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Get all roles of a template


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Hi all.

I have pages (templates) that are only accessible to certain users. Now I need to get all users that have view access to specific pages (they will get email when page updates).

I thought of something like this:

$template = wire('templates')->get($p->template);
$roles = $template->getRoles();
$users = wire('pages')->find('template=user, roles=' . $roles);

But it looks like getRoles() doesn't returns the roles for that template. Roles is an empty PageArray. What is wrong or is there another way to get those users?

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The following works for me. You first have to enable 'Do you want to manage view and edit access.....' in the Access tab when editing that template.

//$t = $page->template;//if on this page
$t = $templates->get("skyscraper");
//echo $t->name . '<br>';//confirm we are looking at the right template

$tRoles = $t->getRoles();

foreach ($tRoles as $r) {
echo $r->name . '<br>';

getRoles() seem only to work if 'view pages' permission is enabled on that template for a role.

Edited by kongondo
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