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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Hi @Robin S - sounds interesting. A couple of possible options: 1) Have you ever opened up any of the exception-*-.html files that get stored in /assets/logs/tracy ? These include the required JS for making the toggling etc work, so I guess I could take a similar approach for dumps. 2) What about a Dumps Archive panel - something like the Dumps Recorder, but it would be populated with only the entries you wanted and you could also delete items when you no longer need them. I think I could do this by having an "archive" icon shown next to each item in the Dumps panel - click that and it would be copied to the Archive Panel, and then in the Archive Panel there'd be a delete icon for each item. Would you prefer the ability to save individual items, or just the entire current contents of the Dumps panel? I think I like #2 better because it keeps access to everything within Tracy. Any thoughts?
  2. @ryan - all the assets for Tailwinds are 404'ing for me
  3. Looks like you might not have installed the MigratorWordpress plugin. Also, please note that it really only works on WP blog posts and it's also not being maintained anymore. Good luck!
  4. I don't believe the order will matter, but having the fclose before the unlink makes more sense to me.
  5. Did you check the file permissions and ownership? What happens if you make the unlink call directly (maybe from Tracy Console) - do you get a permissions error?
  6. Hey @bernhard - Tracy doesn't need sessions these days unless you have the "Use Native PHP Session" option checked, so it seems like a strange reason to disable it. I wonder if something here: https://github.com/nette/tracy#ajax-and-redirected-requests could be of help? Maybe I need a minimal test case to see the exact problem.
  7. This is a double full circle for me. I started using TinyMCE, then migrated my custom stuff to FCKEditor (when that's what it was called). Then when I came to PW Tiny was still the default, then it moved to CKEditor and now we're going back to Tiny :)
  8. I think the easiest way is the AddNewChildFirst option in AdminOnSteroids. If you don't want to use that entire module, can you can grab the hook it uses: https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/blob/2e8f9c56dbc0d05edcb203d7dcf9af31eb862b02/AdminOnSteroids.module#L786-L795 Basically you're just setting the sort value of the new page to 0.
  9. @androbey - I've committed a new version that doesn't prevent the email and logging to Tracy log files, but it does prevent logging to Slack until the email flag is cleared. I know this isn't ideal / complete, but it's all I have time for right now as I am finding it quite confusing to figure out how we're supposed to implement custom loggers without overriding the default ones and the logging to file is really important so I wanted to make sure that is fixed. Hopefully I'll tackle this better in the future, including your request for a hook. Feel free to send me a PR though if you've got the time to figure this out.
  10. @bernhard - that check seems like it should be fine, but I am wondering if we should perhaps also add an early exit for RockFrontend - something like these: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/17dbc10717bdda826660166477abb04c192eaf3e/TracyDebugger.module.php#L430-L442
  11. In case someone feels like contributing by replacing Flourish with imap_open, this code should get you started: $inbox = imap_open('{imap.gmail.com:993/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}', 'address@domain.com', 'password'); $msgnos = imap_search($inbox, 'UNSEEN'); if($msgnos) { foreach($msgnos as $msgno) { imap_setflag_full($inbox, $msgno, "\\Seen \\Flagged", ST_UID); $header = imap_headerinfo($inbox, $msgno); $bodyText = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $msgno, 1.2); if(!strlen($bodyText) > 0) { $bodyText = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $msgno, 1); } $timestamp = strtotime($header->date); $toObj = $header->to[0]; $fromObj = $header->from[0]; $to = $toObj->mailbox.'@'.$toObj->host; $from = $fromObj->mailbox.'@'.$fromObj->host; } }
  12. @tires - the Flourish library is no longer maintained, so this module really needs to be rebuilt so that it doesn't rely on it. It's quite easy with imap_open https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-open.php but I'm afraid I really can't contribute more time to this module - I've never actually used it myself and I don't think it has a huge user base, but I am sure Pete would accept a PR if you'd be willing to implement imap_open.
  13. @androbey - I've just committed a new version which adds Slack support. It's not super well tested, but so far it's working here nicely. You will need to edit the config settings to set the name of the slack channel and the Slack App Oauth Token of your Slack App that has permission to post to the specified channel. Not sure if you have ever set up a Slack app (bot) before, but this should get you going: https://api.slack.com/bot-users Let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.
  14. @androbey - adding the Slack logging option is definitely on my list. However, keep in the mind that I think a throttle is still probably important - I can see a situation where your Slack board is flooded with a lot of errors very quickly.
  15. Sorry, I am confused why not loading Tracy makes sense in this case, but if that's what you want, there is already a setting for that - first option in the config settings.
  16. Hi @bernhard - I am not certain, but I am curious if it helps if SessionHandlerDB is running. Not saying that this is the fix, but it might help me to debug and figure out a solution.
  17. Hi @sebr - firstly, I am really sorry about the issue you experienced. I am surprised that the data was reset after it hit the character limit of the text field - perhaps that's a PW core behavior, but not really sure without Ryan's input. Turns out I've had a similar issue before with my BatchChildEditor module: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/321 - as you will read, Ryan has good reasons for not wanting to change to mediumtext. But, making that change will be fine in terms of upgrading not breaking things. What I am curious about though is why the settings has become so large for you with the PageProtector module - are you making use of parent restrictions, rather than protecting all the individual child pages separately? That should dramatically reduce the size of the stored data.
  18. Hi @Mike Rockett - not sure how this hasn't been reported before so it makes me wonder if I am missing something, but when using the "Templates without sitemap access" option, these exclusions are only applied to top level parent pages. To fix things, I added the in_array check to the $page->children loop, like this: // Check for children and include where possible. if ($page->hasChildren($selector)) { foreach ($page->children($selector) as $child) { if (in_array($child->template->name, $this->sitemap_exclude_templates)) { continue; } $this->addPagesFromRoot($child); } } Does it make sense to include there?
  19. Regarding the DB backup - I need to switch that from using PW's backup methods to system backups, like Duplicator does: https://github.com/flydev-fr/Duplicator/blob/69d78a13bb77cc5b541e959e864480ad41a90a82/Classes/BackupDatabase.php#L159 Right now, I am not sure about the Repeater question - no time to investigate, but it might be an easy enough fix to support selecting repeater templates.
  20. Hey @Pete - I've added an option to remove the frontend login form. Hope that works for you. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!
  21. Regarding the required field, you are not only setting a value, but the first empty option also has a value. Try it like this: array( 'name' => 'content', 'label' => 'Content type', 'description' => 'What is this content for?', 'type' => 'select', 'required' => true, 'options' => array( '' => 'Choose One', '1' => 'category1', '2' => 'category2', '3' => 'category3', '4' => 'category4', '5' => 'category5' ) ) Regarding the memory errors - I don't think that can be specifically related to this module. As for outputting more content, so you output whatever you want by assigning the html to: $this->output = 'my HTML output';
  22. Hi @fruid - it's because of the lowercase "s" in your class name. If you change it to "class SaveOrShow" it will work as expected. You will need to re-save the module settings to clear the cache, but after that it will work.
  23. Sorry, I am a bit confused on what you're trying to do. For the admin the guest role won't have access at all anyway. But if you don't actually need that and you're only looking to get it to work for a superuser, then I am not sure what issue you are still having. Is it the error you noted about not having permission, or is it the out of memory error, or something else? If it's the out of memory error, then that isn't related to this module, but rather then code in your custom action. You might be able to get away with a ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'), or you might need to build in a way to do the action in batches. It's impossible to know without seeing what your action code is doing.
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