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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Hi @matjazp - I just tested the default theme on Safari, FF, and Chrome and it looks fine here. The css I added to fix the position of the links (and also the space between the text above the tabs) is: html.AdminThemeDefault li#AdminActionsList ul.WireTabs { margin-top: 3em; } https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessAdminActions/blob/d95cafe225c958db38e015ebe5df329ed9e826db/ProcessAdminActions.css#L5-L7 Would you mind taking a look to see if that is being applied please. Maybe it needs an !important added to it. I'll sort out that undefined index notice
  2. @matjazp - I decided to take a look now and I have pushed a fix which seems to have things working well in the default theme as well as Uikit. Please let me know if it looks ok at your end now also.
  3. Right, I see the problem now looking at it with the default theme. I can take a look tomorrow to see if I can get it working there as well.
  4. Hi @matjazp - thanks for the report but I can't reproduce here. I just tested on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Any chance it's due to a cached version of the old css file?
  5. Just an FYI on this front - $urls is linked to from the API Variables section of the Tracy PW Info panel. It is always up to date because it makes use of: $this->wire('all') to get all available variables.
  6. Apparently I have a compulsion for new keyboard shortcuts ? Just added these: SHFT + Enter Expand to fit all code and add new line (saves position) SHFT + Backspace Contract to fit all code and remove line (saves position) I have also modified the drag resizing to automatically snap to row heights.
  7. I think so, although typically I see: $this->wire()->scripts rather than $this->wire->scripts although I don't honestly know if it makes a difference. OT, but note that in the Console, I need to use $module instead of $this for the name of the module, but otherwise you can test all these options there.
  8. For module development you should actually use: $this->wire('config')->scripts->add($this->wire('config')->urls->$this Take a look at Ryan's Github repo (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/) for his most recent modules and you'll see that is the approach he takes. @LostKobrakai has an excellent post on when it's ok use: $config vs $this->config vs $this->wire('config') but I can't find it right now.
  9. Sounds really nasty Ryan - keep on top of it and heal up quickly!
  10. Just a quick not to mention that Admin Actions now supports two additional properties: $executeButtonLabel $icon I am sure both are self-explanatory, especially when you see them in action. I think both are useful additions for your custom actions.
  11. I completely agree. The functions API may not even be turned on for the user's PW install. That said, you could still use: $this->wire('config')->urs->$this as the safest short URL.
  12. It's not linked to but: http://processwire.com/api/ref/urls/ I learned about this from a blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.40-core-updates/#urls-and-paths Pity the docs are hidden. Also a shame there's no $paths equivalent.
  13. I make use of three different free services (in a fallback type scenario) in the Cookie Management Banner module: https://github.com/adrianbj/CookieManagementBanner/blob/945d406d227c821a27be972f3a63ce4c4d44c613/CookieManagementBanner.module#L62-L85 ip.nf geoip.nekudo.com ip.sb You can read a little about my conversation with the ip.nf folks here:
  14. Hi @PCuser - sorry you're having problems. I just tested with an image with exactly that filename and it worked just fine. I wonder if there is something else at play here. Any chance you could do a little debugging? Firstly try on a clean PW install and if that works, see if it's some other module that is conflicting. Or perhaps it's specific image field settings at play. Does it work with a newly created image field with default settings? You get the idea ?
  15. Or if you are only supporting recent'ish versions of PW: urls()->$this . 'script/test.js';
  16. You don't even need className config()->urls->$this . 'scripts/test.js';
  17. Hi Jonathan, Would this just be for users that are already logged in, but are prohibited by the Allowed Roles setting, or do you actually want guest users to be redirected when they visit a protected page? Of course this would mean that an authorized user would need to make their own way to a login page. Or are you planning on redirecting them to a custom login page? Then of course you'd want to redirect them back to the page they first visited. Does the Login Template option work for your needs by chance? It would be helpful to understand your use case a little better and why the existing Message or Prohibited Message fields don't suit your needs. I am happy to help accommodate what you want, but a little context would help please ?
  18. Some more keyboard shortcuts for the Console panel: CTRL + SHFT + PageUp | One less line in code pane CTRL + SHFT + PageDown | One more line in code pane Unlike the other pane resizing shortcuts, these two save the position of the divider so that it will restore to this position after a page reload. This matches the behavior when you drag the divider with the mouse.
  19. Hey @bernhard - glad you're enjoying it. Clearing of Tracy cookie settings (like sticky selected panels) when saving the module settings is intentional: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/commit/f26a46724f8d36b33a637835581128875b756e1e The trouble is that I am not sure why I did it ? I'll have to have a think about why I did this - I distinctly remember doing it for some reason but maybe that reason is no longer relevant due to other changes. I'll get back to you on this. Of course you can enable the panel permanently in the config settings, but I am pretty sure that's not what you mean.
  20. Sure. I have just made the change and spent some time refactoring the generation of the panel footer area to make future changes much easier.
  21. Latest version adds a new Inputfield Settings section to the RequestInfo panel when viewing a field in the admin. This is not turned on by default, so visit the module settings if you want to take it for a spin. Speaking of the module settings, all relevant panels now have direct links to their section in the module config settings, eg: The cog/gear icon at the bottom right will take you directly to this, which will hopefully make changes to panel settings much easier/quicker. Thanks to @bernhard for this suggestion.
  22. It's been there for about a week - pretty much just after all the new fullscreen and pane sizing shortcuts were added.
  23. I guess that is a way around needing to make $pages available. I just haven't got into using it yet - maybe I should?
  24. Glad you like it ? I don't see any reason not to. Would you mind submitting a PR? Please bump the version number as well so I can just accept and it's done. Thanks!
  25. You could also use the Field Code section (created by @bernhard) which lets you copy / paste the API code need to create the field. Be sure to grab the very latest version of Tracy because I just committed a fix to this feature. It was previously missing certain properties. Note that this option is not enabled in Tracy by default so you need to go to the module settings and enable:
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