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Super Pola: Recipes website


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/20/2014 at 2:13 PM, Philipp said:

Cool site. Great photos. Maybe you can report back how much the users interacted with the page?

Also a project using minimize.pw in the wild. Thanks for using it!

Phillipp, the website has around 10,000 sessions per month, 5 pages per visitor and 4 minutes / average session duration.

By the way, minimize.pw is very simple and really helpful. I'm proud of the speed of the website thanks to minimize, proCache and AIOM.

Take a look of the minimize stats:

  • Images sent    500
  • Traffic In          225 MB
  • Traffic Out       53.8 MB
  • Saved              171 MB
  • Compression   76.1%
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@PhotoWebMax: I do not see any "jiggles" viewing with FF / IE / Chrome on Win. Does it looks good / interesting? Then I want to have it too. :P
@Sanyaissues: Really well done site! And also really well done pictures (from the photographers working for superpola). I think you have fun working with / for these people. :)

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I tried this again. On my Mac running Chrome I get just a font color change and lightening of the image on a mouse rollover. On Firefox the individual large thumbnail also changes position slightly. But on Safari several of the large thumbnails move (noticeable jiggle) in unison when you do a mouse rollover on one of the thumbs. So, on this page there are two rows of four images each. The collective jiggle is not consistent either. Mouse over the left images and the entire row will jiggle. Mouse over the second image and the entire row will jiggle except for the left most image. Also, the rate of the jiggle is stronger in Safari than it is in Firefox. No movement in Chrome though.

Just pointing this out as I had never seen thumbnails act this way before. Anyone care to confirm this?

Great looking site though...

Edit: I checked my wife's Macbook. First off when using Safari the site content would not display at all. I got a message saying the Adobe Flash Player needed to be upgraded. I did this and the site looks normal with no image jiggling. I then upgraded the Flash Player on my Mac Pro (older version) and the images are still jiggling when doing a mouse ever while using Safari. ??? Chalk it up to browser weirdness...

Edited by PhotoWebMax
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  • 2 years later...

@Sanyaissues I know its been a while since you posted the page in this topic but it really gave me an idea to try - the ingredients list. Could you share some ideas of the approach? The only way I can see it through is by using the repeater approach for every ingredient in the recipe but it has its downsides...

Btw, I really like what your work as the page is very clean and the picture materials speaks for themselves.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 4/21/2017 at 3:10 AM, MilenKo said:

@Sanyaissues I know its been a while since you posted the page in this topic but it really gave me an idea to try - the ingredients list. Could you share some ideas of the approach? The only way I can see it through is by using the repeater approach for every ingredient in the recipe but it has its downsides...


All the ingredients are pages and they are linked to the recipes with repeaters. Each repeater has an ingredient and a description: Butter / 1 cup  butter. 

Did you try another approach?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Sanyaissues Thank you for your reply.

Sorry for my delayed response as I got distracted and being away from my computer and web development for some short time.

I was thinking of the best approach for my case and decided to do it through a  simple text block where i am filtering the results (every \n is considered one ingredient) and the parts are read through the line in a loop (every word separated with space or other symbol).

So at the moment I have something like this:

250 ml whipped 40% cream (Animal source) 

Where the text is converted to:

a[0] = quantity

a[1] = measurement

a[2] = ingredient (any words content before the opening bracket symbol " ( "

 a[3] = additional instructions (pink tooltip on the image)

Having that approach allowed me to style the recime measures, measurement units, ingredients and instructions separately giving more freedom. And on the other side, to me it is much easier to just copy/paste a recipe from notepad and I did my best to follow the standard for adding recipes with additiona info (using brackets).


Oh, and what would be a recipe without the ingredients/instructions dividers - so for this thing I added a lookup for #...# which is styled separately and is considered as Ingredients/Instructions divider (ex. For the salad, For the sauce etc.)

One last thing - I removed any \n as sometimes people tend to leave a few line breaks and that was considered as a new ingredient/instruction step. Now everything works fine so here is a short demo content of a recipe and the image how that gets converted (image attached)

#For the dough#

250 ml whipped 40% cream (Animal source)
1 pod vanilla (Without the sticks)
1 sachet gelatine
2-3 Tbsp of rice syrup

#For the cream#

150 gr blackberries and blueberries
2-3 Tbsp of rice syrup


I might experiment with other ways of having the same thing and simplifying it but for the moment I already passed that point so both - ingredients, instructions and Tips are done in an identical/similar way.



2017-06-10 17_08_14-Panna cotta with blueberries.png


P.S. It is not close to your ingredients listing which I really liked but I would rather start popularising the site and then decide which way to go as you were following the client needs/instructions but i am more looking at my needs and simplicity to add recipes during busy timee from my phone, tablet etc. So far so good, the rest is to be seen yet as I am aiming now at some more filters to allow recipes to be selected by wanted/not wanted ingredients etc. That should not be hard to achieve but takes time and trial/error for a newbie like me :)

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