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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. I have previously tested Blog in a multi-lingual environment in ProcessWire 2.7 and it worked just fine. I don't know much about multi-lingual environments though. I am also not sure whether this is specific to ProcessWire 3.x. Unfortunately I do not have time to invest in looking into this particular issue. If anyone can come up with a PR I'll gladly consider it.
  2. In that case, technically, the upload has not failed. Files have been uploaded to the temporary folder/../jqfu/.files_no_show. In there, a number of validation checks take place to ensure what is uploaded is valid. Some checks are done by (1) JQFU, others by (2) ProcessWire's WireUpload and finally by (3) Media Manager. If a file passes validation, it is copied over to the library. Media Manager is responsible for deleting copies of uploaded media in the temporary folder. Since the process times out before reaching step #3, the uploaded media remain in the temporary folder, do not make it to the library, hence MM does not delete the uploaded originals in the temporary folder.
  3. Glad you got it sorted. However, I feel there's still something funky going on. You should still be able to do bulk uploads. OK, maybe not 40 at a time, but 20 or so images. There's also a 'Scan' function if that suits you better.
  4. With these settings, the files should only be temporarily uploaded to /site/assets/MediaManager/jqfu/.files_no_show. They are then deleted once they have been copied to the Media Manager Library. The thumbnails also get deleted in that process. However, if you upload very large images (dimensions or size), the process may time out. In that case you will get the error you are getting (Empty file upload result) . That means the server did not send back a success message in response to the ajax request sent by Jquery File Upload. If you check your browser dev tools as per the image below (under either Preview or Response tab), you should see a similar error. Is this the case for you?
  5. That's strange. Point #3 contradicts point #1. Media is only uploaded to that sub-folder if in the setting After Uploading you have selected option 3 (i.e., to keep media in a temporary folder until they have been reviewed). If you have option 1 or 2, the media is uploaded directly to the Media Library. Please confirm the option you have selected in this setting, just in case you are looking at a different setting from the one I am referring to, thanks. Edit: Please also confirm that you have the latest version (005) Jquery File Upload.
  6. Hi @Metaphora. Sorry about the problems you are experiencing. It's a bit difficult to debug this one. Can't tell whether the problem is because of your ProcessWire version, or the image type or the image size or your server environment. Are you able to test using the exact same images using ProcessWire 2.7? I am assuming you are using ProcessWire 3.x. Are you testing locally or remotely? If the latter, do you notice any difference if you test locally? Server environment? I am not sure what you mean by 'small ones'? Do you mean size of file or dimensions? Do you mean the assets folder and not a sub-folder? What are your upload settings? E.g. upload and add immediately to library or upload to be added later to the library after review?
  7. Media Manager version 010 (released 28/04/2017) Happy to announce the latest release of Media Manager. Changelog As per this request, added option to confirm duplicate media overwrite on upload. This, obviously, only works when the setting Duplicate Media is set to overwrite existing media with the one being uploaded. If you have that option selected, you will see a new option 'Always confirm when replacing/overwriting duplicate media' in the Duplicate Media sub-section. Tick that and save if you want to use this option. On the Uploads Tab you should now see a 'Confirm Overwrite' checkbox toward the top right of that page. Unless that checkbox is ticked, you will not see 'Start' upload buttons. Made various strings used in success/error messages in JavaScript translatable This latest version is now available for download Screens 'Always Confirm Overwrites' setting 'Confirm Overwrites' checkbox unchecked 'Confirm Overwrites' checkbox checked
  8. Moved to Dev Talk as this is really about Pocketgrid and not ProcessWire.
  9. Hi @Tyssen, Thanks for your interest in Media Manager. No, not at the moment. The module creates its own fields for the 4 media types (audio, document, image and media). Each media item is a hidden page in the admin under respective media manager parent pages. I have been mulling adding this type of scanning functionality but haven't made a decision yet. Having said that, the module can currently scan /site/assets/MediaManager/uploads/ Please let me know if I can be of further help.
  10. Not sure if you can use these, but this, to the best of my knowledge, is the home of PW Tips and Tricks: https://processwire-recipes.com/
  11. @adrian, Aah, my bad. The culprit is where I grab the respective row and column pages in order to get the friendly rowLabel and columnLabel respectively. Would uncacheAll do the trick (to clear memory)? If not I could get titles using raw SQL... Thanks for catching this.
  12. That's strange. Where did you see that? The module does not return Page or PageArrays anywhere . A single entry is a Matrix object (a WireData) and groups of entries are MatrixArray objects (WireArray). Maybe I haven't looked at this in a while but I am pretty sure about this .
  13. Hi Adrian. Glad you found a solution. I haven't looked at this module in a while. I will have a think. Ditto .
  14. Nice catch Chris. You are right. I was missing one Zero. Corrected in version 5. Update: Jquery File Upload Version 0.0.5. Changelog Fixed a typo in the default setting of maxFileSize. Thanks @Chris Whissen
  15. Check your PHP ini for these settings: post_max_size upload_max_filesize
  16. I don't think you need to use a Hook for this. Since ProcessWire does not output any markup, you can echo whatever you want to be your content, whether it is from another page or another field or hard coded, or whatever. A couple of examples $out = $page->title; $out .= $page->summary;// some text field; if($page->name == 'my-different-page') { $page->body = 'Some custom Content';// @note: overwriting body field content // or if grabbing from some other page //$settings = $pages->get('/path/to/other/page'); //$out .= $settings->extraContentTextField; } $out .= $page->body; echo $out; Written quickly, pseudo code, etc...
  17. Please see the 'default_title' option as documented here.
  18. I see. The change type might not be easy to pull off but will have a think. The en/dis-able, please file that as a request here. Thanks.
  19. OK. Would have loved to get to the bottom of this though. Comments seem to work for some but not for others...
  20. Glad you like the module @cjx2240. Do you mean if disabled menu item does not show in the frontend? What's the use case? Why not just not add that menu item? I don't follow. Please explain.
  21. I guess you are using ProcessWire 3.x? Make sure you have the Comments field module installed. Try refreshing (recompiling) modules.
  22. Hi @Nukro, I am afraid not. It's on my todo list though. Hope you can wait a bit longer, thanks.
  23. @Alex L, Welcome to the forums. Please note that for modules that have their own support forums, we do not start other threads but rather post in those support threads. OK, to your question. If you want to use Blog's demo template files and styles, it is easiest if you install ProcessWire with a 'blank profile'. What is happening is that the profile you are using (I think it's called 'site-default') is conflicting with Blog's template files. I am in a bit of a rush so cannot explain further.
  24. I doubt if ProcessWire will do that for you (unless ASMSelect's JS actually does this, which would be news to me). Data Attributes are not form elements so will not be submitted with the form. You will need JS to grab those attributes and submit them along with the form, e.g. as hidden elements created on the fly on submit.
  25. I'm sure lister can handle it just fine . The keyword is 'limit' (pagination) .
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