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Found 16 results

  1. Hello Processwirers, I'm trying to access a field's label in the current user language: $this->template->fields->skills->label // returns either "skills" or "Kenntnisse" depending on the language /en/ or /de/ $this->related_tutor->template->fields->skills->label // always returns "skills" n...
  2. I am trying to implement a Repeater Matrix which contains a Page field (there are four fields, an image field, one text field and two page fields). The example given in the readme.txt is self-explanatory. However, this seems not to work with a page field. Say my page field is called "attached_cerami...
  3. (apologies if this looks too similar to previous topic I created, seems more logical as a new topic) I'm curious if anyone here is implementing something along the lines of Drupal's block / Joomla's custom (editable) module functionality? In other words, areas that are editable in the back...
  4. Hello everyone! I recently downloaded ProcessWire and after playing around with it I've found its flexibility and ease of use to be really promising. I'm working on a site to publicize upcoming live music events and archive past events at our venue. Each event has the usual start time/end time/...
  5. Hey, I'm building a website with following page hierarchy home/ /blog (template: listing) /tags (template: tags) tag1 (template: tag) tag2 tag3 post1 (template: post) post2 post3 /development (template: listing)...
  6. Hello, in a 2.6.22rc1 install I have a page field "workshops" that selects pages via selector "template=workshop,sort=-dat_start,dat_start>=today)". The field is in a template "anmeldungen". When I edit a page with template "anmeldungen". I can choose pages from the page field "workshops". But...
  7. Hi folks, I have some tags setup, using the Page field options, which is really flexible and works great. However, I am curious to know if it's possible to view multiple tags at any one time? Is this possible? For example, I know to create a tag page (for example, www.domain.com/tags/events), yo...
  8. Since upgrading from 2.6.1 dev to 2.6.13 I can't create new pages anymore from a page field. Details Single Page or empty page, input PageAutocomplete and advanced *= and 'Allow new pages' checked. I can type and see the list of pages appear, but when I type in a new name it just disappears when h...
  9. pepita


    Hello everybody I like Processwire very much but I’m a newbie so I have a lot of questions ;-) I hope you understand my “English”. Sorry about that. I’ve installed the indexer. And now I have some troubles with the german umlaut (ä ö ü). If I search a word with an umlaut there are no results b...
  10. I've a blog setup which contains tags and categories related to posts. Tags and categories are both Page fields with option to add new page(s) from their fields. If I create a new post I will usually create some new tags and cats and then save the post as unpublished while it goes to review. U...
  11. I have been transitioning to Page Table from Repeaters for quite some time. I never had a problem with this transition. A few weeks ago, I finally figured out how to display a Page Table on the front end of my websites. Everything worked great. I believe after upgrading to PW 2.6.2 (not quite su...
  12. Hello Everyone, I am creating a database for vehicle audio components and am having issues displaying a page array of filed Page type in the "List of fields to display in the Admin Page List " field of the template. For a particular car model, I need the user to be able to select multiple vehicle...
  13. Hi there, Quick question: I want to have a page field that displays only the children of the page where it's used. I can't figure out how to do this (although i'm afraid it should be quite easy)… thanks!
  14. Hey guys, I was just wondering if there was any scope for combining a Page field with a URL field. The circumstances are that I have certain blocks in a sidebar and the user can choose to link them either to an internal page or to an external url. I'm pretty sure that this is feasible from withi...
  15. Hey there, I have a page field in the form of radio buttons, where the user can select the importance of the article: Very important, important, normal. I would like to make the default value "normal", but can't think of any way of doing it. Any help? Thanks
  16. In a template, I'm drawing a 4x3 table that I want to display images from other pages selected from page fields inside a repeater on this page. Their position relative to each other is important, and most of the space in the table will usually be intentionally empty, which is why I'm doing it in thi...
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