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FieldtypeTextareaLanguage - set 'Text Formatters' and 'Inputfield Type'


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Hey All.

I am creating a new field of type 'FieldtypeTextareaLanguage' via a module.

Everything is working just fine expect that I can not find any information on how to set the 'Text Formatter' (to HTML Entity Encoder) and 'Inputfield Type' (to CKEditor).

I tried the following which failed and was just a guess because of the IDs and select-values in the HTML...

$f = new Field();
$f->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeTextareaLanguage");
$f->name = $newstcontentfieldname;
$f->label = $newstcontentfieldlabel;
$f->set('Inputfield_inputfieldClass', 'InputfieldCKEditor');


Furthermore, I just came across the question how to set the 'Visibility' --> ' Show this field only if' Option?

Is there any documentation that I missed sofar about these field-variables and how to set them?


I am thankfull for any suggestion and hope somebody can help me.

Thanks a lot!

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For the input type, you should be able to set it like this:

$f->set("inputfieldClass", "InputfieldCKEditor");

The text formatters setting works the same, only it expects an array of values (in order of execution):

$f->set("textformatters", array("TextformatterEntities"));

There's also documention for inputfield dependencies in the API docs.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/15/2016 at 2:57 AM, BitPoet said:

For the input type, you should be able to set it like this:

$f->set("inputfieldClass", "InputfieldCKEditor");

The text formatters setting works the same, only it expects an array of values (in order of execution):

$f->set("textformatters", array("TextformatterEntities"));

There's also documention for inputfield dependencies in the API docs.

I've been looking for the answer for this everywhere - and I appreciate the answer.


But *where* in the Core is the "textformatters" attribute instantiated?! I can't find it anywhere. I don't see it in the Textformatter class, or Field, Fieldtype or FieldtypeText. Any ideas?

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6 hours ago, ethanbeyer said:

But *where* in the Core is the "textformatters" attribute instantiated?! I can't find it anywhere. I don't see it in the Textformatter class, or Field, Fieldtype or FieldtypeText. Any ideas?

The textformatters attribute is defined/set in FieldtypeText::___getConfigInputfields and its value is used in FieldtypeText::___formatValue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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