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Image and Video carousel using repeater field


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I have an image and video carousel that I want to use on a page and have it be editable via processwire. The problem is that the code for images and video is completely different. What is the best way to go about making one repeater field where you can pick either a video or image? I thought about having nested repeaters but not sure if that would work. I want it to be possible to order the slides so having them as separate repeaters wouldn't work either. I am a bit stumped. Any help would be great.


<div class="rsContent">
    <img class="rsImg" src="abc.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="infoBlock infoBlockLeftBlack">
      	etc etc

and for video is this:

<div class="rsContent">
    <a class="rsImg" href="abc.jpg" data-rsVideo="https://www.youtube.com/"></a>

Thanks you

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PageTable would fit better here since you can use different templates and fields for output...

there is even a exented module for this to get the output rendered nice in the backend...


good example how to use it:


regards mr-fan

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PageTable would fit better here since you can use different templates and fields for output...

there is even a exented module for this to get the output rendered nice in the backend...


good example how to use it:


regards mr-fan

thank you, i will take a look at that. 

carousel is not my choice.....thanks for the help though

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