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language support crashed


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I am running PW 2.7.2 with the image-extra module, which I installed with the multi-language support. But I found it irritating to have all image extra fields twice on the backend because I do not intend to add a second language. So I disabled the  multi-language descriptions of that module, but the fields did not vanish. Maybe I played a little with that language support module - uninstall, install again - and now the setup -> languages Tab shows " This page has no process assigned". And now the Image-extra-fields do not contain the content I add. I had a look at the database and found a caption field like " {"0":"","1018":"Steinguss"} " I can edit the field after the "0": and get the result on the page. But on the backend the default-field points to something ending up with _1016 and the second field with _1018.

How can I repair this?

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Which one is the module in question? Module related questions should normally be asked in their own forum section. Anyway, don't you have a backup by any chance? The sort of problems you describe can be fixed most easily be reverting to a backed up version which you should always create right before trying out new modules or any other mayor changes to you site.

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Hi @biber  - I think your problem might be similar to this: https://github.com/justonestep/processwire-imageextra/issues/9

Can you cleanup the db table for the images field: "field_images" (or similar) by removing the extra language fields?

Looks like the problem should be fixed in the dev branch of that module, but you still might have to cleanup manually at this point.

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Hello and thanks for your answers.

@szabesz - My problem started with playing with the multi-language-support of PW. Now I disabled it completely because I dont need it. As a result I have to fill some fields again. And no, I did not have a backup, but I will add one in future. However I'm not sure if a copy of the 'site'-folders had saved me. And as long as my hosting package allows only one database, I'm not able to save a copy of it.

@adrian - My problem had nothing to do with that image-extra-field, but this was the first field I noticed the issue.

Anyway, thank you both for your help to find the right way,


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  On 9/7/2016 at 8:17 PM, biber said:

And as long as my hosting package allows only one database, I'm not able to save a copy of it.


If you need an easy way to backup the db, you can use the module called Database Backups (its class is ProcessDatabaseBackup, not installed by default but made by Ryan and works with ProcessWire 3.x too). With a few clicks we can have a snapshot in /site/assets/backups/database/ . I always use it before updating or installing modules and/or a new version of ProcessWire (update).

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