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Inputfield EasyMDE

Robin S

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An inputfield module that brings EasyMDE Markdown editor to ProcessWire.

EasyMDE is a fork of SimpleMDE, for which there is an existing PW module. Inputfield EasyMDE has a few advantages though:

  • EasyMDE seems to be more actively developed than SimpleMDE, which hasn't seen any updates for several years.
  • You can define options for Inputfield EasyMDE.
  • Inputfield EasyMDE can be used in Repeater fields and in custom fields for File/Image fields.


Inputfield EasyMDE

EasyMDE (Easy Markdown Editor) as an inputfield for ProcessWire.

EasyMDE is a Markdown editor with some nice features, allowing users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts. More information is at the EasyMDE website.



Install the Inputfield EasyMDE module.


Create a new textarea field, and in the "Inputfield Type" dropdown choose "EasyMDE". Save the field and if you like you can then configure the EasyMDE options for the field as described below.

To convert Markdown to HTML you can install the core TextformatterMarkdownExtra module and apply the textformatter to the field. Alternatively you can use $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown() on the field value, e.g.

echo $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown($page->your_field_name, ['fullMarkdown' => true]);


On the "Input" tab of the field settings you can define EasyMDE options for the field in JSON format. Refer to the EasyMDE documentation for the available options. Keys in the JSON must be surrounded with double quotes.


"toolbar": ["bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "side-by-side"],  
"sideBySideFullscreen": false



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2 hours ago, Robin S said:


Create a new textarea field, and in the "Inputfield Type" dropdown choose "EasyMDE". Save the field and if you like you can then configure the EasyMDE options for the field as described below.

You might want to add that using the Markdown/Parsedown Extra textformatter is needed as well. It might be obvious to some, but first time I tried without it ? 

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Thx Robin for another great module! ? 

I'm always stripping down the interface of CKEditor as much as possible using your great hooks. I wonder where and why you'd be using this field? I think markdown is still too complicated for clients.

2 hours ago, Robin S said:

can be used in Repeater fields and in custom fields for File/Image fields.

I'm not using any of those nowadays. Maybe that's why I can't think of where to use this field at the moment. But I'd be happy to hear where you are using it and what you dislike with ckeditor (or why you built the module in the first place). The only thing that I really don't like is copy/paste issues with custom formatting that can get annoying. But there's also a solution for this here.

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2 hours ago, Robin S said:


On the "Input" tab of the field settings you can define EasyMDE options for the field in JSON format. Refer to the EasyMDE documentation for the available options. Keys in the JSON must be surrounded with double quotes.

@Robin S I cannot figure out how to style the preview. Have you already done that? Looks like the option named "previewClass" should be used somehow but I do not get what exactly this means: "previewClass: A string or array of strings that will be applied to the preview screen when activated. Defaults to "editor-preview".

Also, the example provided does not help much either:

previewClass: "my-custom-styling",
previewClass: ["my-custom-styling", "more-custom-styling"],

my-custom-styling it says, but where is it defined and how?

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21 minutes ago, szabesz said:

You might want to add that using the Markdown/Parsedown Extra textformatter is needed as well.

This module is just the inputfield and doesn't get involved with what the user might want to do with the field contents. But I take your point that some users might not know how to convert Markdown to HTML, so thanks for raising it. Using the textformatter you suggested is one way to get HTML from Markdown, or alternatively you could use $sanitizer->entitiesMarkdown() on the field value. I've added a paragraph to the readme. 


26 minutes ago, bernhard said:

But I'd be happy to hear where you are using it

For me personally, the current application is for getting HTML out of custom fields for File/Image fields because CKEditor isn't supported there. Although I emailed Ryan today with some suggested fixes for getting CKEditor working there so hopefully that might change soon.

More broadly I think some people just prefer working with Markdown rather than a full-blown WYSIWYG, so this is an inputfield for them. ?


1 hour ago, szabesz said:

I cannot figure out how to style the preview.

I don't think EasyMDE has options for loading custom CSS - the previewClass option is just if you want to specify a different class name than the default on the preview wrapper element. If you want to target the preview element with custom CSS in Page Edit you could write style rules like this:

.InputfieldEasyMDE .editor-preview h1 { color:red; }

And load your custom CSS file with AdminOnSteroids or with a hook like this:

$wire->addHookBefore('ProcessPageEdit::execute', function(HookEvent $event) {
	$config = $event->wire()->config;
	$config->styles->add($config->urls->templates . 'custom-styles.css');


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  • 4 years later...

I started implementing this... and will incorporate some styling elements in the next AdminStyleChroma...

One of the things I have run into - and this is a specific interaction with Pro modules so it may not be something you have encountered.

If you use UserActivity and have the limit-save option set (which tries to only save changed fields) for some reason changes to EasyMDE fields are not always detected and do not always save.

I haven't looked deeply into it, but I know that if I type content in manually the change is generally detected, but cutting and pasting content on its own usually does not register.

If there is a timing swap between the control and the underlying form input, maybe make it shorter? I ran into something similar with the gradient module I did where, if User Activity is installed, I trigger a field change flag.

I've tried typing manually, typing manually and then pasting content, pasting content alone, and pasting content and then typing and got inconsistent results.

Turning off limit-save obviously removes the problem entirely. And it seems that waiting a certain amount of time also seems to give more consistent results.

For the Grapick module I did a bit of a cheat where I add the class to the input that UserActivity looks for:

		//Will allow an inputfield to be picked up as changed when using the advanced features of UserActivity.

This was set on the change function that gets called once a gradient color point on the UI is moved or the color is changed.

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