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Soundmanager2 Audio for Processwire


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You just need to make sure to pass the files array to the player() method, so your code won't work because you don't have audio on the $page.

$page is always the current page; You can reference the other page using $pages->get([pageid]);

You can also make your own array of files by creating a WireArray and then adding your audio files to that and then pass the WireArray to the player() method.

Based on your description, first you have to get the page array for the playlist, $songPages = $pages->get(/path/to/playlist/parent or Page ID)->children;

Then iterate the child pages, adding the audio file from each:

$audioFiles = WireArray new();
foreach($songPages as $songPage) {
   // if a single audio file field, then $audioFiles-add($songPage->audio);

echo $sm2->player($audioFiles, $options);


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Thank you so much @Macrura you set me on the right path. I appreciate you taking the time explaining something this elementary.

Since I am using Rockfrontend with the Latte engine, I had to do some alteration to the syntax, but the playlist/GUI is working now ?

{var $options = ['type' => 'bar-ui', 'skin' => 'gradient-fat',]}
{var $songPages = $pages->get('creative')->children}
{var $empty = new \ProcessWire\WireArray()}
{foreach $songPages as $song}
	{var $playlist = $empty->import([$song->audio_file])}

{$sm2->player($playlist, $options)|noescape}

I had to make sure to call \ProcessWire\WireArray from within this .latte template file, and to add a noescape to the $sm2 object. I was also getting stuck by not wrapping the audio_file File Field in an array, as I was doing this initially, which returned WireArray cannot import non arrays or non-iterable objects


Looking forward to playing with this module some more. Many thanks.

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Thanks @Macrura,

Also is there a way to pass in a Page's fields to control to Bar-UI Track Title Template if I didn't want to rely on ID3 tags? What are these tokens {title} referencing ?

 <span itemprop="name">{title}</span>
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Nevermind I realize now that it's pulling from the file field description

// default title source and formatting:
$titleOut = $mp3->description ?: $mp3->name; // default
$titleAtt = $mp3->description ?: $mp3->name; // attribute


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23 hours ago, protro said:

Thanks @Macrura,

Also is there a way to pass in a Page's fields to control to Bar-UI Track Title Template if I didn't want to rely on ID3 tags? What are these tokens {title} referencing ?

 <span itemprop="name">{title}</span>

those should be replacing with the corresponding ID3 tag - title, composer, artist, album and track.  So if you're not using ID3, then you'd just use the file description field...

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  • 11 months later...
1 hour ago, Mailte said:

Is there a way to add a download button in the compact ui?

I don't think there is a native download feature in soundmanager, and nothing in this module that I'm aware of;

I used plyr (https://plyr.io/) recently to have downloadable audio: https://sfcmp.org/media/artist-chats/

There may be a way to modify the output of the bar ui player though and add a download button.

But more recent audio players like plyr are working well for me, and you could implement it using a simple hanna code.

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