations and common includes (like debug.inc) or common JS files (like inputfields.js). 

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@ryan: quickly updated and tested it. Nice to have only one main file for admin translation.

But you have to check the strings for the top navigation and the headings (breadcrumb). Means the strings are available for translation in:


but the gui stays english.


EDIT: another text for translating under Access/Users/Username is following phrase


Roles User will inherit the permissions assigned to each role. You may assign multiple roles to a user. When accessing a page, the user will only inherit permissions from the roles that are also assigned to the page's template.

searching through the files I found this in /wire/core/install.sql (line 194). Also there's another phrase on line 191.

Is it possible, to make them translatable? This will close the last gap in translations.

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I am not sure whether I am posting on the right thread...

On one PW install (2.3.14 - dev), when viewing the modules page, I see the nice tabbed separation of modules, i.e. "Site", "Core", "New" (see screen). On all other sites I don't see "Core". This happens on all four new Admin themes. Am I missing something? Thanks.


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But you have to check the strings for the top navigation and the headings (breadcrumb). Means the strings are available for translation in:


Those are already being run through the __('translation'). But note that the translations only apply if they haven't been overridden by the page titles themselves. If you are using a multi-language 'title' field, that takes precedence because you've essentially told it "I am providing the title translations". This would be a good reason for you to set your 'title' field to inherit the default language value when not populated (a setting that appears with each multi-language field). I mention this because I saw an earlier screenshot from you that had nothing in the top nav except for the wrench. I always wondered what was going on there, but now I think I know why: a multi-language title field that isn't falling back to the default language, combined with untranslated admin pages. To correct this, I would just update your 'title' field to inherit from the default language when no translation is available. 

On one PW install (2.3.14 - dev), when viewing the modules page, I see the nice tabbed separation of modules, i.e. "Site", "Core", "New" (see screen). On all other sites I don't see "Core". This happens on all four new Admin themes. Am I missing something? Thanks.
hmm, I have never seen this 'Core' tab. Checked it with a 2.3.14 and 2.3.15 version.

There should always be tabs for: Site, Core and New. If you guys aren't seeing those, can you check if maybe a Javascript error is occurring? There must be. What file is the error coming from? Of course, try hitting 'refresh' in your browser a couple times, just in case it's a browser cache thing, but I doubt it. 

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If you are using a multi-language 'title' field, that takes precedence because you've essentially told it "I am providing the title translations". This would be a good reason for you to set your 'title' field to inherit the default language value when not populated (a setting that appears with each multi-language field).

hmm, I don't use any multi-language modules/settings? Just wondering, before the change (to 2.3.15) it was ok. It's always the same installation. Remembers me on this status/behaviour? Maybe another translator could check this (e.g. Radek).

EDIT: tested with a new installation. Install language support, then load all translation files into default language. Same result.


I mention this because I saw an earlier screenshot from you that had nothing in the top nav except for the wrench.

this screenshot was from here and happened only on the login screen.

Because the core tab:

tested it with different browser. But no core tab. No js errors found. Screenshot taken in Chrome


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No JS errors here as well. Tested in FF, Chrome and even IE. Cleared cache all round...But...

Remote server: It works fine in remote install! - I see all 3 tabs

Local (XAMPP) server: I see only 2 tabs (site and new). I tested both upgrade and new installs. 

Conclusion: Something is wrong in XAMPP? I am upgrading to the latest version to see..


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The only time I got a strange effect was when messing around with a module and has 2 of the same installed I think when I moved AdminTheme module from core to site modules and tried installing that, there was no "Core" anymore.

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Weird things going on then.

Since the birth of Ryans module manage interface, I mostly forget Modules Manager.  ( Just in a Recent Project I use Modules Manager 'sometimes' )

I almost all the time forget that Modules Manager is installed, so use Ryan's interface a lot. Never seen disappearing of any of the tabs. Working on MacOSX 10.8.5, developing in Chrome

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I'm lost as to what could be the issue with the missing Core tab. How do you guys install core modules if there is no Core tab? Do those modules appear on the Site tab? If not, try viewing the source and search for "Autocomplete". See if the InputfieldAutocomplete (a core module) is showing up anywhere in the source? This should help us to determine if this is a PHP problem or a front/end CSS/JS problem.

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