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Page reference child values

Peter Knight

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I have a PageReference field called related_random where my client selects a particular parent page in the tree.

On the front end I then need to get a random child page of that page based on some selector values.

At the moment I'm using a Matrix field and this outputs the page ID (1090) on the front end 

foreach($page->related_products as $item) {
if($item->type == 'related_product') 
echo "

What I can't get my head around (and what I really want to do to echo some values of that page IDs children 

Essentially I want to get a maximum 1 random child page of 1090 with a template of product.

The shoddy selector below is clearly wrong but correct in explaining what I want to do.


Don't know if that makes any sense? 



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$maxProducts = 1;
$productParent = $page->related_random;

$pages->find("parent=$productParent, template=product, sort=random, limit=$maxProducts");


$page->related_random->children->find("template=product, sort=random, limit=1"); 


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Here's what I did. I set up a Page Reference Field, where client can pick a parent.


This means with $page->related_random I can get the parent.

Getting its children is simply $page->related_random->children->find(). I then iterate over them and output some data




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20 hours ago, adrian said:

@Peter Knight - where have you been? :)

Ah - Debugger I see. I never really know what to do with it. Such a huge array of options I don't fully understand. 
Ever consider making a video walkthrough?

I solved my earlier issue. I thought I needed to make this more complex than it needed. In the end, it was just a case of


// For each related_products in Matrix field set a variable called $matrix_item
		foreach($page->related_products as $matrix_item) {
			// If the Matrix field content is of type: 'related_product'
			if($matrix_item->type == 'related_product'){

			// For every child page of the related_random page, output a single random one based on the product template...
			foreach ($matrix_item->related_random->children('template=product, sort=random, limit=1') as $prod){

			// output this
				echo "...


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