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Jonathan Lahijani

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I recently discovered Pinkary.com which I would describe as a Twitter clone, built by one of the Laravel team members with all the latest and greatest of Laravel and its ecosystem (the project is open-source).  Right now it's got about 1000 members after being launched earlier this year and it's almost all web developers, which reminds me of the early Twitter days.

I don't get excited about social media or microblogging much, but having a concentrated community of like-minded folks is intriguing and a place to find interesting things going on and nuggets of information, without all the noise, bots and other nonsense you'd see on Twitter/X.

I think it's worth a join.

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18 minutes ago, szabesz said:

I hope so! It is always sad to think about those (used to be) active members who no longer visit the forum.

I can see how ProcessWire is not only a great platform to use, but also a great learning tool and a springboard to help jump above your head. Many moved to more enterprisy dev and more appy tools. New active members come and bring some fresh thoughts. All is good 😎

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1 hour ago, szabesz said:

I hope so! It is always sad to think about those (used to be) active members who no longer visit the forum.

I still follow soma on Twitch. He occasionally has (digital) painting sessions. 🙂

Signed up for Pinkary. Hopefully they'll offer an API like the original Twitter days to build out supporting apps. Interestingly, Pinkary runs completely on SQLite.

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Looks interesting! I just created an account https://pinkary.com/@processwire. I'm not sure what happened to Twitter but seems like it's gone downhill. I don't have an appetite for it. I've only kept the ProcessWire account on Twitter to post links to new blog posts, but not sure I'll keep doing that. Threads seems a lot better, but I don't think there's much of a webdev community there, that I've found anyway. This forum is my favorite social network. I look forward to trying out Pinkary more.

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19 minutes ago, ryan said:

Looks interesting! I just created an account https://pinkary.com/@processwire.

Just clicked FOLLOW.




15 minutes ago, ryan said:

I'm not sure what happened to Twitter but seems like it's gone downhill.

I'm on there for over 15 years, and while it needs more work done itself, it just got way better. At least for me.

16 minutes ago, ryan said:

I've only kept the ProcessWire account on Twitter to post links to new blog posts, but not sure I'll keep doing that.

I would do that. I'll take care of this.

17 minutes ago, ryan said:

This forum is my favorite social network.

It absolutely is. Best community ever.
AND it's a forum/board and not Discord or whatever.

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On 9/5/2024 at 12:07 PM, szabesz said:

Isn't there one already? 😉

On 9/5/2024 at 1:52 PM, Ivan Gretsky said:

I ain't movin' outa here anytime soon!

The community, the people... that's here and it will never move.
I'm sure about that.

BUT... having nice short updates on the go either on X or whereever is always nice.

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53 minutes ago, wbmnfktr said:

AND it's a forum/board and not Discord or whatever.

This idea is so under rated. Forums have declined in popularity as the primary communication method for software projects and general communities over the years in place of social networks and chat apps (Reddit, Discord, Twitter, Facebook).

This makes me very sad because I find forums to be the optimal way to communicate while maintaining true control of the community.  Discussions on Discord/Slack can't be discovered by a search engine.  Twitter and similar services aren't ideal for long discussions. Reddit seems childish and their UI update is terrible. Facebook is closed and has bad discoverability.

If ProcessWire didn't have this forum, it wouldn't be nearly the same. If a large software project similar to ProcessWire doesn't have a community powered by a forum like this, it's a big missing feature in my book. When I did a small Craft CMS project a few years ago, there was no equivalent to this forum, only Slack, although it did have a lot of people in it. Then if I asked a question that was answered in the past many times over, I would probably feel like an idiot.

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Lahijani said:

Then if I asked a question that was answered in the past many times over, I would probably feel like an idiot.

The Astro Discord from astro.build - is from another world. I have to say that!
Still Discord but the people there, in the right channels, are as helpful and supportive as we a here in our forum.
I love them. They helped me a lot. The whole community around Astro is super similar to our world here.
Sure... you can't find anything from the outside, or even inside - as the Discord search is [redacted] - but yeah.

Super awesome community, super awesome people there.
You might want to ignore those that shout the loudest, but that's another story.

Love them (almost) equally as the people, the community, and everything else here.

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10 hours ago, Jonathan Lahijani said:

This idea is so under rated.

8 hours ago, wbmnfktr said:

The Astro Discord from astro.build - is from another world.

  • When I was in school I had a PHP 4 book. A printed book made of paper. And a Macromedia Dreamweaver book too.
  • When I started to learn webdev with Joomla! I consulted a lot with my former classmate. And occasionally asked something on a forum.
  • When I thought about getting into Drupal I watched a lot of Youtube tutorials.
  • When I started to learn PW the forum was my best friend and I spent hours here. And then the docs got better - I started to read those before going to sleep. And then I learned to read the source code and to find it interesting enough to do it instead of watching Youtube.
  • When I started to learn htmx I had to join their discord. It was nice there and the answers came quickly. But I couldn't find anything by myself.
  • When I needed to get a jumpstart on Laravel, I got my Laracasts account and started to read the docs again.
  • When I need to get my head around some vue stuff I know not enough about I ask Cursor AI and it gives me quick answers most of which really help me to move forward.

What's that all about? I do not know yet. Is that about I am old and TOO old to learn something on TikToc? Is that about our lives getting more digital, fragmented and quick? Is it about loosing local real-world in-person communications to around-the-globe communities and AI or making the world "be as one" through better means of communications and freedom of consciousness? Is it about each generation living in its own media and making it the part of the message?

There is some room for interpretation here. But I've spent so much time in PW forms, and got so much out of it, and put so much of myself into it I tend to prefer it over "other stuff". I do not know if it is the forum principle itself, its size (not so big and cozy), the great people here or something else.

Many times in the past I was even a bit angry on Ryan for him not push PW on every platform and occasion. For PW not grow fast enough and conquer the webdev world. But now I kind of think it is for the good. You can't be this and that in the same time, you can't be everything for everybody. And even if you could It probably wouldn't make you more happy.

I do not know how to end this. No moral in the end. Just sending love to all yall here! Go see and join all pinkary, bluish and yellowish places wherever they are. And come back here to tell us about them 😉

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/6/2024 at 3:33 PM, ryan said:

This forum is my favorite social network.

My internet persona was born in these sort of forums when I was a teen, and I think it'll die on this hill! I REALLY appreciate having a forum for ProcessWire! Wouldn't exaggerate to say it's one of the reasons I've found myself so comfortable in the community.

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