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Images Advice


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Hi Guys, 
So I am working on a project and wanted to get the best advice using the api on the next step. 

I have two image fields in one template. 

postimage which holds an image for the article and postimage2 which holds an image for the home page.

Basically I want to make it so that when a user uploads postimage and not postimage2 the home page will just pickup postimage instead. 

If the user does upload postimage2, it should pick up postimage2. 

What I did:

I did add a conditional statement to check if postimage2 was empty to simply default to postimage but I was not seeing any images display. 

Here is my code:


foreach($featured as $featuredp){

 foreach($featuredp->postimage2 as $postimages2) {

        echo"<div class=\"row panel\" style=\"margin:20px auto;\">";
echo"<div class=\"large-4 columns\"><p> <a href='{$featuredp->url}'><img src='{$postimages2->url}' width=\"300\"/></a></p></div>"; 

echo"<div class=\"large-8 columns\">

<p><a href=\"{$featuredp->url}\" class=\"button tiny radius\">Read More</a></p>


            $found = 1;

            if ( ! $found )
            echo"<p>Sorry, no posts.</p>";


Any advice is appreciated?  Also any suggestions or workarounds are also welcome!

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