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I posted about this on kongondo's blog module thread, but wanted to note it here too :)

I just tested Nico's new version, tweaked the field and template names to match those used by K's Blog module, imported my WP blog xml and it worked brilliantly.

Great work Nico!

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Thanks Adrian and Nico for these two powerful tools. I can confirm that I was able to import a WP site and was blown away by the results.

This opens up a lot of professional opportunities to offer much quicker redesigns to those clients who come to me frustrated with their Wordpress sites, complaining that they have not fulfilled their expectations and were unable to grow and adapt to their business needs.

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This module saved me a ton of time overall. The site I was using as a test case has one custom post type. After a couple of attempts to import the entire Wordpress export file, I figured out that it is easier to make exports of the regular posts and custom posts individually. I then had to go through the custom post type xml file and find/replace two things. First, I had to change these urls 

<guid isPermaLink="false">http://localhost/clients/yoursitehere/v03/?post_type=events&p=183</guid>

to look like this

<guid isPermaLink="false">http://localhost/clients/yoursitehere/v03/?p=183</guid>

Then I had to change the post type from




I wasn't able to figure out how to pull in my custom meta information, but even with having to do that manually, these modules saved me a ton of time. I'm sure that I probably did this inefficiently, but in the end I was able to Forrest Gump my way through it and get the results I needed.

I appreciate the work that has been put into these modules. Thanks guys!

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Hey, thank you for posting this workaround. Custom post types are currently not supported. (I don't even have test data for custom posts). Comments aren't supported as well at moment. But both will follow in the next time. 

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Yeah, that's totally understandable. Since they're custom post types, it seems like all the variations would be difficult to plan for. I'm glad you guys came up with a way to get most of the information into ProcessWire. I was dreading all the copying/pasting I was going to have to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi there!
i just discovered this great module an wanted to test it with a site of mine.
export worked well (140mb zip  :o), but the import failed with the following error:


Can't save page 0: /: It has an empty 'name' field

it seems like there is an issue with the import/export and the use of the »Languages Support - Page Names« module. using this module, the homepage also has a name field for each language, where the field for the default language is empty by default. this seems to bug the import. if i add a name manually, the import succeeds, but i get another (undeleteable) homepage under the original.
a second error occurs, when i try to import user details:


Can't save page 0: /cms/access/roles/: It has an empty 'name' field

i couldn't find the reason for this.
and last but not least the third error:
When i select the "Edit Imported Content" option, i can choose the fields and pages, i want to import. after submitting may selection i get an error, that zip or json are missing.
otherwise, great module!  :wub:

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tobaco - thanks for the comprehensive report. I have tested the module with standard language support, but never with "Languages Support - Page Names". Sorry, multi language stuff is not something I ever use, so I am a bit ignorant of it I'm afraid. Is it common practice for the field for the default language to be empty by default?

Not sure about the roles issue - creating new users and roles this is a relatively new feature for Migrator - I'll need to see if I can replicate the error you got. Would it be possible to send me the json file from your export so I can see how the role was defined during export?

I'll look into the Edit Imported Content issue - again that is a relatively new feature and I think some more recent changes might have broken that - hopefully should be an easy fix - just a session variable issue.

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Ok, just to follow up. I have fixed the issue with the error when using the "Edit Imported Content" option - stupid oversight on my part when I added a cleanup routine in a recent update. Should be fine now :)

I can't replicate the error around roles so it would be great to have your exported json if possible.

I also tried to look at the language page names issue, but when I tried to leave the default name blank I get an error saying that it can't be blank, but I think I must not be understanding this. Could you please outline the steps to set up a site with multi-language page names with a blank default name so I can test this.

Thanks again for your feedback with this.

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Hi I am getting the error 'Missing required ZIP or JSON Souce' as well, both with a custom page tree import. and the blog profile zip import.

Edit: Sorry, the blog.zip import works ok.

In my exported files.zip there is not a .json file.

This is the structure of the exported files.zip:














I get the error whether Edit Imported Content is checked or not.

I hope that helps. If you need any more info please let me know.

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Thanks for the json file. I will take a look at the language/role issues when I have a little more time - sometime early next week.


Can you please make sure you are running the latest version of Migrator - I think the fix I made yesterday should take care of the issues you are having. Although it is surprising to hear that you don't have a data.json file in your exported files.zip - I have never seen that before. Does it make a difference if you choose a different parent page when exporting?

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Can you please try exporting a page tree that does not include Home as the parent? I think maybe there might be an issue with selecting Home as the parent. It works for me, but just trying to narrow it down. 

Also, are you running multilanguage page names?

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I have run some more tests. Exporting from a live server is ok (the JSON file is created) but exporting from localhost (Xampp) it is not created. Maybe its the php server configuration but I am not sure where to look for this particular problem.  :(

I hope we can get this running on localhost as this is where I make all the site changes prior to uploading to live server.

Edit: I've just chechek XAMPP phpinfo and json support is enabled, json version 1.2.1. This is the same on my live server.

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Can you please clear your browser session data and then run an export on your xamp server and after the file has downloaded, reload the page and open up:

Debug Mode Tools > Session and look for an entry like this:

jsonFilename | /Users/xxxxxx/site/assets/files/1006/data.json

Keep in mind the 1006 will be different.

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I've just terminated (exit;) the module ( line 316) after data.json and files.zip creation and both files are in the /1022/ folder.

Edit: But after zip download the json file is missing in the zip file.

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I've just terminated (exit;) the module ( line 316) after data.json and files.zip creation and both files are in the /1022/ folder.

What do you see in your 1022 folder if you move the exit down to after line 317 and then again after 318?

I am assuming there is something in the create_zip function that isn't working on your local install. Maybe it's the ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE?

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I haven't looked into the language issue fully yet, but had a quick look at the role error you are getting. For some reason your cms user doesn't have a role defined in the json file. From what I can tell, it is not possible to save a user in PW without at least having the guest role assigned, but could you please look at that user and let me know the role setup for it?

Another role issue I noticed has shown up because you are migrating your entire page tree, which includes the default 404 page. The created_user_id for this page is 3 which is not actually a user. I am going to check with Ryan if there is a reason for this. Regardless, I should be able to implement a workaround for this easily.

One nice thing from playing around with your JSON file is that the FieldtypeTextareas field appears to have been imported correctly - I hadn't tested any of the new Profields with Migrator yet, so this is an encouraging start :)

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