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Inputfield Selector Select ID

Robin S

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Inputfield Selector Select ID

Uses the Page List Select inputfield for user-friendly input of page IDs into Inputfield Selector.


This module adds a feature to Inputfield Selector, which is most commonly seen in Lister (Find) and Lister Pro.

When adding a filter row for "Parent", "Has parent/ancestor" or "ID" the user is expected to enter a page ID to match against. But this is not as user-friendly as it could be because the user may be able to identify the desired page by its title or location in the tree but not know its ID. This is particularly the case for site editors who may not even understand the concept of a page ID.

So this module adds a thunderbolt icon to relevant rows in Inputfield Selector. When the icon is clicked a Page List Select inputfield opens in a modal window, allowing the user to visually select a page from the tree. When the modal is closed with "OK" the ID of the selected page is inserted into the filter row.



After a page selection has been made in the modal window the "OK" button will automatically receive focus so if you prefer you can close the modal by hitting the Enter key rather than mousing to the OK button.


Install the Inputfield Selector Select ID module.



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  On 2/4/2020 at 4:13 PM, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

A page autocomplete field would be even more userfriendly.


Depends a lot on the use case: if you already know the title of the page you're going to pick (and only have a single item named like that), autocomplete is nice. Otherwise it can be pretty useless (as a selection mechanism): in some cases I've actually had to open a separate tab to browse to the page in the page tree just to find a name I can then type in an autocomplete field ?

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  On 2/8/2020 at 8:50 AM, bernhard said:

I guess a Page Autocomplete combined with that nice VEX-modal-PageListSelect that Robin shows in his screencast would be a great addition in general for PW ? 


Was actually going to suggest that perhaps the modal window could have both options, but this would be much better ?

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