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Image not saved… HELP!

Noel Boss

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Hi, I'm stuck since hours and don't know what to do. Here is my Problem:

I try to generate Previews of PDF using imagick. I have 4 PDF, I generate a preview of the first page of the pdf, save it to a temporary file and want to import it using the api into an image field. It works for the later 3 pdf but not the first. I add it to the image field and save it. Inside the function that saves it, the image is stored in 'data' as well as in 'itemsAdded' but as soon as i leave the function, its nowhere to be found.


1. create previewimage using imagick and create Pageimage > works

2. add image to filed 'filepreviews', returns Pageimages array with image added > okay

3. save page > returns true

4. Outside renderPreview method, image is not anymore in 'filepreviews'

// mymodule
// …
// foreach($files as $file){

  $preview = wire('page')->filepreviews->get('name*='.$file->basename(false));
  // if there is no preview image…
  if (!$preview instanceof Pageimage) {
	$this->renderPreview($file) // we create one using $this->renderPreview > should return true on successful save
	dump(wire('page')->filepreviews); // my Image is nowhere to be found
  	$preview = wire('page')->filepreviews->get('name*='.$file->basename(false));

// end for each

	// render a preview of an otherwhise not supported file format
	// return true if sucessfull save
	private function renderPreview($file)
		$page = wire('page');
		// get path to temporary image
		$tempFile = $path.$file->basename(false).'-preview.jpg';
		// … some imagick code
		// … and save it:

		$img = new Pageimage($page->filepreviews, $tempFile);
		$img->description = $file->basename(false);

		// destroy temp image

		// this is my Pageimage, all good…

		// save image, my Pageimage can be found in data and itemsAdded – all good
		$success = $page->save();
		// sucess = true

		return $success;



Second question:

Would there a generally better approach? Like using pageFiles somehow. Goal is to be able to use the image api like scale etc – I don't generally need the images to be stored in an image field.


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Have you tried to do $page->of(false) before you add the image?

$success = $page->save();

EDIT: this would explain why the first did not get added but the follwing did. Because of() was only set to false after adding the first image

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