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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Brand new numParents() method from the latest PW dev showing up in the API Explorer ?
  2. Tracy's settings contain an InputfieldEmail field so I expect that is where the conflict is. You need to add a condition to your hook to make sure it's only affecting ProcessPageEdit rather than ProcessModule and others. Sorry, gotta run so now time for an example, but hopefully that will get you going.
  3. Lots of improvements to the API Explorer have been committed and as far as I can tell it should now include all methods and properties for all PW objects and classes. It's now definitely ready for primetime although I am sure I'll think of other improvements to add ? Honestly I am learning about lots of methods/properties I didn't know about! Hopefully you guys will find it the best first stop for api docs.
  4. And everything works as expected when Tracy is uninstalled? Can you save config settings for other modules? Any chance you could try an older version of Tracy - I wonder if I recently did something that makes it require a new version of PW?
  5. Agreed - I honestly didn't pay much attention because it said "coming soon" and I was happy to see PW included along with Wordpress and Joomla.
  6. Sorry for the trouble - what version of Tracy, PHP, and PW are you running?
  7. Themes for PW: https://prothemes.studio/
  8. Do you have PW's debug mode on? If not it suppresses PHP errors. Alternatively, TracyDebugger will in most cases display these errors even with debug mode off.
  9. Another question for you all - in addition to the core objects and classes, would you find it useful to also see these for core and site module classes as well? Maybe optional?
  10. New version of the API Explorer. 1) It now shows all core classes (rather than the previous select list), but it excludes those classes with matching API variables avoid duplicate content. 2) By default, methods inherited from Wire, WireArray, or WireData are no longer shown which dramatically decreases the size of the panel and makes it much easier to find what you are looking for. However if you want to see all methods, then you can check the new "Include inherited methods" config setting. I would really appreciate some feedback on this new version. I am thinking about maybe showing inherited methods for the core classes, but not for the API variables (objects), but I'd really like to get thoughts from you guys on what you think will be most useful - I think it's a challenge to balance usefulness and clarity. Thanks!
  11. Recently introduced, unintentional bug ? I have just committed a fix, although no version number bump just yet because I am working on other changes.
  12. I think this is something that @tpr needs to take care of in AOS, but if someone know better, please correct me. I actually think I am OK with the horizontal scroll in this case. I'd rather be able to read it all and I don't want to go with line break either. If others think this is annoying, please let me know and I'll reconsider. Over the last few years I have come to really dislike forced new window/tab links unless there is a chance of data loss which I guess in this situation is possible if you're editing a page at the time, so I have introduced a config option under the Misc section to let you guys decide. This is the same as the option for the PW Info panel. I have also added it to the Captain Hook panel as well. So guys can choose what you prefer. I have added this to the latest version - also added to the Captain Hook panel as well. Sorry, I don't get what you are talking about It's a link to automatically insert that code into the Console panel so you can easily dump it to get the value. Maybe it will make more sense when it's done ?
  13. New version just committed which revises the output for object properties - now runtime properties are more accurately collected and the description is displayed (rather than the value). I think this is more inline with what this panel is about. I think if you want values you can get them easily via the Console panel - I am actually thinking about a link from the property to open the Console panel with the $object->property wrapped in a d() call, eg: d($page->createdUser); to make it even quicker/easier. Any thoughts on whether you'd use this? Please keep the feedback coming.
  14. That is currently expected - same as with the Captain Hook panel. It's because of the way I am showing all because actually triggering the toggle on each element is too slow. I'll keep it in mind to improve if I can though. Not sure about the paths/urls stuff - do you think those are things that need Ryan's attention?
  15. I agree that would be nice - perhaps in a future version and maybe using @tpr's FilterBox Utility - for now, the best option is browsing and Toggle All and then CTRL+F to use your browser find in page functionality. The first version of the API Explorer is now available and includes some config settings for determining what is shown in the tables for each object/class's method. The default is to show the "description" column and not to have the full doc comment block toggleable. This results in much smaller sizes for these panels and of course if you have your code editor links configured properly you can always click the line number to go to the method and read the doc comment that way. Also, since the previews posted yesterday, the API Explorer now also includes Core Classes (as well as API variables) so you have access to things like wireArray and Pageimage methods. It also now displays all properties for each object/class which is especially useful for $page Please take this for a spin and give me your feedback. I will most certainly be tweaking it myself lots over the next few days, but I'd still love your inout to guide my decisions.
  16. @jmartsch - what about this module from @netcarver - http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-page-tree/
  17. Thanks @ottogal - I'll have a play with something where the API text is bigger (as you have it), or go with something simpler. Not too important ? Anyone have any thoughts on having the description of the doc comment in its own column for quick reference? Of course you can still expand to get the full comment text. I think this is probably quite useful - anyone think otherwise?
  18. Also just wanted to mention that when building this ML stuff, I had to setup a new test email address because gmail addresses no longer work with this module. Turns out Outlook (hotmail) ones don't either. I ended up using a Yandex address. In case anyone finds it useful, these are the settings I used: Hope that helps!
  19. Hi everyone, @dab has kindly sponsored support for multi-language subjects and content which I have just added to v1.3.0 Here is my test email content which will hopefully show you how it works. Subject English Subject ==#es== Spanish Subject ==#fr== French Subject Body English body ==#es== Spanish body ==#fr== French body ==sidebar== Sidebar english ==sidebar==#es== Sidebar spanish ==sidebar==#fr== Sidebar french There is also a new "Auto Activate Languages" checkbox that you'll probably want to check in the module config settings. Please let me know if you have any problems with this new functionality. Cheers, Adrian
  20. @Ralf - I would recommend installing 3.0.116 for the moment. It looks like this is not the only bug introduced in 3.0.117 - the Profields Table field is also throwing warnings that need attention. Note that there is no 3.0.118 yet
  21. Here's a preview of the new API Explorer panel I hinted at earlier. You'll notice a lot of similarities with the Captain Hook Panel with everything ordered alphabetically, and with toggling to open/close the DocComment text and direct links to open the appropriate file to the first line of the method in your code editor which I hope will be a useful learning tool because often the methods for an object are inherited from a parent class and so are not necessarily in the file you might expect. This will make finding the source of these methods really quick and easy. The link in the first column of the table opens the API ref docs on the PW site or using Ryan's API Explorer module (if you have that installed). Also note that conditional parameters for the methods are italicized I'll probably commit the first version of this tomorrow, but I'd love to hear any initial feedback from these screenshots - other than comments on the awful icon ? (unless you have a suggestion for a better one).
  22. Thanks @kixe - I didn't have a need for repeaters when I wrote this module, but it's certainly a good idea to support them. I have gone ahead and updated the module based on your idea and it now works for repeaters as well. Thanks!
  23. Thanks for the heads up - I have removed this one from the module.
  24. @simonsays Just back online tonight - will take a look tomorrow.
  25. Hi all - I've just committed a pretty major update to the Console and File Editor panels. 1) Adds all ACE editor themes with a config setting to choose the theme 2) Options to set the font size and line height 3) I have refactored the sizing of various divs in both these panels that should solve lots of minor layout bugs especially when resizing the panels. *Be sure to do a hard reload to get the latest CSS/JS files. 4) Updated the core SplitJS library which now adds support for dragging by fixed increments which lock to the code line height - before I was hacking this on and it wasn't anywhere near as nice. 5) Various bug fixes for the keyboard shortcuts for resizing the console panes. Also, just a quick note to say that this version doesn't yet include the PW variables code completion. That will come in the next version. I am on a semi-vacation at the moment so haven't had any dedicated blocks of time to get that quite as I want yet. Please let me know how this new version goes for you!
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