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The cms we also use at work has a draft - live system. Save does save the page but its not published and just keeps it until you hit publish. Until published it is marked I a different color. Simple. Not sure how this would be possible with pw.

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Yes it needs that sort of clarity - perhaps with a little nag at the top of the page saying "this page is not published for public view" or something neater.

There is also the issue of possibly needing to view the page in context before finally publishing. So, perhaps it can have a "preview" button that makes a temporary hidden version of something.

Sorry, haven't thought that through properly.

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Ryan - any ideas how much work that would be? We have need for this also in next project, so interested in providing some support (=money) for this.

It could potentially be done right after we wrap up the 2.4 release. The amount of work and time involved would probably go a little beyond what was involved in developing dependencies, but not not nearly as time intensive as developing the multi-language support. The workflow would simple and the same thing as it is when you are editing an unpublished page at present, at least from the perspective of the editor. I think this is also similar to what Soma was talking about with their existing system. Because it would be a draft of a live page, there would also need to be an option to "abandon draft". But beyond that, it would be the same as editing an unpublished page. Of course, you could preview it and such, like you can with an unpublished page. Drafts would use more overhead than a regular page edit (since it has to make a copy of the page first), so you'd designate which templates you wanted it to utilize the drafts system for. The page creation process would not change at all, since a draft would only come into play with a published page (a draft is a working copy of a published page). 

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Sounds about right

The main thing is just making sure that the editor knows which is a draft and which is a published page - it is amazing how that can confuse people depending on their experience level or how long a lunch hour they have just had!

Taking a very, very old publishing idea - drafts were often presented on different colour paper in typing and printing offices so that it was clear they were something different.

It might be worth throwing in an optional safety trigger too, so that, for instance, you must preview before you are allowed to publish. But this can also be irritating in some instances, so being able to disable/enable this functionality would be useful.

Being able to change what you can do by role is also worth considering here - being able to allow some authors to create an edited draft, but not allow them to commit to publish could be useful for some companies where they want to ensure someone has proofread everything first.

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