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Longer form content


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There is a section of a new website I'm building where there is a need to publish longer form articles, where I intersperse paragraphs of text with images, quotes, videos, and galleries.

I'm wondering if anybody has a good approach for constructing this kind of article in ProcessWire. I was originally using a TinyMCE field to embed my images in the correct place in the flow of the body text, with the float classes floating the images appropriately. Including other types of content such as videos and galleries looks a little bit harder to manage, and I can only thinking of including strings to match on in the body text and replacing them in the template, which isn't quite as user friendly as I'd like. It's also a bit of a nightmare to make it work with Susy Compass plugin which is handling the responsive grid.

My other idea was to include a repeater field, with each field including optional places for paragraphs of copy, galleries, videos etc. However this doesn't feel that natural, and it's difficult to make the text flow from section to section.

Does anybody have any ideas about a good solution for this kind of article?

Many thanks.

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@leftblank: I know you kind of ruled this out already (at least I think you did, based on the comment that it wouldn't be very user friendly), but I'd still suggest taking a look at Hanna Code module. To improve it's usability a bit I created another module called Hanna Code Helper, which (even in it's current, barely finished state) makes selecting tags easier and removes the need to remember which tags (and with what params) were available.

You should also take a look at some other textformatter modules available, they already provide simple ways to embed things like YouTube videos within text content.

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