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7 minutes ago, doolak said:

So it seems to be CKEditor which produces the problem - tried to set  config.forceSimpleAmpersand in CKEditors config.js, but no success.  Any idea?


No, it wasn't CKEditor - modified it in the module now and it seems to be ok.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi @teppo,

Would you consider updating this module to allow it to parse out degrees/minutes/seconds coordinates as an alternative to latitude and longitude? This is for the "Use coordinates?" option.

The reason being that the lat/lng coordinates in a typical Google Maps URL that a person might embed are less accurate than the degrees/minutes/seconds coordinates that are also present in the URL. I have no idea why this is and it seems strange as lat/lng is capable of achieving the same accuracy in principle, but I've tested several maps and there seems to be a real difference.

Here's an example...

I'll start with a Plus code so as not to involve either lat/lng or degrees/minutes/seconds to begin with: H85C+MG Otatara, Southland, New Zealand

A search for this Plus code results in the following URL: https://www.google.com/maps/place/46°26'26.9"S+168°19'16.7"E/@-46.4408088,168.3191238,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d-46.4408125!4d168.3213125

The marker is at the end of the road, at the edge of the green reserve area:


But when I embed the map via TextformatterGoogleMap with the "Use coordinates" option checked the marker position is out by a significant distance:


This is not the module's fault - the lat/lng coordinates that Google puts in the URL are simply not accurate. If I search the coordinates -46.4408088,168.3191238 directly the pin is similarly misplaced:


A search for the degrees/minutes/seconds coordinates 46°26'26.9"S 168°19'16.7"E from the URL results in a correct marker placement:


So seeing as the degrees/minutes/seconds coordinates are more accurate could the module provide an option to use those?

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Hey @Robin S - this is quite strange ?

46°26'26.9"S 168°19'16.7"E 

actually converts to:

-46.44080555555555, 168.32130555555554

which you can see is perfectly accurate: https://www.google.com/search?q=-46.44080555555555+168.32130555555554

What is weird is that when you click on the map it shows rounded decimal values which are close to the values you are referencing above (but not quite).


I have no idea why ?

I have also never seen plus codes until now but they certainly look interesting, although I have always though of decimal degrees as the gold standard for lat/lng coordinates.

None of this helps you - just continuing the discussion ?

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5 minutes ago, adrian said:

What is weird is that when you click on the map it shows rounded decimal values which are close to the values you are referencing above (but not quite).


I have no idea why

This part is fine (the very slight rounding isn't enough to make much of a difference). The problem is that the lat/lng coordinates in the URL do not match those shown in the blue box, and it's the ones in the URL that matter for the textformatter.


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Ah I see your point now ? 

I guess I thought you'd be able to paste:


directly into the RTE and the formatter could work with that, but Google redirects that link to:


which is where things start going wrong.

It is strange to me that they use DMS as the actual identifier.


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