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Everything posted by markus_blue_tomato

  1. Here now some details how we use ElasticsearchFeeder on www.blue-tomato.com: Our main webshop technology is Java / SAP Hybris which is mostly developed by an external developer team. Hybris is good for multichannel webshops but not the best tool for general content management or for creating quick new content. So we use ProcessWire for our editoral content like blogs, landing pages, buyers guides etc. since 2 years. We created a RestAPI where SAP Hybris gets the content from ProcessWire. So ProcessWire prerenders the main-body and gives it with some metadata to Hybris which puts them between the webshop header and footer. This works great with following page sections: https://www.blue-tomato.com/blue-world/ https://www.blue-tomato.com/team/ https://www.blue-tomato.com/buyers-guides/skateboard/skateboard-decks/ Since this are kind of static pages it worked very well but we want to integrate also our content dynamicly on other high traffic pages like the homepage or product detail pages. This is why we decided to put our content into ElasticSearch. In front of ElasticSearch we created an GraphQL / Node.js Server, because we mashup our ProcessWire data with product data from other (REST) sources. For the first step we created two kind of widgets, which run on the Blue Tomato Homepage: Blue World News (latest news from our blog) Shop The Look The Shop The Look Widget is our first try to mix and show data from different sources. The Editor of a "Look" has to create the look in the ProcessWire Admin panel. He uploads the look photo and has to put product IDs into a Table. No product price, title or image. All of the product data will be fetched by GraphQL from our other database during the request. All widgets are rendered with React. I hope I could give you a short overview of what we do with ProcessWire and ElasticsearchFeeder.
  2. I had some use case, were I have to show some data from my $page->meta() to specific users in the admin panel while they edit the page. I used FieldtypeRuntimeMarkup and created a field which makes only the output of this meta values. It works well.
  3. I forgot to write some update here. We made some minor and one major release since 1.0.0 with this changes: fix some log warnings from some Repeater fields Module can now be installed via composer Add support for $config->elasticsearchFeederConnectionOverride Better support of own hosted ElasticSearch Servers Use of PW 3.0.133's new $page->meta() feature instead of creating a fields for indexed pages CI Tests via circleci.com and peridot-php Current Version is 1.2.0 and since we use $page-meta() the module requires now PW 3.0.133 And a live production demo will follow the next 1-2 weeks.
  4. $page->meta() is great, I will use it in the coming version of https://modules.processwire.com/modules/elasticsearch-feeder/
  5. Nice module - I also wait for custom properties very hard. It's on the roadmap since late 2017. I hope @ryan has some time for this soon.
  6. I would like to be able to fetch the image description for fields in a language different than the current logged in user. For field values that's easy // p is page, l is language, and f is field $p->getLanguageValue($l, $f); I'm looking for something like $page->image->getLanguageValue('en', 'description');
  7. ProCache, ProFields (Matrix), ProLister
  8. Is there any good way to manage PW dependencies - mainly modules - with composer or else? I know that there are some PW modules available for composer, but not all. Does anyone have an idea to get other 3th party modules manageable with composer? In our team of 3 dev's it would help us a lot to handle module updates and dev setup. I was playing around with a idea to build a "ppm - processwire package manager" on my own if I find nothing good.
  9. Yes we have also this problem. only solution is the workaround to set the users language to the default language ?
  10. Currently, we are using https://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-seo/ Does anyone have an idea how we could migrate the content of $page->seo-title and $page->seo->description to Seo Maestro?
  11. TemplateEngineMustache 2.0.0 are now supporting TemplateEngineFactory 2.0.0
  12. TemplateEngineSmarty is now compatible with TemplateEngineFactory 2.x: https://github.com/blue-tomato/TemplateEngineSmarty
  13. Hi, we are looking for an PHP / Processwire Developer, located in Graz, Austria: https://www.karriere.at/jobs/5456711 ?
  14. Sure we can do that ? Do you want to transfer the repo to our account: https://github.com/blue-tomato ? You can write me also via email for the details: markus.tiefenbacher {at} blue-tomato.com
  15. Nice! will you upgrade TemplateEngineSmarty also soon?
  16. @gebeer did you solve your problem with the... $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); ...solution? Did you see any performance improvement?
  17. I think this is okay - maybe to put some documentation note about that in the readme for user's who used MarkupSEO and will migrate zu SeoMaestro.
  18. Very cool! I used this other markup-seo module since yet but I think I will try to switch soon, because I had to trick some stuff into the other module to get multilang. One thing what would be cool, I guess: the whole SEO-Fields into an extra "SEO" tab on the page.
  19. Recently I created some graphic which shows our cms-stack and nice we are using percona mysql as database I noticed that ProcessWire and Percona have some similar logos: ?
  20. Not now but soon. We are developing around our ElasticSearch Instance a GraphQL Service and will than show Content from our Blog etc. in other heavy traffic section on https://www.blue-tomato.com When it is live I will post it here
  21. I found a solution. I added following to my php.ini: redis.session.locking_enabled = 1 redis.session.lock_expire = 60 redis.session.lock_retries = -1
  22. I'm looking for some help with Sessions in Redis and Memcached. First, I discovered this issue in the third-party module SessionHandlerRedis from @netcarver After reading more about Session in PHP with Redis, I found that PHP can handle this (and also with memcached) out of the box without any third party module. I tried it with Redis and memcached so in this cases I added following to my php.ini session.save_handler = redis session.save_path = "tcp://" session.save_handler = memcached session.save_path = "" Everything went well and sessions were saved to redis/memcached in both methods. ..... but: The only thing what does not work, was the upload of multiple files at once. So when I upload two images, only the image which are last finished are saved to the database. In the JSON response of the AJAX upload request, the page-id of the file where in both files the same id. Sometimes with memcached the response failed because the response was no valid JSON and the response was the login page of processwire. I opened an issue in processwire-issues but @ryan hasn't worked with this kind of session handling since yet: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/798 Does any body uses Redis or memcached as session handling and has also found this bug?
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