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Testing your site with Cypress (easy Javascript library)


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Confession bear meme on tests: I'm a virgin.

Never implemented any of them, mostly because I work alone for many years now. But found this cool project today, called Cypress. 

This is the easiest way to test a website or app I've found. Check their intro video out: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/writing-your-first-test.html

Note: I recommend this Chrome extension to speed up videos: https://github.com/igrigorik/videospeed as the narration of this video is kinda slow. ?


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I've not used it much and I don't really like the api much (seems very verbose compare to other tools), but it's integration makes up for very much. It's possible the best testing tool I've seen to date in terms of visualizing what's happening but also having an interface to visualize what's happening as the testsuite is run.

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