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Everything posted by markus_blue_tomato

  1. Hi @adrian thanks... something is wrong with my forum account. I can't edit my posts, I can't edit my profile (picture etc.) and on the module page I am not visible ad author of the module... do you know what could be wrong?
  2. ElasticsearchFeeder This ElasticSearch module for ProcessWire will sync your page content to an ElasticSearch index, which provides you a convenient way to search it. Thanks to @jonathan-dart who created the first ES Module for PW and which influenced us a lot. Our approach was to create an a module where we can make for each template a flexible schema. You can define on you own which data ind which format should be transfered to ElasticSearch. Github Page: https://github.com/blue-tomato/ElasticsearchFeeder Module Page: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/elasticsearch-feeder/
  3. node-processwire-logger Node.js module to log directly into the ProcessWire CMS/CMF log. Why? We had an use-case where we pre-generate static html pages from ProcessWire with ProCache and some internal node.js generator script. We thought it would be helpful to log errors when something goes wrong in the generator-process directly to the ProcessWire log. For this reason we created this Node.js Package. Github Page: https://github.com/blue-tomato/node-processwire-logger NPM Page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-processwire-logger
  4. TemplaneEngineMustache This module adds Mustache as engine to the TemplateEngineFactory. Project page in Github: https://github.com/blue-tomato/TemplateEngineMustache/ Module Page: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/template-engine-mustache/
  5. hi @thetuningspoon ! does the redis module still work for you? I got some strange issue with it and also with the native redis and memcached session_handler im PHP: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/798
  6. okay this is not an bug in the module. this happens also with native redis php session store and also with memcached. I have filed a PW bug: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/798
  7. Hi @netcarver I run into a very strange bug with SessionHandlerRedis which I documented as github issue: https://github.com/netcarver/PW-SessionHandlerRedis/issues/5
  8. Hi, I have tried to install the module and got an error. full report: https://github.com/karltdev/SessionHandlerDBRedis/issues/1
  9. Is there a way to use https://www.smarty.net/docsv2/de/api.register.function.tpl with this module? Can I access the $smarty class?
  10. $pages->find("template.name=songs, title=Last Christmas, band=Wham")->play(); // sorry for trolling ;-)
  11. I've tried some experiments with Processwire on Heroku (with multiple Dynos). It worked - I used For Sessions: Heroku Redis + https://modules.processwire.com/modules/session-handler-redis/ + https://elements.heroku.com/addons/heroku-redis For Uploads: Amazon S3 + https://modules.processwire.com/modules/amazon-s3-cloudfront/ For the DB: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/jawsdb-maria
  12. Thx! Our IT and Web-Dev Department is located in Graz - so greeting to vienna ?
  13. Thanks! I tried this and it works great (example): $field->useRoles = 1; $field->editRoles = array('author'); $field->viewRoles = array('translator', 'author'); But I decided to solve it in an other way - because I have an hook where "translator" have also edit right to the field. The user only should not have write-access in the GUI to it. I solved this with the "Visibility" setting. Namend "collapsed in the API: $field->collapsed = 7;
  14. I want to create a field, which I add later to a template. How can I set the access-rights only to superusers? I want, that this field is only visible to superusers. And my second question: Is it possible to make the field also read-only in the frontend but write-able from the API? $field = new Field(); $field->type = $modules->get("FieldtypeText"); $field->name = "my_field"; $field->label = "My Field Label"; $field->value = ''; $field->save();
  15. aaaah. holy shit sorry. my fault! I have 2 image fields in my template and the field which I tested was empty. But I was worried why I got an asset-path back and not NULL or else... Now with an uploaded image in the field it works.
  16. And this is my var_dump vom the image field: object(ProcessWire\Pageimages)#1233 (6) { ["count"]=> int(0) ["page"]=> string(66) "/en/blue-world/snowboard/nash-finale-2018-next-austrian-snow-hero/" ["field"]=> string(17) "news_previewimage" ["url"]=> string(24) "/site/assets/files/2746/" ["path"]=> string(37) "/var/www/html/site/assets/files/2746/" ["items"]=> array(0) { } }
  17. Yes this was only an issue of my example code. In my real module I use this: $this->addHookAfter('Pagefile::url', $this, 'addLoremIpsumQueryParameters'); I tried it with the ->first() method but only got NULL ?
  18. I have an hook in an module, where I do some URL manipulation on my Imagefiles. This works really nice in the frontend. (e.g. add query parameters) /* ... some module code... */ public function init() { $this->addHookAfter('Pagefile::url', $this, function(HookEvent $event) { if(!$event->object instanceof Pagefile) { return; } $file = $event->object; $fileBasename = $file->basename; $event->return = $fileBasename . '?lorem=ipsum'; }); } Now I'm developing an module where I send my pages to ElasticSearch after saving the page with an Hook after the save. public function init() { $this->pages->addHookAfter('save', $this, function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments[0]; // hook does not form. query parameters are not added $image = $page->my_image_field->url; }); } But within the Page::save Hook, the Pagefile::url Hook is not executed. The whole module init from the Pagefile::url is executed but the Hook itself not. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or is this not possible?
  19. And Pull Request which should fix the bug: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/126
  20. Ahh. I think this is a bug in the new UIKit Admin Theme. When I remove "uk-disabled" class from the language <li> tab, I can click it and get also the message.
  21. PW 3.0.117 with PHP 7.0.17 In this screenshot the user has only right for page-edit-lang-de. When I click on English (default), nothing happens.
  22. I'm want to set up access rules for my translators. I followed the steps in this article: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/language-access-control-and-more-special-permissions/ After setting this up. My French translator can't see the input from other languages for multilanguage fields. No English, no German, only French. Is it possible to give someone the rights to see the english input and only write to french? This would be much more easy to translate the content from english to french.
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