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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. I sometimes tweet the official @ handle but was wondering if it would be better to tweet hashtag instead..? #processwire
  2. Unicorns and Other Things We Must Stop Talking About in 2016 https://t.co/PIEK8O7RiX via @WIRED

  3. RT @doctorow: Lessig on how the economics of data-retention will drive privacy techhttps://t.co/iW0OWw7voI https://t.co/k4vYPnVgsJ

  4. RT @creativeengland: £50-£150k available for games studios based in ANY region outside of Greater London https://t.co/XOj3igCB3X https://t.…

  5. problems technological, ecological and democratic with the #blockchain https://t.co/y8GUJnhH0u #bitcoin #Ethereum #peercoin

  6. #makeymakey go finally arrived in the uk. Now imagination time ... https://t.co/h8Lh5AU5PT

  7. call me a luddite but I’m not sure guns should have wi-fi..? https://t.co/IpHuX7IvMd

  8. brand / design, ecological ethics, business philosophy, game design or alternative politics

  9. Hi! I'm writing some tutorials for Tuts+ and I'll put some information here when I have it. Love to hear your suggestions, and I think a couple of other people are wirting tutorials there and of course many other places.
  10. creating a new post for tuts elsewhere on the web https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11782-pw-tuts-elsewhere-on-the-web/
  11. Get REEL! u can now HEAR on my site aswell as VIEW, click the icon to get audio description https://t.co/uvH2XqbA75 https://t.co/wEO8lcpUhp

  12. What extra tutorials would you like to see? Also 3. I mostly use processwire for my full time freelance web designer work unless there's a legacy cms (in which place I usually try and move them to pw anyway) I'm a front end guy and it's a dream not having to do it the "template engines way" I'm looking at you Drupal :/
  13. anyone got a recommendation for a Bass Fishing camera?

  14. Another year, more business research collaboration https://t.co/b6zvVUkRHw

  15. prudent: "without a unified and open-source driverless car codebase shared by all driverless car manufacturers" https://t.co/MHRbZTFyGk

  16. Usually if I have a client who has used Wordpress or Drupal I just up sell them on the factor we can make it less cumbersome to use, which is generally to case. There's of course lots of other reasons too. If they haven't used any cms before then but have heard of Wordpress etc I generally list off pros and cons of the each and generally walk on Drupal 7 or lower projects a they require more effort in my experience and money.
  17. RT @BenedictDel: Out of complexity, simplicity. New RSA report looks at how a Universal Basic Income could work in practice. https://t.co/y…

  18. Writing some tutorials for Envato Tuts+ anyone have any recommendations of topics to help Processwire beginners? Starting with Installation, admin guide and themeing.
  19. why won’t any online service allow me to delete my user?! #UXfail

  20. managed to do it by incrementing the version of PW 1 each time till 'export profile' module worked and i could export. Thanks!
  21. whats the intagram strategy, its like they're locking it down more and more with the new approval process and new sandbox mode. https://www.instagram.com/developer/sandbox/ also do you create one client, or multiple clients - new one for each site? If multiple its almost impossible to do as each time you have to setup, submit to approve with instagram (including a step that asks you to submit a video of how your using instagram...) and wait. boo instagram boo!
  22. It's a strange day on Apple news https://t.co/M2onYLbuKS

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