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Page exists but neither visible, nor accessible in admin


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Cant't fix problem caused by custom PHP code for selectable pages (I'm experimenting with "dependable" fields). The code is as below:

$country = $page->address_country;
$state = $page->address_state;

When I'm trying to save new page, I get:

Method PageArray::children does not exist or is not callable in this context

Now, problem is that few pages that I've managed to create with this code are invisible and inaccessible (see picture).

Does anybody know how to delete them? I guess I need to go to PhpMyAdmin? Or it can be fixed within PW admin? Thanks in advance!!

Also, as far as I understand, code doesn't work as address_country and address_state fields are not defined yet in NEW page... Please correct. Thanks!


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You could go to phpMyAdmin, search for all Pages that have an empty title and give them a title.

Or note the ID and then just enter this as ?id=xxx when editing another page.

You find the titles in the table field_title under data.

Edit: Soma's solution is simpler :)


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I found creative way to fix the problem!

HTML inspection in Chrome over empty raws has shown that there are empty <a> tages which I manually filled with qwerty text. After that page became accessible with all edit/move/delete links near it. )))

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