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Padloper 2 Released


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Padloper 2 has been released

I will write a better post later.

Need to know for now:

  1. Get it from here.
  2. We will be transitioning to a new website and/or shop in due course. For now, please get it from that old site.
  3. For now, and to allow it to bow out gracefully, initial purchases will be powered by Padloper 1. All hail Padloper 1 :-).
  4. Due to #2, and #3 and due to non-SCA compliance on that particular site, there might be Stripe issues. Apologies. Please contact me for help.
  5. Support for Padloper 1 has ceased. Security fixes will continue. Things I have promised to look at will be looked at :-).
  6. Support subscription period for beta testers' purchases commences today - 30 March 2022. 
  7. It is a special day...in more than one way...

Update 3 April 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

A few questions are coming up with respect to this release. For now, I'll answer them here but might start a new threaded dedicated to FAQs.

Q: Will beta testers have to purchase a new licence for this release?

A: No. Your licence and download link are still valid. The only difference is the countdown of your VIP support commences on 30 March 2022. Subscriptions and updates are valid for one year. This download link was emailed to you when you purchased Padloper 2. Please contact me if you do not have a download link.

Q: I have shops built in Padloper 1 that I'd like to migrate to Padloper 2. I don't have the expertise and/or time to do the migration myself. Is there paid support for this?

A: Yes, paid support is available. We can migrate your Padloper 1 shop to Padloper 2 per your specifications. This includes both backend and frontend migration. You can purchase either or both backend and frontend migration. Please contact me to discuss. We will soon add this custom work information to our website.

Q: Is there a backend/admin demo of Padloper 2 that I can test pre-purchase?

A: Yes. We are currently putting final touches to it. An announcement will be made here once this is ready.

Q: Which is now the official Padloper support forum?

A: This forum will eventually become the official Padloper support forum Although it is a public forum, we will still be able to offer VIP support. The only difference is downloads will be not be available in the forums, since it is open. Support via email will still be available as well.


Q: I am getting a called to undefined function bcmul() after install. What does this mean?

A: Please see the minimum requirements for Padloper 2. You will need to install the PHP extension bcmath on your server. This is in order to get accurate rounding off of currencies. 

Edited by kongondo
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Those with the beta version, please note that there have been some changes to the order template. Some fields have been removed and a few things re-arranged. If you cannot do a fresh install, please let me know and I'll guide you through the changes. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I am working on demo videos for Padloper 2. In the first instance, these will be short tutorial videos to get you up and running quickly. You'll be able to use these in lieu of or in addition to the docs. I'll let you know when these are up. Thanks.

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This all looks very promising, I can see areas where additional common tweaks or added tools would be helpful. Integration for USPS/UPS/DHL realtime rate quotes is an obvious one. Will you be setting up a roadmap/wishlist hub someplace like uservoice or something along those lines? This project is going to have a lot more of those than any other plugin you've done I think...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/15/2022 at 5:09 PM, gornycreative said:

This all looks very promising, I can see areas where additional common tweaks or added tools would be helpful.



  On 4/15/2022 at 5:09 PM, gornycreative said:

Will you be setting up a roadmap/wishlist hub someplace like uservoice or something along those lines?


Definitely. The current plan is for a wishlist in this forum. Whilst a roadmap and a wishlist are not always congruent, the latter, in some cases, will feed into the former.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

In the current state of Padloper, is there some email notifications implemented already ? like order confirmation for the client, and/or the admin ?  If not is there a place in the doc about it ?

A customer in padloper is considered a user in PW with a specific role ? 

Pages for the customer to update his infos or see his orders and everything exist already ? is there api related functions ?

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Hi @Sonia Margollé,

Thanks for your interest in Padloper.

  On 6/6/2022 at 9:36 AM, Sonia Margollé said:

In the current state of Padloper, is there some email notifications implemented already ? like order confirmation for the client, and/or the admin ? 


Currently an email notification is sent to the customer upon order confirmation. If order has been paid for and it includes digital goods, the links to download them are also sent to the customer. Currently, an email to the admin is not yet implemented (in contrast to Padloper 1). However, the admin can see the latest 10 orders and their status in the shop dashboard/landing page.

  On 6/6/2022 at 9:36 AM, Sonia Margollé said:

A customer in padloper is considered a user in PW with a specific role ? 


Customer management is not yet implemented but is planned. Yes, they will be a ProcessWire user. However, Padloper will not manage roles and permissions beyond checking if they are logged in. 

  On 6/6/2022 at 9:36 AM, Sonia Margollé said:

Pages for the customer to update his infos or see his orders and everything exist already ? i


This is not planned. What is planned is an admin being able to manage customers. However, devs can easily implement a 'customer dashboard' using the $padloper API. This is no different from a ProcessWire selector, e.g.:

// @note: can search by email, order value, name, shipping address, country, etc
$customerOrders = $padloper->find("template=order,order_customer.email=someone@email.com,limit=10");

Current dashboard looks like this:



  On 6/6/2022 at 9:36 AM, Sonia Margollé said:

is there api related functions ?


Yes. The documentation is still lagging behind though. What sort of API were you looking for?

Hope this helps.

Edited by kongondo
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  • kongondo pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...

Is it possible to run Padloper 1 and 2 simultaneously? In other words, I was thinking of working on getting Padloper 2 set up in the background while leaving our Padloper 1 shop running on the live site? I know Padloper 2 was described somewhere as a whole new entity, but are they incompatible/intertwined at all?

I'd love to build a test site and move over all the files when done but I don't want to overlook dB things that will be building in the meantime (orders, users, etc.) and I've never migrated a live site that's had active users other than the admins.

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Oh, and I saw you mention that someone using Padloper 1 may continue to use it as they like if they didn't feel the new software was worth the asking price (a whole other rabbit hole there, that's not in question for me). Do you foresee any compatibility/aging/EOL issues with future versions of PW/php/mysql, etc., that might come up for someone who sticks with the original (mostly a decision made due to the amount of customization that's been done to it)?

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Hi @creativejay,

  On 9/4/2022 at 4:41 PM, creativejay said:

Is it possible to run Padloper 1 and 2 simultaneously?


I doubt it. There will be some Class name collisions at the very least.

  On 9/4/2022 at 4:41 PM, creativejay said:

In other words, I was thinking of working on getting Padloper 2 set up in the background while leaving our Padloper 1 shop running on the live site?


Why not just set up Padloper 2 on a local dev environment for testing? Even on a remote server for testing would work. Have a look at the import API. There's a post here somewhere where a user has successfully migrated from Padloper 1 to 2. 

  On 9/4/2022 at 4:41 PM, creativejay said:

I know Padloper 2 was described somewhere as a whole new entity, but are they incompatible/intertwined at all?


Two main differences are:

  1. Backend: Padloper 2 houses everything in one place; Padloper 1 has stuff in different places under setup. In addition, Padloper 2 has additional dashboards, including the landing/homepage. I can give you access to a demo site if that would help.
  2. API: Padloper 2 ships with a $padloper variable that gives you access to many features in an easy, predictable and powerful way. 

Other than that, its all just ProcessWire pages as usual and some other optional additional features such as categories, brands, etc. I have probably oversimplified ?.

  On 9/4/2022 at 4:44 PM, creativejay said:

Do you foresee any compatibility/aging/EOL issues with future versions of PW/php/mysql, etc., that might come up for someone who sticks with the original (mostly a decision made due to the amount of customization that's been done to it)?


Deprecation is always something to think about, e.g. PHP7. I don't know what type of customizations you have but Padloper 2 ships with an addons interface that allows you to easily extend Padloper.

Hope this helps.


Edited by kongondo
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@kongondo Firstly, great work. I am watching all about the development od padloper 2 from the start a in looked very promising. Finally, the time has come that I need to create new e-commerce site.

How is it with implementation of additional payment gateways? Is there some abstract class for that, or what it be too difficult to implement solution on my own based on already implemented gateways - stripe, paypal? 



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Hi @cehlo,

  On 9/11/2022 at 4:37 AM, cehlo said:

Firstly, great work. I am watching all about the development od padloper 2 from the start a in looked very promising. Finally, the time has come that I need to create new e-commerce site.



  On 9/11/2022 at 4:37 AM, cehlo said:

How is it with implementation of additional payment gateways? Is there some abstract class for that, or what it be too difficult to implement solution on my own based on already implemented gateways - stripe, paypal? 


It is very easy (from Padloper side, at least). Please have a look at the addons documentation and specifically the payment addons docs.

Hope this helps.

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  • 6 months later...

Is it possible to realize this e-commerce with Padloper 2

I want to sell 10 products (food in a school restaurant).  The food is sold on monday, tuesday; thursday and friday.  Orders are places per month.

  • First the month is chosen
  • per product you can choose the days you want to buy the product

Orders can be shown in different lists

  • per customer / date / product/ 
  • per food / number per day
  • per date / food  (per date #bread 1,  #bread2, ...)

Lists can be emailed to customer, to ...

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Hi @hansv,

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:

Is it possible to realize this e-commerce with Padloper 2


Yes. Some custom work will be required though as mentioned below.

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:

I want to sell 10 products (food in a school restaurant).


This is easy enough. You create 10 products in the backend, unless they are related in which case you can create product with 10 variants.

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:

he food is sold on monday, tuesday; thursday and friday.


I am not sure I understand this bit. Does it mean your website will only allow orders to be placed on these days or does it mean you only deliver the food on these days? Either way, this is something you would have to control in the frontend using code, e.g. the code would check what day it was and if it was one of the 'allowed' days, it would display the products for sale or it will allow the products to be orderable (add to basket, checkout, etc).

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:
  • First the month is chosen
  • per product you can choose the days you want to buy the product

Padloper gives you total control over the frontend. For this, I would create a simple dependent select that would require selection of the month, then a multi checkbox of the four days. You would need to save this information to a session to track it. There are two examples here and here of a using custom form input to capture, process and store extra order information. 

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:

Orders can be shown in different lists

  • per customer / date / product/ 
  • per food / number per day
  • per date / food  (per date #bread 1,  #bread2, ...)

Demo 2 linked to above shows how you can amend single order views in the backend.

  On 3/16/2023 at 10:33 PM, hansv said:

Lists can be emailed to customer, to ...


Depending on when you want to do this (e.g. after order confirmation, after full payment, manually, etc.), you have a number of options including hooks, custom addons, etc.

Hope this clarifies things. Please let me know if you have further questions. Happy to discuss this some more via PM or email.

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  • 1 year later...

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