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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Where is the link being copied from? Yes, but Media Manager methods are currently not hookable. I'm not sure you've seen it, but Media Manager allows you to add your own (ProcessWire) fields to the media pages templates. Those will then be displayed in the list (table) view if you configure them to be displayed in Media Manager settings. However, you will not be able to edit the values directly in the table view. Instead, each media has an edit link that when clicked will open the full page for editing - this is a normal (almost) ProcessWire page edit form. You can use it to edit any of the fields in the template as well as the media themselves. In the frontend you access them as $m->your_public_link_field. I hope this makes sense. If not, please let me know. Thanks.
  2. Thanks @Sergio, @apeisa and @Tom. for bringing Tailwind CSS to our attention. Incidentally, I checked out the Tailwind screencasts and ended up picking up Vue.js as well :-). Anyway, to my first question. @apeisa, could you please clarify this statement about ProcessWire custom classes. Does it mean you use Tailwind in the backend/admin/modules or does it mean you use ProcessWire inputfields in the frontend? Thanks. Cross-posting Tom's Tailwind + UIKit + Grid resource:
  3. Hi @Sergio and @apeisa. Do you mind if I please hive off your Tailwind CSS discussion into one topic (say, Tailwind CSS for ProcessWire Developers)? It seems to me there is a steady interest in the framework. It would be nice to have one go-to topic where ProcessWire Devs can learn from (and contribute to) in respect of the framework. Personally, I have a few questions as well but I am hesitant to post in this topic since we'll quickly go off topic. Thanks.
  4. @Gadgetto My bad. I misled you a bit. I can't find it now, but @teppo made an excellent post about the executeWhatever() aspect of Process modules. In Process Modules, unlike URL segments in the frontend, ProcessWire will 'jealously guard' the first URL Segment, i.e. the Whatever part of execute....(). In other words, if your Process module has a first URL segment, it will look for a method in your Process module named executeYourFirstURLSegment(). If it doesn't find that, rather than render what is in execute(), it returns the error, Processwire: Unrecognized Path and the content The process returned no content. However, this only applies to the first URL Segment. After that, i.e. 2nd, 3rd, etc URL segments will resolve to whatever you decide based on the code you have in the method of the first URL Segment. For instance, in the case /admin/mymodule/firsturlsegment/whatever/, ProcessWire will not complain if there is no 'whatever' as long as firsturlsegment has content. Please find an example Process module below and the demo of it. The example is a bit rudimentary but you get the idea. Normally, I don't include the content of what I want the 2nd, etc URL segments to resolve to within the executeWhatever() method itself. I usually throw those in their own methods or even class. Example In this example, executeColours() is our gateway to anything we want the 2nd URL segment to resolve to. The 'red', 'green', etc segments do not exist independently (i.e. no corresponding executeXXX() methods for them). ProcessWire does not complain since the first segment /colours/ exists as executeColours(). Demo
  5. Ah, nope. They are fully supported. I use them all the time in most of my modules. Maybe show us some code?
  6. What the others have said. In addition, note that you can use your own param string when you build your modal URL and check that instead. However, I have found that param strings are not as reliable as url segments. I tend to use the latter more. For instance, for my process module's modal landing pages, I append some pre-determined url segments and check that instead. Below, some rough examples of both approaches (untested, mostly written from memory :-)). // using custom param string (popup) $url = $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . "your-process-module-name/some-page/?modal=1&popup=1/"; $input = $this->wire('input'); if((int)$input->get->popup == 1){ // in modal } // OR using custom url segment (popup) // create URL with segment $url = $this->wire('config')->urls->admin . "your-process-module-name/some-page/popup/"; $input = $this->wire('input'); if($input->urlSegment2 && $input->urlSegment2 == 'popup') { // we are in a modal } else { // not in a modal } Something along those lines...
  7. Aah, nice workaround. I never thought to do that ?. Glad you like it :-). I don't follow. What is this alt text please? Please clarify which inputfield configuration, CKEditor or MM? Full documentation is available here, by the way :-). Thanks.
  8. Hey @elabx, Sorry for the delay in responding. I have just tested in a new PW install with only 3 modules: MM, JFU and Tracy. I had to click on Clear Compiled Files 3 or 4 times for it to finally work. Here's what I did. Upgrade JqueryFileUpload by overwriting the existing files Delete MediaManagerTabs.php and pocketgrid.css in the current (old) Media Manager install Overwrite MM version 011 files with version 012 files Access Media Manager You might see Class not found error (either MediaManagerUtilities or JqueryFileUpload Access Modules (on same tab in #4) and click on Clear Compiled Files Once step #6 is finished, click browser back button to go back to Media Manager. If you get class error again, repeat steps 6 - 7 as necessary Please let me know if this works for you. Thanks.
  9. Hi @B3ta This is not something I have thought about. I am not sure how I would go about it, .e.g. a separate module to do the 'multi' aspect, etc. Please point me to some examples, thanks. I'll add it to my 'To Think About List' :-). Thanks.
  10. Hi Thomas, I'll have a think. The interface will need careful thought as it would need to be separate from the tooltip.
  11. Thanks @Asimov ! Excellent response! Welcome to the forums.
  12. Welcome to the forums @jarik. Make sure you've enabled Hanna Code as a text formatter for the textarea field where you want it to work. I am in a bit of a hurry. Have a look at the settings of your textarea field (details tab).
  13. True. In my case, I used $log to save the memory usage results to file to get an average. After that, I switched to Tracy but was well aware of how much memory my script was actually using vs any additions from Tracy :-).
  14. Just be aware that if you have Tracy calls inside your script (d(), etc), these also contribute to the total memory usage :-). In my test cases (some unrelated work), the amount used by Tracy can be significant.
  15. Hi @Entil`zha. I am afraid this will not be possible. Earliest release date is late Autumn.
  16. I have tested again, this time adding items one at a time using ASM select, creating a two-level deep menu with 93 items. Some of the items were repeated though. I also added a number of custom menu items. Are you able to show me screenshot, or, preferably, a video of the offending menu? The video would need to show the bit about the 89th item please. Ideally, have Tracy Debugger on to catch any errors as well. Is this a local or remote site? Single or Multilingual? Third-party modules in use?
  17. I've just tested and it works fine. I have created a menu with 93 items. I started with 87 then added more. How are you adding the menu items? Asm select / Auto complete / Page List / Selector? Are the menus nested?
  18. Hi @uiui. I am afraid I don't follow. Could you please explain what page number 89 is? Also, your ProcessWire version please.
  19. OK, but before that, since another user has experienced some issues with the Utility Class, I think I'll just move the class to its own file and require it. We'll try that first to see if it solves your issue. Thanks.
  20. Glad you like it. Thanks for testing and reporting back. I guess it doesn't make much sense to have a draft media (i.e. using ProDrafts). However, if you have added other fields to your Media Manager templates, you might want those to work with drafts. Hmm. I've never used ProDrafts before but you've given me something to think about.
  21. I'll have a think. We'd want to preserve backward compatibility. In respect of the seat mapping, yes. However, you would need to do the frontend logic yourself, i.e. the JavaScript bit of a user making selections. However, using a module for something 'as simple' as that may be an overkill?
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