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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. RT @buhii: “Machine learning for artists” by @genekogan https://t.co/mT62u2dZOg

  2. RT @janexwang: My thoughts on Paul Mason's #postcapitalism - AI in a post-capitalistic world https://t.co/vSG3rzTXpn

  3. They like coming in late to the party and doing it better, then owning the space altogether, or not bother. https://t.co/vOIzEDbPer

  4. That worked, I had $user overwritten, so i changed it for $u and $p
  5. error persists - it errors with the first call to $user->isLoggedin() (in the head.inc used to hide the nav if not logged in)
  6. hi @sammachin wondered if u could help, whats the best service for batches of text msg (50 >) without a harsh throttle on time or cost?

  7. RT @veritymcintosh: If you ignore the CEOs distracting nipples and the obvious porn applications, the Teslasuit is actually pretty cool htt…

  8. HELLO! I'm using $user->isLoggedin() three times on one template (in the head.inc, template-page.php and foot.inc). I'm using a custom login in my template file: // If they aren't logged in, then show the login form if(!$user->isLoggedin()){ // check for login before outputting markup if($input->post->user && $input->post->pass) { $user = $sanitizer->username($input->post->user); $pass = $input->post->pass; if($session->login($user, $pass)) { // login successful $session->redirect($homepage->url); } else { // login error $session->login_error = 'Login Failed. Please try again, or use the forgot password link below.'; } } if($input->post->user && $input->post->pass) { $login = "<p class='error'>" . $session->login_error . "</p>"; } $login .= "<form action='./' method='post'><div class='login'> <input type='text' id='user' name='user' placeholder='Enter your SP Company Code' /> <input class='hidden' type='password' name='pass' value='' /> <p><input type='submit' class='btn' name='submit' value='Login' /></p> </div></form>"; } // end !logged in Using the correct logins works and everything is cool, but putting the wrong passwords in creates a Internal server error on both the head.inc and foot.inc $user->isLoggedin() functions. I'm probably doing something absurdly stupid here, any ideas? thanks
  9. RT @HartsBakery: Best 'man walks into a bakery...' Joke wins a box of pastries delivered to your office! @templegateBS1 @EngineShed_BB or c…

  10. seems like I’m hitting on a trend https://t.co/JVy6AvfoWh

  11. really? mind telling me the steps? was trying to set it up with mail-in-a-box - this is the domain im setting it up on https://mail.nicegrp.com/
  12. RT @TechCrunch: HERE launches cloud-based maps for automated driving https://t.co/iHoK75fTNi https://t.co/Q8uAO8LgqJ

  13. Interesting post by @ow “Web developers rejoice; Internet Explorer 8, 9 and ...” https://t.co/mhUXzBT1KZ via @thenextweb

  14. RT @NathalieNahai: This is exciting. Intelligence 'networks' discovered in brain for the first time: https://t.co/XwLKeUp7gJ

  15. RT @wearepopup: We Are Pop Up HQ is recruiting a Full Stack Software Engineer. Details + apply here: https://t.co/ZsileZOCWg #jobs https://…

  16. mainly advice on what you'd want to see if you were new to PW theming
  17. 1 week to go before Ai, Ethics and behaviour talk at @PMStudioUK https://t.co/cELMXad6cO #ai #machineethics #robots&behaviour

  18. anyone have any thoughts or examples of tutorials for theme building in PW, just about to write mine as part of a series on envato. Ideally I'm looking to make my tutorial about making a complete theme for a simple website based from PW's site-default.
  19. RT @Activation: We’re hiring! We’re looking for a super digital Account Director to join our team in Bristol https://t.co/VFZ4todvcB https:…

  20. RT @alphr: Feel like you're living in a @DoubleFine adventure? You're not alone... https://t.co/WTc4Bix2yk https://t.co/2sq5RTDiuu

  21. RT @astro_timpeake: Look what turned up today…nearly time to start running your code in space! @astro_pi @Raspberry_Pi https://t.co/Dmdjev2…

  22. tried letsencrypt on my DigitalOcean server running Ubuntu and Nginx and totally failed to get heads of tails of it... :/
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