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any html5 experts here


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The problem is that I want to center the book image in the center of the browser and it must be centered in every browser and size.

In that div I need two content area. One for the left and one for the right page. The red div must be cover the white area of the left page.


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that's a css problem, not html (there's nearly no html). If you want to center the #content --> give it a width and margin: 0 auto.

Not sure, what's your goal? You want to center the 'book' and split it inside into 2 vertical rows?

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I'm a bit in a hurry right now but i suggest you to take a look at this script to always center a div that has a percent width ( the "content" div you got has px based width = no good if you want to let it resize at any width).

If you want to stuck with px width you need to use media queries ( also known as breakpoints ) to define width dimensions at different scales.

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take a look at this demo code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="nl">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<style type="text/css">
	* {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;
	body {
		background: url(achtergrond.jpg) center top no-repeat;
		font: 100%/1.5 sans-serif;
		padding: 20px 0;
	#content {
		width: 1536px;
		margin: 0 auto;
		background: url(boek2.jpg) center top no-repeat;
		min-height: 864px;  
	article {
		width: 50%;
		float: left;
	aside {
		width: 50%;
		float: left;
	article p {
		margin: 20px 80px;
		background: #FF8080;
	aside p {
		margin: 20px 90px;
		background: #8080FF;
	<div id="content">
			<p>Hier komt de artikel</p>

but I think you should restart this concept. It's too big (size) and also unflexible. Because of the size (1536x864) it's nearly senseless to center it vertically.

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#content { 
    min-width: 1536px;
    min-height: 864px;
    top: 10%;
    left: 10%;
    right: 25%;
    text-align: left;
    position: fixed;

background style definition in line 106 of main.css (see above) defines the background image of your book. the site background is defined twice: in line 13 of main.css and line 72 of normalize.css

does this answer your question? if you are unfamiliar with html and css basics it might be helpful to go through a tutorial before you continue with your site. the w3 shools are a good starting point.

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Everyhing works now fine. So it's now time to try to solve the validation errors.

Last question : This script works that everything is already in the html code and that the only the page you want is not hidden. The rest is hidden.

I have a site with some 800 pages. I think things will be very slow this way.

Is there another solution but that the book still works ?

if so, can someone help me to port this to PW.


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Let me ask real questions.

I have a custom field named datum. Which contains the date something happens.

Now I need a menu like this :

<div class="categories">
<ul class="menu" 
<a href="#">2005</a>
<ul class="acitem">
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/02/1">februari</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/03/1">maart</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/04/1">april</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/05/1">mei</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/06/1">juni</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/07/1">juli</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/08/1">augustus</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/09/1">september</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/10/1">oktober</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/11/1">november</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2005/12/1">december</a>
<a href="#">2006</a>
<ul class="acitem">
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/01/1">januari</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/02/1">februari</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/03/1">maart</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/04/1">april</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/05/1">mei</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/06/1">juni</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/07/1">juli</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/08/1">augustus</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/09/1">september</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/10/1">oktober</a>
<a href="http://www.tamarawobben.nl/dagboek/2006/12/1">december</a>
<a href="#">2007</a>

How can I make this. There could be more then 1 article in a month but I need every month one time.




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Let me ask real questions.

How can I make this. There could be more then 1 article in a month but I need every month one time.




Your questions above were more about structure of your HTML and CSS.

You seem very new here to the ProcessWire forums, welcome :) 

I encourage you to learn more and follow these tutorials:



Also, you should dissect the default site profile to get a better understanding on how the API works.

Then go the 'Site Profile' section of the Modules page and check out some of the profiles there. The 'Blog' and 'Skyscrapers' are incredibly cool! They will teach you some new methods of organizing your templates and how to call your page/pages data. VERY cool stuff!


Welcome to the forums. We are glad to help you out, but you've got to help yourself first ;) 

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I think I can use some of the ideas. The only thing I could not find is a way to make a list of unique months and years.

I could use the idea how the blog is doing it but if I make everything manually I get a very very big file.

I have  about 8 years articles.


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This isn't as simple as it may seems and even programmers have their difficulties, it can get very tricky and some approaches may get very inefficient.

One way could be to get the oldest and newest article and cycle months and years, and output a menu entry only if at least an article found within that month.

Before anyone going to code 1 hours for what you need, is the structure of your article as you show in your example already? Meaning are articles already in a date structure? /dagboek/2005/07/1/article1 ...

If so, it would be very easy. If not, rendering the menu is a lot more complex and you also will need to use urlSegments for showing a list of articles of a month.

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At this  moment the datastructure is not as my example but I could make it that way.

Now I put everything in the structure dagboek with as fields datum(date), titel (title) and the tekst (text )

Im looking for the easist way to make things working.


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Im looking for the easist way to make things working.


EASY may not always be BEST ;) 

sometimes ya gotta get a little more dirty and involved with more code to get something to work.

It took me many hours of testing this and that, and I finally have a CSS drop menu that works with my nested unordered lists. I don't know much about PHP, but everything I have learned has been because PW uses it to display data.

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On that point you are right.

What I try to achieve is a menu like the one I have now on my site

and I know I have to learn a lot but what the best way to get to my goal. Porting my site (http://www.tamarawobben.nl) to a new layout like 20thingslearned and keep it managble. But what then the best way to do it I still do not have a clue.


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I did a little more investigating how the example site works. Appearently I need to make all the pages hidden except the current one.
So I think that the structure /dagboek/year/month/pagenumber is the best. I can then make a hidden directory where I can set which page must be hidden and which not.


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