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Calling/Manipulating API Variables inside Module: Does it matter in which way?


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Hi Guys

I have an helper module where I am doing different Hooks and other additional logic for a website I am developing. I looked into the code of the module and noticed something. I am using API Variables in different ways. For example:


// Creating FilenameArrays

wire("config")->siteScripts = new FilenameArray();


// Creating logs

wire("log")->save("selector", $event->return);


// Getting languages



// Setting Debug mode (Depending on roles/usernames

 $this->config->debug = true;


Now my question is, does it matter if I am using...





And does it matter if I am mixing these method of accessing the api variables?

PS: Module is extending WireData

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 * Global function, therefore does work everywhere, 
 * but will always refer to the first pw instance
 * in case of multi instance usage.
 * Because of that it's discouraged to use this in
 * modules.

 * Safest way to get the api variable in wire derived
 * classes like modules.

 * Does work as well, but some (core) classes have that
 * type of access disabled. It also prevents you from 
 * using a custom paramater $apivar in your class.


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36 minutes ago, LostKobrakai said:

 * Global function, therefore does work everywhere, 
 * but will always refer to the first pw instance
 * in case of multi instance usage.
 * Because of that it's discouraged to use this in
 * modules.

 * Savest way to get the api variable in wire derived
 * classes like modules.

 * Does work as well, but some (core) classes have that
 * type of access disabled. It also prevents you from 
 * using a custom paramater $apivar in your class.


Thanks for the clarification @LostKobrakai. I think from now on I will always use


because of consistency.

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