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Everything posted by Joss

  1. I would make it scalable from the outset. I have had exactly the same issue, though I have approached it for different reasons - SEO. In this case, each product can have a different material or different base. It suddenly struck me that people might want to look through the cataglogue from a differetn angle - look at the materials, see what the differences are and then list the products that are made with that material. That meant those materials needed to be pages. Page table might be the way to go. There is a module called page table extended that improves layout, by the way, but it has problems with the current dev - the lovely chappy is working on it, though
  2. The best thing to do is to experiment first. The CKEditor can only be applied to Textareas. Go to Setup > Fields and and new. Give your new field a name like my_textarea (lowercase, no spaces and so on). Choose the field type textarea Give the field a label. Click save. A new tab will appear - Details From the Input Field Type, select CK editor Save. You have now created a field with the editor. To add that to a template go to Setup Template: Choose a template (I have no idea what has been set up) and when you click on the template, you can add your new field. Once that is saved, edit any page that uses that template and you will see your field. So, as you can see, the CKeditor field is just a textarea field with CKeditor added. Has your site been fully designed with everything you need added? And is it up and running on the web? Also, you haven't said whether you are in contact with your web master. Joss
  3. Not totally sure what you want to do, but does this page help? http://processwire.com/api/modules/process-template/
  4. Diogo beat me to a reply! To look at the field setting, on your admin menu you need to go to Settings > Fields And you will see all your fields listed. If you cannot see Settings, then your webmaster has not given you the permissions, you will need to contact him/her Edit: SiNNuT is right, you can break your site if you do not know how it has been set up. And obviously, we don't know either as each ProcessWire site is completely different.
  5. Love the theming! Huge points for a really sensitive choice of design colours and I love the gear theme. Also great little parallax library - I will check that out more.
  6. ooh, that is interesting. I cant think I have ever converted from one to the other like that so I had never noticed.
  7. Just in case something has gone amiss with the settings, create a new textarea field with ckeditor and try that. If that works okay, then compare the details in the input tab for both fields and see if there are differences.
  8. Particularly the historic ones. Or maybe historic computer bits: PW Punchcard PW Tickertape PW Valve?
  9. So, I am nearing the completion of this site and I suddenly notice that just beneath my navbar a line of text has appeared. What? I didn't put that there! How long has that been happening? Well, I have been messing with a couple of functions, so that must be it. I delete them, but it is still there. Oh. I delete more off the page. Still there. I look at the source. Whatever this is it has effectively chopped my <head> in two - half of it is now sitting inside the body tags. I look at the head.inc and delete quite a lot of it. Still there. The text actually sort of relates to some of the info on the page. So I delete a couple of fields from my template-file. Still there. I turn to another page - same problem, And another. Same problem. Try one with a different template. Same problem. Then another one. And that one hasn't got it. Huh? It is the same template I started with! Okay, if in doubt, read the text. It dawns on me that the text is a list of child pages - the last one I tried does not have children. So, where on earth is it coming from? On a hunch, I open my functions file which contains a lot of the logic for this complicated site and search for "children" The search takes me straight down to the bottom of the page to three little lines all on their own and not in a function: foreach($page->children as $child){ echo $child->title; } What are those doing there? Then I remember. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8176-end-user-usability/?p=79356 Earlier today I posted a comment on the forum and wanted to add a little bit of code. To make sure I made no mistakes, I quickly typed it on whatever I had open in Sublime text, copied it off and promptly forgot all about it. It has just cost me an hour of cursing. Very, Very, Very, Very Silly And a few stupids too!
  10. Joss

    End-User Usability

    Hi Dazzyweb As I said, there is no problem with creating functionality as modules or even profiles built on the wire base - as long as they are properly done, secure and reliable. But I do think something that creates quite so much plug-n-play functionality needs to be a completely separate project. Something like that will take a huge amount of maintenance and support and ProcessWire is not set up to handle that. I was part of the Liferay bug squad at one point (just looking at the usability of it). There was a pile of us trying (and succeeding) in breaking beta versions and the Liferay team only just managed to keep up with us - and they have a decent sized, fully employed developer staff. What I think is wrong with these conversations that keep coming up is that rather than someone proposing a module that does what they want and either building it or getting people around them to build it, they leap in and demand that the ProcessWire developers should drop what they are doing and change ProcessWire to suit their needs. There is a big difference between threads that start "Why doesn't PW do this?" and threads that start, "I am developing a new module for PW...." The whole point of ProcessWire is that a developer can add their own functionality and do not have to wait for Ryan to do it for them. There are loads of modules out there that devs have created for particular work projects, but don't get released to anyone else because they are client-specific. And for those of us who do not have that skill, well I just do things the long way round....
  11. Joss

    What is ProcessWire?

    Are you trying to be funny? Actually is is Comic Avec, not sans.....
  12. Joss

    What is ProcessWire?

    Suppose I better drink some before I debug this template on my next ProcessWire Website...
  13. Joss

    What is ProcessWire?

    It is a good question and one that gets asked rather a lot, one way or another. It is all too easy to write down long lists of clever functionality, or to write crafted documentation and tutorials, or to put together neat little sales lines that package it up in an easy to understand bundle. But, ultimately, any tool is defined best by the type of people who use it and by the community that grows around it. Well, today I realised the perfect answer to my question. THIS is ProcessWire: Thanks Diogo - Christmas landed early in my post box this year!
  14. Er ... depends how brave you are.... Liferay. However, it is a monster and though incredibly versatile and powerful, it takes a huge amount of learning. The advantage, though, is that because it is actually a portal system, the CMS side is just a plugin portlet, as is all the other functionality. So you can build and run a thousand dedicated sites on it. And it also runs as a container, so you can run a php application within it. So, you could add ProcessWire to it, in theory. And it has hooks for everything, so you can get the Liferay and PW database chatting away too. All a bit over the top.... I am sure there are some smaller beasties that make more sense!
  15. Joss

    End-User Usability

    The big rule for processwire is really simple. ProcessWire, as it is, allows anyone like you to go and develop any functionality you wish - including a templating system. The Blog Module is a lovely example of this. However, these are applications using processwire and should not be part of processwire itself for several reasons: Firstly, it weakens the brand by being too many things all at once - ProcessWire is a Content Management Framework, first and foremost, and that is it's strength. Burying that powerful brand value behind a wall of plug and play would be bad marketing. Secondly, everything you suggest takes a vast amount of maintenance. Who maintains all that? The ProcessWire developers, the true, full time ones, certainly don't have the time. (Do you, Ryan) And when it comes to a templating system there is a really good reason why ProcessWire doesn't have one - it doesn't need one. It already comes with the best templating system on the planet - html + php. What else do you need? My list of child pages in ProcessWire: foreach($page->children as $child){ echo $child->title; } That is not complicated even for a complete non-coder. I don't understand this need to add yet another layer of complexity on top. Templates require everyone to use the same field names or to pre format html markup at some earlier level so you can do things like render out the entire contents of a page without worrying what fields are in there. But that suddenly becomes web design with your hands tied behind your back. The entire reason why the vast majority of people are here using processwire is because they left systems like WordPress that restricted their design needs or over complicated them. There is nothing wrong with creating a system like Wordpress or Joomla based on ProcessWire. But it should be a separate project, separately maintained and not done in anyway that undermines the original product. Here is a good example of what I mean by that. I still have a couple of WordPress and Joomla sites that are yet to be migrated and last night I received a security alert about Bullet Proof security that has had to be patched because it was riddled with security holes. That plugin has been downloaded over a million times, but though it is independent of WordPress, for me it signalled yet another reason why I will no longer use Wordpress - the faults of that plugin, though corrected, have undermined the good name of wordpress. Wordpress is so huge that it can survive that. Could a relatively tiny project like ProcessWire survive the reputation hit in the same way? So, the bottom line is that ProcessWire development has been governed by fulfilling the needs of developers who require the huge flexibility not offered by systems layered with templating systems and presentation plugins and also by keeping its scope manageable by the development "team" so that it remains fast, secure and solid. (by the way, half the reason it is so fast is that it does not have all that extra presentational layers) As I said, there is nothing wrong with modules that add functionality, but they need to be add ons and NOT redefine ProcessWire itself.
  16. Here is a quickie! If you use repeaters for sections on a page (good use for repeaters that) then you may want to use anchors to help navigation. The most obvious thing to use is the "name" of the repeater, because repeaters are actually pages and the name field has no spaces. Ah! But there is a problem with repeaters! They are stored as pages under admin, in your page tree, and if you go and look at one you will see that its "name" looks something like: 1401972317-1689-1 Which is less than useful. The next thing to use is the "title" field, but that has spaces, uppercase and the rest. So, here is a quick and dirty little function that I found on StackExcahnge function seoUrl($string) { //Lower case everything $string = strtolower($string); //Make alphanumeric (removes all other characters) $string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $string); //Clean up multiple dashes or whitespaces $string = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $string); //Convert whitespaces and underscore to dash $string = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $string); return $string; } Now all you have to do is use it in your foreach loop for your repeater: function myRepeater (){ $repeaters = wire("page")->my_repeater; $out = ""; foreach($repeaters as $repeater){ $anchor = seoUrl($repeater->title); $out .="<a name='{$anchor}'><h3>{$repeater->title}</h3></a>"; } echo $out; } And there you have it. Your anchors are now-like-this and your SEO is just that tiny bit better. Note: There is probably a neater way to do this, but this is nice and clear and does everything, I think.
  17. Hi Christophe Always best to use the latest version, however, nothing need converting. When developing with a framework, I strongly suggest you start with the blank profile so you are not fighting against any existing systems. Then, add the framework in exactly the same way as you would for a static site (so, using the authors recommendations), but in the /site/templates folder. Next, I would suggest that using your home.php template you create a complete html page from <html> to </html>, just as suggested by the framework authors. Don't worry about anything ProcessWire, just put straight html in there. Note; see my tutorial about referencing css and javascript - this is the only "conversion" you need. Once that is all up and running, then you can split it up however you want to proceed. If this is all new to you, I suggest you just go for greating a head and foot and include them into the top and tail of your template. You will soon work out your own system. By the way, if with Foundation you use the scss files and work in SASS, then Prepros is a very good, all in one windows/mac solution which works well - you wont need to install ruby or compass, it is all included.
  18. Ha! I used to use Google Site too! Great resource for anything like that. For a game I had a little bit of involvement with I used it all the time for tech documentation and discussion with the developers.
  19. I tend to do something different each time. But i use Soma's notes module to write halp for each template. That keeps it in context
  20. I don't get to London often, but I suspect next time I do I am going to be walking around constantly thinking that I am being followed by the Finnish contingent. Mind you, it wont be the first time. Many joyous hours spent with this chappy back in the late 80s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erkki_Toivanen Well, since I am single these days, if you all invade, I am happy to show you around the bars sights - as long as someone volunteers to carry my liver.....
  21. Joss

    End-User Usability

    Just my little contribution, and for a change, I fancy being a bit annoying. ProcessWire is NOT Wordpress or Joomla It is not in direct competition with those platforms, but is meant to be something far more versatile and powerful for the professional user, yet open enough that the less knowledgeable user can learn and get their head round it in a way they enjoy and can find beneficial. The mistake, in my mind, that has been made in all zillion and one discussions about this is that they all start with making a comparison between the Drumlapress user base and the ProcessWire user base. They are different solutions in a different marketplace. If you want to make a comparison, choose the correct marketplace: Modx, Expression Engine, Liferay, even and loads of others which are about DEVELOPING solutions, not gluing them together. And when it comes to usability, when I used Joomla, I spent a huge amount of time making sure that clients could NOT update modules, user permissions and all the other things that would break the site. Trouble was, even with the new persmissions systems, that still wasn't properly possible. This "successful" application turned out to be inflexible, bloated and not fit for the modern application developer. Our job, as developers, is to create a solution for our clients that allows them to update those bits that fit with their skill set and their needs. They are experts on their products, their brand, their business structure, but not web development - that is why they hire a web developer in the first place. When I teach someone to use their PW interface, I find it a very short process. They get it immediately. There are three reasons for that: The interface is simple I remove everything they don't need or should not use I create the forms and the descriptions in a way that is completely in tune with their business process. Processwire allows me to do that. Wordpress and Joomla do not. I might not be a certificated Montessori teacher, but I have spent 35 years in advertising and communications working on high end internal and external communications solutions for some of the biggest companies in the world - Philips Electrical, British Airways, British Gas, Philips and Drew to name but a few. (Just in case anyone was wondering where my writing skills come from) Based on all that experience, I love the way I can use ProcessWire. I love the simple approach; the clearness and the focus on letting serious developers and communicators do their clients proud. I only see it getting better and stronger and more respected - but I see it doing that WITHOUT having to imitate a bunch of blogging software!
  22. Stay sober - can be a challenge. Go up to soho and drink guiness in the basement at The Toucan - it is a Guinness themed pub and is small, cramped, smelly and the wonderful. They also have the best collection of Irish Whiskey anywhere. If Colin still runs it (I haven't been there for years) ask for one of the Pre-1960 Middleton. It used to be £25 per shot! But gorgeous. And tell him hi. While you are up in Soho, I suggest a night at Ronnie Scotts jazz club is in order. Famous and stunning. You might want to go to Gerard Street or Lyle Street (the tiny China Town). Go to one of the smaller restaurants and have roast pork and rice or a plate of Dimm Sum. If you are very, very, very brave, there is Comptons in in compton street - they used have a really good drag cabaret, but it can feel dangerous in there. Put it this way, I am straight, but even gay friends were scared of it! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Comptons-of-Soho/157845687574555 In the same area is the French House - I used to go in there and buy large bottles of French cider and a couple of glasses. Nice atmos http://www.frenchhousesoho.com/ My FAVOURTITE dive, however, was the Blues Bar in Kingly Street, near Oxford Circus (all still in the same area). http://www.aintnothinbut.co.uk/ When I lived in central london I used to go there a couple of times a week and even played there a couple of times (when people got me drunk enough to persuade me to sing). I have had some fantastic times in there. Outside of alcohol, depending what you are into, I suggest the Tate Modern on the south bank, the National Theatre (also on the south bank) and the Globe Theatre, though that is open to the elements! (no roof). The Natural history Museum and the Science museum are still wonderful for quiet days. The Natural History is a simply spectacular building. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ However, their website is boring - try and get some work while you are there! Food? Well, London is the food capital of Europe with some of the best restaurants - and at a high price. But there are places like Efes on great Titchfield street for great turkish food. Owned by Kassim who is a letch, but my flat was dead opposite - best flat I ever had. Also Topkapi on Marylebone high street (still the west end) https://plus.google.com/102240451418416030908/about?gl=uk&hl=en Best take-away kebab ever. Nice people too. I am a bit out of touch with the food now - Langhams and Odins were two of my favourites. Langham's is owned by Michael Cane. http://langansbrasserie.com/ I think Odins might have closed. That will get you started. To be honest, once you start drinking at the Toucan and the Blues Bar, you will never be seen again. I didn't get out of there for five years!
  23. Crowdon - that is South London. Completely foreign place full of aliens. Ask anyone from North London and they will tell you the same thing! (I am a North Londoner, in case you couldn't guess - though it has been a few years since I last lived there) People in the UK always talk about a north/south divide between Pete (up north) and Me (down south). But to any Londoner they will immediately think of North and South London and wont even think about the rest of the UK
  24. Please note that the Foundation 5 profile is rather out of date! I haven't updated it because to be honest, it is as easy for you to install what ever framework you need. See the tutorial here: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installing-a-css-framework/
  25. Just found this http://www.semrush.com/blog/publications/the-myths-behind-meta-keywords/ Though not authoratitive
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