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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. Often those accessable url's are used for the pages only showing a specific category, but you can surely prevent that. One way would be using only templates without a corresponding template.php file. If there's no file, then there's nothing to render, which results in the default 404 error. Another way would be using the right selector to get the categories $pages->find("parent.id=[path=/categories, include=unpublished]"). This does get you all children of the page found by the selector within the square brackets (subselector). Keep in mind, that urls are always lowercase.
  2. I'd really suggest storing this data separate to the map-marker data. In such a situation you don't want to depend on a tool you cannot surely control what data it spits out (changes to the module or the api).
  3. Just take a look at the files inside site-default folder at github. There's a _func.php and a _init.php, which are set up like I explained it.
  4. I'd suggest using this to create the foreach. It's less error prone than using brackets. <?php foreach($a as $b) : ?> … <?php endforeach; ?> The loop itself seems to ok, so maybe take a look at the output of this just before the foreach: <?php echo $page->PortfolioRepeater1->count(); ?> Also having <p> tags inside of <span> or <h3> is not allowed by html standards, so maybe correct this.
  5. This in not documented, as I doubt this is meant to be often used by the enduser, but the source-code is quite fast to scan if you know the overall structure. Most of the seasoned pw users are simply using github or a local installation to lookup things.
  6. In the default profile it's included in the way I described, I'm not sure why it's otherwise in the beginner profile.
  7. You can try this: $fields->find("tags*=XXX");
  8. You're not clear in your question. Are we talking about namespaces (a_title, a_body, c_body) or tagged fields, as of the tags to group fields in the backend?
  9. You're both probably including "renderNav()" somewhere in your _init.php. I wasn't sure about 404 exceptions, but I'm about $page->render(), where the init.php is prepended a second time within a single request, and one cannot create a function of the same name twice. I suggest moving helper functions in an own file and just include them in _init.php via include_once. This will make sure the function is never created more than once.
  10. Every real existing folder won't be picked-up by processwire's .htaccess and so you can simply create a folder /demo and use a custom .htaccess inside of /demo.
  11. This might also be of interest in that context: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/10176-processwire-issues-labeled-as-enhancement-on-github/?p=97180
  12. The problem with such a qa team is that they would also get access rights to edit the repo (push to it) in GitHub, which is a fact Ryan doesn't seems to be overly keen on. In terms of dedicated permission management even GitLab is superior to GitHub, even if not by far.
  13. <?php // First, confirm that a submission has been made if($input->post->contactname) { // Set a temporary upload location where the submitted files are stored during form processing $upload_path = $config->paths->assets . "files/contact_files/"; // New wire upload $contact_photo = new WireUpload('contact_photo'); // Reference field name in HTML form that uploads photos $contact_photo->setMaxFiles(5); $contact_photo->setOverwrite(false); $contact_photo->setDestinationPath($upload_path); $contact_photo->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')); // Second wire upload (other_photos) [NEW CODE] $other_photos = new WireUpload('other_photos'); // Reference field name in HTML form that uploads photos $other_photos->setMaxFiles(10); // Allow 10 other photos $other_photos->setOverwrite(false); // Use the temporary location set above $other_photos->setDestinationPath($upload_path); $other_photos->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')); // execute upload and check for errors $files = $contact_photo->execute(); $other_files = $other_photos->execute(); // [NEW CODE] // Run a count($files) test to make sure there are actually files; if so, proceed; if not, generate getErrors() if(!count($files)) { $contact_photo->error("Sorry, but you need to add a photo!"); return false; } // Set up submissions in the ProcessWire page tree $np = new Page(); // create new page object $np->template = $templates->get("data"); // Set template for pages created from form submissions $np->parent = $pages->get("/test/"); // Set parent for pages created from form submissions // Send form submissions through ProcessWire sanitization and apply each to a template field for the new page $np->of(false); $np->title = $sanitizer->text($input->post->contactname); $np->name = $np->title; $np->contactname = $sanitizer->text($input->post->contactname); $np->email = $sanitizer->email($input->post->email); $np->comments = $sanitizer->textarea($input->post->comments); $np->save(); // Run photo upload for "contact_photo" foreach($files as $filename) { $pathname = $upload_path . $filename; $np->contact_photo->add($pathname); $np->message("Added file: $filename"); unlink($pathname); } // Run photo upload for "other_photos" [NEW CODE] foreach($other_files as $other_file) { $pathname = $upload_path . $other_file; $np->other_photos->add($pathname); $np->message("Added file: $other_file"); unlink($pathname); } // Save page again $np->save(); echo "<p>Thank you for your contact information.</p>"; return true; }else { echo "<p>Sorry, your photo upload was not successful...</P>"; } I've just gone though it and prettified the code. Also for line one: Do never put things right after "<?php". Not even comments. There has to be at least a space.
  14. There isn't any way, that I'm aware of, to archive what you want to do. The cache fieldtype also isn't meant to be used like this. It exists to improve database querying performance on multiple textfields and not really anything more than that. It's not intended to be shown anywhere.
  15. I suggest taking a look a these line: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/core/Pagefile.php#L209-L220
  16. I'm not sure if there is any hookable function, that is called at the right time. If there isn't than you can either asked for one over at Github or implement something on your own – rather copy the module in the site/modules/ directory, instead of changing anything in wire/.
  17. I'm not sure if there are any specifics out there. The quote either way stands right as you've the ability to render whatever content you need in your templates. I'm not sure for mobile apps, but my half-knowledge would suggest that apps nowadays use json/rest endpoints, but you could also use xml to transfer your data. It really depends on the usecase.
  18. I've to say, that I never got warm with Forklift. It tries to hard to be kind of a finder replacement, whereas Transmit just does one thing and that exceptionally well. The synced folder feature is just the best and if you set the local and remote startfolder for the favorites, than it works from the beginning and you just drag&drop files around.
  19. Seems like it, but there are few other unresolved ones in that function as well right now.
  20. I'm not really sure how this is selecting 1|3 here, but there's certainly a lack in checking for empty strings in the FieldtypeOptions::sanitizeValue() function. To fix this add this right at the start of the function: if($value === ""){ return $this->getBlankValue($page, $field); }
  21. Yeah, you would either need to hook to where ProcessPageAdd is called and change the arguments passed to it there. Or you need to adjust the name after the page is created, but before/while it's added to the pagetable.
  22. You won't get the page which holds the page-table from hooking ProcessPageAdd, except if it's the parent page of the created one. ProcessPageAdd does simply add a new page and doesn't know anything about the page-table, that invoked the process.
  23. I'm not sure, where you got that exception, but normally pw uses Wire404Exception() to throw 404 errors.
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