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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Change it in your php.ini...if you have access to system files on your server. If not, there are other ways.
  2. @bernhard. I'll move this topic to module development since the other thread will be the support forum for this module. If you wish, we can lock this topic so that all enquiries/comments etc, are directed to the modules main support forum
  3. Something like this? (Exended FieldtypeFile)
  4. @Robin S Excellent, thanks. I will have a look. Do you know if I'll have access to the $field at this point? I.e. the Fieldtype the Inputfield belongs to.
  5. @kuba2, Moderator Note I have moved your topic to Dev Talk since it has nothing to do with ProcessWire per se.
  6. Although it has worked for some, personally, I wouldn't bother with hooking into file uploads or storing original names in the file description or #4. I would either go for 'one-page-per-file' approach or create a custom Fieldtype that extends FieldtypeFile. 1. Page approach Besides the advantages you've alluded to, other advantages are: You file 'gets a unique ID'. Normally, files/images do not have IDs. For a critical system like yours, you might find an ID useful, e.g. to easily locate files Extensible: Using a page, you can add fields to it if such a requirement arises in the future. Easy to edit files Edit a file in one place, have the changes applied everywhere you are using it Etc... Now, this does look familiar... . Media Manager uses the same approach. It is just a bit more refined. The pages containing media are hidden, are auto-created and users do no interact with them directly. Shameless plug; if all else fails; consider buying MM . I know one developer who used it to manage PDF files for an organisation. 2. Custom field The task at hand is a good opportunity for a custom Fieldtype. Create a module that extends Fieldtypefile. Copy the code in Fieldtypefile, adjusting the schema to accept an additional text column/field (for the database) where you can save your original file name. We can help you with this 3. Profields Table?
  7. Moderator Note Hi @Federico, Please open a separate (new) thread regarding your issue. This thread addresses a specific issue - "WireTabs: mysterious white line". Your question is about using the module in general. Separating issues/queries helps searching for specific things easier plus helps in organisation. I will delete your post once you have opened your thread. Thanks.
  8. Visual Page Selector version 005 (released (04/01/2018) Happy to announce that the latest release of Visual Page Selector is now available for Download/Purchase. Documentation has mostly been updated but the screenshots are not all up to date. This is a major update. As of today and this version onward, ONLY ProcessWire 3.x is supported. Changelog Support for namespaced ProcessWire only (ProcessWire 3.x). New UI. Thumbs view resemble normal ProcessWire 3.x image field. Thumbs now displayed in their natural proportions based on the ProcessWire-generated 260px high thumbs. Improved fields selection in the VPS field settings (image fields selection, etc). Display custom columns in Thumbs view (i.e. other fields in the page in the VPS pagefield). New Lister settings (e.g. disable columns, default columns). Improved support for Page Table and Repeaters. Lots of stylistic bug fixes. Notes pocketgrid.css dependency has been removed. Please delete the file if upgrading from VPS versions < 5 The UI has had a major update. We are now using icons only for all actions. In the modal, you first need to select items in order for add/remove icons to appear. If upgrading and using Thumbs view, 260px high thumbs may have to be generated once. May cause an initial slow down. Credits Many thanks to all beta testers - @Macrura, @szabesz and @Robin S. Special thanks to @Robin S for his critical review and ideas to improve the module. InputfieldImage JS/CSS/HTML code used in the VPS thumbs UI. Potential Bugs/Issues In some environments, if using Modal Lister and showing an image column in the Lister, if the image field has the setting Vertical List in image grid mode, the images in the field may fail to display in the Lister. Please use either a Square or Proportional grid images setting. There are a few stylistic issues when using the module in a repeater and using the (original) default admin theme. Screenshots 1. Thumbs View Grid: Page Edit 2. Thumbs View Table: Page Edit 3. Thumbs View Table: Modal 4. Thumbs View Grid: Thumb hover 5. Thumbs View Grid: Thumb selection 6. Field settings: Image settings
  9. Moderator Note: Moved thread to Module/Plugin Development forum. The forum Modules/Plugins is only for support of existing modules
  10. @joe72joe, moderator note: I had to edit your previous post to wrap your code in code blocks. In your last post, you are still not wrapping code in code blocks. Could you please wrap code in code blocks. Use the <> icon. Thanks.
  11. Yes. In our Image Marker Fieldtype module, there is a configuration for selecting pages to add as markers using either Asm or Auto complete. This works fine in normal pages and PageTable. In Repeaters though, the resources do not get loaded, so Asm or Autocomplete do not work. I have only tested with the Repeater set to load content via Ajax. Ideally, I would like to be able to check the Image Marker field setting in init() to see whether to load the Asm or Autocomplete resources. Loading both works, but it means we are always loading resources we are not using and populating $config with redundant stuff. It's not a big deal but it would be nice to load only what we need.
  12. There's also this. Don't let the Alpha tag put you off. Go through the thread...
  13. Problem (at least what I experienced) is that in an Inputfield, init() doesn't yet know about the Fieldtype it belongs to, i.e. you can't get info about $field. That means you cannot dynamically load scripts. It's all or nothing.
  14. Update: Image Marker 0.1.1 As of today and this version onward, ONLY ProcessWire 3.x is supported. Changelog Support for namespaced ProcessWire only (ProcessWire 3.x). Support for multiple ImageMarker inputfields in one page (using either different base images each [from different single file fields on the page] or one base image). Support for use in PageTable. Base Image select is now done using a pre-populated select inputfield. Pagination in marker table now resembles (CSS) the MarkupPageNav styles of the Admin theme in use. Improvements to marker table CSS to pick from the Admin theme (e.g. rows selected for deletion). Available now in the modules directory. Please note that this version does not address any PHP 7.x issues. Repeaters: Not fully compatible yet; I run into this issue (resources not loaded). Screens: Image Marker in UiKit
  15. Does anyone know if this was resolved? I'm still experiencing the same problem as @bcartier in ProcessWire 3.0.85. Asm and Autocomplete resources are not loaded. I don't get errors though in the console..
  16. Hi Eugene, This is now sorted in version 022. Thanks.
  17. Update: Menu Builder 0.2.2 As of today and this version onward, ONLY ProcessWire 3.x is supported. Changelog Support for namespaced ProcessWire only (ProcessWire 3.x). Various bug fixes to getMenuItems(), breadcrumbs and saving menus in multi lingual environments (thanks for all reports in GitHub and the forums). Available now in the modules directory. Please note that this version does not address any PHP 7.x issues. Screen: Menu Builder in UiKit
  18. All, I intend to give this module some love soon. As part of this, I'm considering how to allow custom names for Columns and Rows (i.e. other than pages).
  19. The very, admittedly limited, docs are here. Your days of the week are Matrix Rows. Your Open and Close are Matrix Columns. I suggest you create a parent page for both. So A Days of the Week page whose children are the Days themselves and something similar for Open and Close. Then use method 1 or 2 as described in the docs to populate your rows and columns. Alternatively, see method 3 which allows you to use multi pagefields.
  20. @Federico, There were a number of issues in Version 004 of VPS (the one you got) when used in ProcessWire 3, especially if using the default theme. All those issues have been ironed out in Version 005. It is currently being beta tested. I hope to release it next week. If you cannot wait until then, I am happy to send you the pre-final Version 005 to use instead.
  21. Yes. There's this thing called Christmas that keeps coming back every year, followed by, er, another holiday, and.... Jokes aside, let's debug this. ProcessWire version? Any PHP errors (switch debug on + use Tracy debugger) Any JS errors? Does it only happen when you use star rating? I.e., if you do not star rate, does it work? That looks like the parameter string attached to the URL when a comment is submitted. Is that what you are seeing? If not, what do you mean by unknown page? Does PW throw a 404? What's the URL of the unknown page? Is this still about the Comments Field? If not, what preloader is this? How do you add it to your template file/page? What should (un)trigger it?
  22. Just wondering, are you sure it is not your browser doing the encoding? $input->queryString() returns the unsanitized query string.
  23. It could work. However, using this approach, how do you prevent direct access to the content? I.e., if a non-group member guessed the URL to content that is not part of his/her group, they will be able to see that content, no?
  24. Welcome to the forums @eutervogel. I have no idea why the sessions are disappearing. Sessions should also work for guest (aka not logged in users). Just want to suggest an alternative; cookies? Also, is it necessary to conditionally load the grid versus stripe views? Sometimes I find it easier to just load both views and using CSS and JS hide/show the views as per user request.
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