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Would you expect a PW-related project to be build with ProcessWire?


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Some of you may know that I took over the ProcessWire Recipes project quite some time ago.
Including the .com domain a few weeks back and the new .recipes domain right after my start.

To make it clear: processwire.recipes right now uses AstroJS on Cloudflare so that there is no real need for a hosting, and it could run there for however.


But here is the interesting part and question:

Would you expect, maybe even demand, that those and similar projects were built with ProcessWire itself?

I'd really like to and want to hear all your thoughts and opinions about this idea and topic.
All pro and contra-arguments. Everything.
Maybe even roast me for not using PW on that project.



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Good question, @wbmnfktr!

When I came to PW from Joomla! that had an extension for everything including ecommerce and forums, I was kind of expecting PW to be the same. And I was waiting for a good shop and forum to be developed (by someone but me)) But time passes. I am not so idealistic now. I use ProcessWire for sites and some apps. I use other tools for online shops. I do not use nothing for forums as nobody I do stuff for really needs them.

For a documentation site I would use VitePress, Docusaurus or MkDocs as they allow a more easy collaboration via github or such.

  • Ryan doesn't use PW as a forum engine or to sell modules. But he does for the docs. But maybe he shouldn't so the community could participate
  • @teppo uses PW for weekly.pw and wireframe site. I like the former and would argue about the latter for the same reasons.
  • @kongondo uses PW for his site but VitePress for the docs. He is using PW and his own Padloper to sell stuff (he should!).
  • @bernhard seem to do everything in PW with some of his numerous modules. Are forum and ecommerce coming?))

I would say that for the recipes the current collaborative approach is quite good. And it better be ready on Astro or you-name-it SSG than be in development in PW.

But! I really love to see passionate people push the limits of possible with the tools of their choice. And would love to see recipes still in github to collaborate on, but wisely imported to PW. Especially if there is any additional value in that like more advanced filtering, interlinking or a form for less technical people to commit recipes.

P.S. Frankly, I would go the easy way and stay on whatever tool is already in place. PW is great for some sort of things, but not for all.



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quite biased message

Just my two cent's here. I tend to say - yes - just because I see third-party app/websites as a nice showcase on how pw can handle things and how versatile it is. I must admit that on my side I am using pw as second choice for a simple reason, I write websites in pascal (I can remember @LostKobrakai switching to Elixir). But, it's only depending on client needs and profile, and maintainablity. If a client absolutly require a setup based on php to be used with a standard web hosting, then pw come back as the first choice with no doubt. This piece of software is solid and deserve to power thoses tools made for processwire. I would have felt disappointed if weekly.pw was made as static website or worst, on wordpress, imagine.

The real decison maker is I think, money. Domain names are more expensives then ever. About hosting, there is a lot of solid companies providing such web hosting, generaly you got 100MB free for ever on OVH or Alwaysdata (the second provide ssh access). For the domains fee's, the community could make some donations.

It could be made using built-in page json feature with or without inertiajs and consumed from AstroJS, keeping ci github flow without any problem to let the community collaborte on it. You will won the right to add on the footer "powered by processwire" 🫡😄


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