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Everything posted by markus_blue_tomato

  1. ElasticsearchFeeder saves the document-ID returned by ElasticSearch and the time of the last sync to the correspondending page.
  2. @ryan Maybe also some Point to start: The Open Pull Requests: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pulls
  3. Currently I am developing a new very small and simple ProcessWire Website with PHP 8 (and I try also enabled JIT) - planned go live Jan/Feb 2021. But for some older bigger Project with many modules and code which is on 7.4 I'll wait some month to upgrade since I had some troubles with php-redis and imagemagick with php8, which I use in this project
  4. Ah! I had problems because to owner of the files was root not www-data ?
  5. Hi @elabx, Currently I do the same in Digital Ocean. But I use in my Droplet a Docker image. Did you have problems with file permissions? 755 for directories did not work, only 777 ?
  6. Thanks! I have created a PR with a fix: https://github.com/wanze/SeoMaestro/pull/27
  7. I use also Docker and it is fast, but when the FileCompiler has to compile a module it is very slow... over > 1 Minute for compilation of 1 module. I did not found a solution yet...
  8. Sure, didn't find yet where the output happens of the meta data. How do you add the meta property to the Page? I only know this way: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire/add-hook-property/ but did not found it in the code
  9. Problems solved by uninstall und new install of the module. I think changing the namespace needs new install of modules..
  10. Hello! I have a problem with the display of getModuleConfigInputfields. With this code, the Inputfields are not shown. When I remove "namespace ProcessWire" it works, but then the first request needs 1.5 minutes for the compilation. Does anybody knows what the .... is going on here? I am getting a little bit crazy ? <?php namespace ProcessWire; class ElasticsearchFeeder extends WireData implements Module, ConfigurableModule { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => 'ElasticsearchFeeder', 'class' => 'ElasticsearchFeeder', 'version' => 134, 'summary' => 'Schema-flexible module for getting your page into ElasticSearch', 'href' => 'https://github.com/blue-tomato/ElasticsearchFeeder/', 'singular' => true, 'autoload' => 'template=admin', 'requires' => [ 'PHP>=7.0.0', 'ProcessWire>=3.0.133' ] ); } public function init() { } public static function getModuleConfigInputfields(array $data) { $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper(); $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); $field->name = 'headline_default'; $field->label = "Please enter the promo headline:"; $inputfields->add($field); return $inputfields; } }
  11. This module requires https://github.com/kornrunner/php-blurhash. The best way to install ImageBlurhash is to install it via composer: composer require blue-tomato/image-blurhash This install also all dependencies
  12. Is it possible to set $config->sessionFingerprint based on specific user roles? E.g. guest, roleA = 1 roleB = 16
  13. Haha great, and sorry - I completely forgot the issue due some spontaneous new ProcessWire side project for the guest registration in Vienna/Lower Austria: https://www.heute.at/s/cowirtat-hilft-bei-der-registrierung-im-gasthaus-100106087
  14. Hi @Wanze, I saw, that the SeoMaestro Fields have no fallback to default language, like other processwire fields, if the current language value is not set. Is this possible?
  15. ProcessWire: ProcessPageEdit: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/MYATA0YA' (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied) ProcessWire: ProcessPageEdit: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 Can't create/write to file '/tmp/MYJoge1O' (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied) Hello, does anybody know what this Error mean? I get this when I want to edit a page. Never had this since yet.
  16. Did anybody here developed a ProcessWire Site with Recurring Payments / Subscriptions? I have an idea for an B2B service where companies can register themselves and if they have an active subscription they can access some specific content. They can also cancel the subscription every month. I looked and SnipWire/FormBuilder but found nothing about Recurring Payments.
  17. I will take a look into it this week. In the meanwhile you try to create the blurhash based on a smaller size. I make this on also every blurhash pic on blue tomato E.g. // original pic size: 500/200 $hash = $page->pic()->getBlurhashDataUri(50, 20);
  18. Hmmm, can you send me some of your original uploaded images which makes this problem?
  19. Thx, I pushed a fix for this by rounding width and height directly in getBlurhashDataUri
  20. Yes it's possible. You can download it from the pw module directory but you also have to install https://github.com/kornrunner/php-blurhash manually and include it.
  21. Has anybody tried PHP Preloading in PHP 7.4 with Processwire yet? https://stitcher.io/blog/preloading-in-php-74 Sounds interessting... I would Preload all files in /vendor/ and /wire/. What do you think?
  22. I've created a PR for the documentation to prevent further confusions: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/pull/177 ?
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