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New PW User - Updated Skyscrapers Site Profile?


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Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a few months. I discovered ProcessWire when a Google search on the "vim" editor led me to Ryan's personal site. Good thing I wasn't searching for "emacs", I might have never found PW! :lol:

I'm an artist, musician, and baker. Recently I've gotten into web design and computer programming. I work at a large bakery company where I somehow became the in-house data-wrangler. We have a combination of two proprietary database systems and an ungodly array of MS Office documents. I'm hoping to start grabbing whatever I can from the databases--XML, CSV--and put it onto a simple intranet for spec management.

I made a site for my grad school program using SquareSpace. It was a good way to start, but it's whetted my appetite for a system with more control and no mysterious, magically-created markup.

I really like the way PW feels--powerful, modular, extensible, with an elegant simplicity that's rare in the PHP CMS world! Also the documentation is great, as are all the helpful people on the forum!

I saw the "Skyscrapers" site profile available for download a few months ago. Any plans on releasing it again? I'd love to see the template files. I have some ideas for cross-referencing my art/music in a similar manner.

Ryan--your site profile says you were involved in the tracker/demoscene back in the day. Any recordings you can share? Dunno if you're in touch with electronic music these days, ReNoise is a brilliant modern tracker.

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Welcome WinnieB! Thanks for the kind feedback, glad that you are liking ProcessWire.

The skyscrapers profile was originally written for PW 2.0 (the first open source release) and so I worry that techniques on the back-end of it aren't so up-to-date and wouldn't be particularly helpful to people. It does run in the current ProcessWire, but I feel like it's kind of outdated so a little worried it would confuse more than help. I do want to update it to be distribution ready again though--definitely on the to-do list.

I haven't tried Renoise but really like current tracks by Mosaik (aka Radix) and know that he uses that. I did play around with Sunvox a bit this year, and was quite impressed by it. But time is hard to come by these days, so don't think I'll be back into making music for awhile. But I kind of want to get one of those recycled propane Tank Drums just to chill and play once in awhile.

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!

I'm really digging Ryan's tracks, a good mix of beats and spaciousness.

Sunvox looks cool, my wife just got an iPad so I should check it out.

TBH I'm banging away on an 8-1/2 year old HP Pentium 4 PC at the moment. :-X

I'm exploring both the Default and Blog PW site profiles, things are starting to make sense.

Also I just got Robin Nixon's PHP/MySQL/JS/CSS book.

Thanks again!

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Sunvox looks cool, my wife just got an iPad so I should check it out.

I tested it out on the desktop and watched lots of YouTube videos of people using it live. It seems to me like it'd be pretty challenging to use on an iPad (and especially on an iPhone). But clearly people are using it that way.

I've been playing around with Animoog on my brother's iPad and must say that's a lot of fun. I have no idea how to make any sort of music in it, but just experimenting with it is a blast. Love the sounds that come out of this app.

I'm making my way through your tracks and really enjoying Ship to Shore and April Joy. Actually, I'm still on page 1 because I've put those on repeat. :) Very impressed by your diversity of styles too.

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