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How to include Home into the navigation - Blue VR Site Profile

L. Leopold

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Hi guys,

I got a problem that drives me crazy. I just want to have the root of my page shown in the top navigation, together with its children. I've been searching for days by now, please help me.

in the navigation.inc file it says

 *  I have used some same navigation methods used by Ryan Cramer.
 *  So full credit to Ryan Cramer

so I compared Ryan Cramers navigation with the one used in the Blue VR Site. Cause in Ryans Foundation Site navigation the root (or Home) is already part of the navigation. It didn't help me much, I still can't figure out what to change.



I tried a lot of different things, that either didn't show any effect, or broke the complete site.

If you have a suggestion what could work, I'm gratefull for any hint!

Thanks in advance!

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There are many different ways to do this, so without seeing your code, it's hard to know what would work best to match what you have, but take a look at this:


See how the homepage is prepended to $children so that when it is foreach'd it will be included.

Does that help?

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I have tried that way already in different ways. I didn't find the right terms or the right place for it.

This is the current code for my navigation:

 * Render a <ul> navigation list
function renderNav(PageArray $items, array $options = array()) {

    if(!count($items)) return '';

    $defaults = array(
        'class' => '', // class for the <ul>
        'active' => 'active', // class for active item
        'tree' => false, // render tree to reach current $page?

    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $page = wire('page');
    $out = "<ul class='$options[class]'>";

    foreach($items as $item) {

        // if this item is the current page, give it an 'active' class
        $class = $item->id == $page->id ? " class='$options[active]'" : "";

        // render linked item title
        $out .= "<li$class><a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a> ";

        // optionally render a tree recursively to current $page
        if($options['tree']) {
            if($page->parents->has($item) || $item->id == $page->id) {
                $out .= renderNav($item->children("limit=50"), array(
                    'fields' => $options['fields'],
                    'tree' => true,

        $out .= "</li>";

    $out .= "</ul>";
    return $out;

 * Render a <ul> navigation list
function renderTopNav(PageArray $items, array $options = array(), $level = 0) {

    $defaults = array(
        'tree' => false, // number of levels it should recurse into the tree
        'dividers' => false,
        'repeat' => true, // whether to repeat items with children as first item in their children nav

    $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
    $divider = $options['dividers'] ? "<li class='divider'></li>" : "";

    $page = wire('page');
    $out = '';

    foreach($items as $item) {

        $numChildren = $item->numChildren(true);
        if($level+1 > $options['tree'] || $item->id == 1) $numChildren = 0;
        $class = '';
        $anchorProperties = "";
        $anchorClass = '';
        $dropdownCaret = '';

        $title = $item->title;

        if($numChildren) {
            $class .= "dropdown ";
            $anchorProperties = "data-toggle='dropdown'";
            $anchorClass = 'dropdown-toggle';
            $dropdownCaret = '<b class="caret"></b>';
        if($page->id == $item->id) $class .= "current ";
        if(($item->id > 1 && $page->parents->has($item)) || $page->id == $item->id) $class .= "active ";
        if($class) $class = " class='" . trim($class) . "'";

        $out .= "$divider<li$class><a class='{$anchorClass}' href='$item->url' {$anchorProperties} title='{$title}'>$title $dropdownCaret</a>";

        if($numChildren) {
            $out .= "<ul class='dropdown-menu'>";
            if($options['repeat']) $out .= "$divider<li><a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a></li>";
            $out .= renderTopNav($item->children, $options, $level+1);
            $out .= "</ul>";

        $out .= "</li>";

    return $out;

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Ok, so in the Blue VR Site Profile take a look here:


This is where menu functions are being called. Try replacing that one line with this:

$homepage = $pages->get('/'); 
$children = $homepage->children();
// make 'home' the first item in the navigation
echo renderTopNav($children);

Untested, but I think that is what you need in that situation.

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